what can I do to grow atleast 3 pounds of dry bud in a 5x5 area with 1000 watt light


what grow method can i use to get 3 pounds of bud with a 1000 watt light in a 6x6x6 tent in a organic soil medium. Don't care how long it takes? And also i already know about the "it has to do with genetics" or "how well you grow it" shit so please don't post that, i just want somebody to give me a method like sog or long vegging time ect.


Well-Known Member
Id cram 1344 rooted clones in shot glasses in the the tent sog style but veg them for atleast 6 weeks then flip to 12/12. If u get a gram a plant bingo you hit your goal. I got 7lbs of this method in a 4x8 with 2k watts in soil, gh nutes, and custom made 1.5 fluid ounce air pot/ smart pot hybrids.

And then my high wore off and I came back into reality. Damn I need to stop smoking so much. By the sounds of it you do too...


Well-Known Member
How about doing your first grow from germ to chop, see what you get and then adjust your techniques/set up?

Right now, you sound like all hat and no cattle.

Get to growing.



Well-Known Member
You are on the wrong board. Go to a religious site and start praying.

"I want a million dollars. Don't want to work..." Snivel somewhere else fool.
We are serious folks trying to do a positive thing here. We don't have time for



Active Member
Grow methods can be a personal opinion.
Experiment with your plants and over time you will find a method that works best for you.....


Well-Known Member
what grow method can i use to get 3 pounds of bud with a 1000 watt light in a 6x6x6 tent in a organic soil medium. Don't care how long it takes? And also i already know about the "it has to do with genetics" or "how well you grow it" shit so please don't post that, i just want somebody to give me a method like sog or long vegging time ect.
SOG, or long veg time

Exactly what you wanted someone to tell you.



You can dream. That'll be the only way you'll ever see 3 lbs of dry weed with that setup. First off you need more light and more space for it to be possible to get that size of a crop. Else just grow for a few years and save up untill you have 3 lbs.


Vertical Bulb - I think you could get 3 lbs with a stadium style grow. It's simple math. Build shelving around the room and calculate how many ounces you will get from each plant. 3 lbs is 48 ounces, so if you can get 50 plants in there about 16 inches tall, you should be able to pull atleast an ounce each. Hang your 1000w vertically without a fixture or with a cool tube....You will get amazing results with 1 6x6 tent.

You could also SOG to hit 3 per light. Purchase a 4x4 tray for a hundred bucks, create drainage, put a 200 gallon smart pot in the tray, then fill the smart pot with Roots 707 soil. This is a soil bed. I would place 144 clones in that tent, veg for 1 week then flip to 12/12. No training and you will get 10-14 grams per plant, easily.

Just calculate your canopy surface area, then estimate the yield on a per plant basis...I've never done it, but I'm sure you could easily hit 3.


Well-Known Member
what grow method can i use to get 3 pounds of bud with a 1000 watt light in a 6x6x6 tent in a organic soil medium. Don't care how long it takes? And also i already know about the "it has to do with genetics" or "how well you grow it" shit so please don't post that, i just want somebody to give me a method like sog or long vegging time ect.

Maybe you could try the 'ITS NEVA GONNA HAPPEN' method.. :o


Well-Known Member
make a scrog were the fence that you use as screen is flat to control canopy like any other but also goes up the sides of the tent or walls another 3-4 feet vertical and train your plants into the bottem area and the extra 4 feet of screen on 3 sides (1 side shouldn't have a screen so you can get in there and train them)

thats the only way i know how to come close to your goal with horizontal bulb in your size space.

got 2 pounds and some change under a 600 watt in a 4 1/2' x 2 1/2' tent,

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
if u cram ur little tent full of ladies trying to reach ur goal, chances are u will get NOTHING. ur bud will get mold before anything else. u cant be serious about this post...let me guess, u r going to grow with cfl's too


Active Member
Damn dude was just asking a question and you guys all jump on him... like someone said you could veg in the tent and then flower outside and get 3lbs... seems like some of you need to toke before you talk haha


Well-Known Member
ive pulled 3 ps off a thousand watt. but your probably not going to achieve it going organic soil imO. and it seems like your sort of new, if you think your going to pull this off in your first couple runs you have a better chance of winning the lottery. with that being said, i dont think its possible to achieve that goal without co2 either. good luck.