New Member
I am really intrested to know more on why genetics are so important I understand what you are saying but also touching on genetics can be a hit and miss when it comes to the real goal which I would think is trying to help people with different illness cope with their pain, fatigue, nausea, etc. I mean no disrespect I am just saying IMO if your friend only grew some SD, Widow Berry, and JH and was damn good at it I think he could do well for himself especially if he knows his stuff I mean there are very basic people out there that just want their pain to go away they dont really care whats new and my guess would be it might be older folks that have the cards as well as younger folks. I mean my wife that has Fibro, RA, Lupis, Arthritis,RLS.. I mean she wouldnt care if you said OG master kush compared to Phoenix suns or ATF she would just want it to wok . From what I found those meds (JH and SD) have proven to work with other patients if they work at helping her just a little bit I think she wouldnt be so worried about new genetics but focusing on what made her feel better to have a least have a semi normal day with the least amount of pain. Again all my opinion
You have just reiterated why genetics are so important. New or Old it does not matter, it is about effectiveness. Many of the current breeders in the US are creating new strains with specific ailments in mind. In Israel a new strain just came out, Avidekel, almost no THC content and 15% CBD. In laymen terms that means more medicinal qualities and less of a euphoric high.. Dirt strains will not give your wife the relief she needs, but at the same time smoking the most potent strain my not be the solution either. Regardless, genetics are going to be important and growers who do not understand the medicinal values of their strains probably just smoke to get high. To each their own...