Gay marriage?

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I did, and it didn't. It assumed the premise was accepted and then used ramen-noodle logic to develop the concept of what was an acceptable sexual relationship. Face it; that is a religious screed. I find it bemusing that you'll turn the the Catholics whom you so despise when they agree with your preconception. "The enemy of my enemy" is a concept whose time has come and gone.

Note the opening phrase of point 2: "Our sexuality was created to be expressed between the male and female genders" contains the shiny bit inside the tasty wiggly thing. I'll wager the author of this little screed went to a Catholic university. cn
Notice my edit
actually.. you pulled your facts from a catholic site justin bieber... noone is gonna take the time, maybe canna because he will probably be the only ones out of us that has the time to read all that... he hibernates. wait right polar bears hibernate right
Notice my edit

But it simply posits that bit about design for strict heterosexuality. It does not prove or support it using modern biology for the utterly compelling reason that it cannot. It's a classic example of trying to pound the square peg of an unyielding doctrine into the round hole of observing how nature works. cn
But it simply posits that bit about design for strict heterosexuality. It does not prove or support it using modern biology for the utterly compelling reason that it cannot. It's a classic example of trying to pound the square peg of an unyielding doctrine into the round hole of observing how nature works. cn

do you hibernate or what...
and btw neer, you thought that slippery slope was a fallacy... well I already found a guy piggy backing on gays rights to marry and hes saying a father should have the right to marry his daughter.
and btw neer, you thought that slippery slope was a fallacy... well I already found a guy piggy backing on gays rights to marry and hes saying a father should have the right to marry his daughter.

I saw that. I think you got playfully trolled, and I wasn't even there to participate. Jmo. cn
LOL!!! Look at this! I must have really made him mad!!!!! I'm in his sig!!! I feel honored!!! Was it my avatar??? The truth hurts??? Or you're upset that you can't afford new stuff?
LOL!!! Look at this! I must have really made him mad!!!!! I'm in his sig!!! I feel honored!!! Was it my avatar??? The truth hurts???
Im sorry you made a statement so stupid that it deserved to be my sig.. im really sorry you made that choice.
It was your stupid choice to say that you only have insomnia then say you have other medical problems that require opiates. If you don't understand that spending money is stimulating to the economy then that is just like you. Sure the amount I spend may not have a noticeable effect on the over all economy, but if you watch the news or pay attention to the economy you would know that spending money stimulates the economy. Don't you remember the stimulus checks? Or are you old enough for that? It is even better for the economy when people with extra money (not living pay check to pay check but actually have more than 10-20k or more in the bank at any given time) like myself spend extra money. Sure the little money I spend doesn't make a huge effect but it does. If you are buying weed from the club and complaining about prices then I'm pretty sure I spend more on my power bill every month than you do on all your bills and entertainment combined! So yes, my extra spending is stimulating to the economy, It is spreading the wealth, I shop at mostly small mom and pop stores and unlike you I don't bitch about paying the markup.
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