Marijuana Legalization : Day One

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Medical marijuana is a joke
and before you get on me about some people get a benefit from Marijuana medically
The vast majority of them do not

You got dispensary busts because these places are raking in tens of thousands of dollars a day
growing on such a large scale that they are supplying other dispensarys
and have docs on premises where you can get a recommendation no matter what your health as long as you follow a script

Whats wrong with getting high?
Make weed legal to possess and grow if you are over 18
But illegal to sell for any amount
Everyone can have their weed and smoke it too

And lets face it. If you got a freind who is between crops. You're going to give him some weed anyways.
Totally take the money out of the drug business and legalize the weed
If weed get legalized, then the money comes out of it automatically. Despite the claims made by some of RIU, it does not take a Phd and years of apprenticeship to a Buddhist monk to grow a weed. My guess is cannabis will cost about $10 per pound when legal.

What is wrong with selling it? Just like beer, wine, cheese and hamburger, most people will probably prefer to buy their cannabis from a supplier. Growing your own little garden to supply your own needs is fine too. I like to to grow tomatoes, but I still buy them at the store sometimes.

By the way, I agree that "medical marijuana" is mostly a scam. I am not disputing the cannabis has medicinal qualities, just that the current state of things is just a big end run around prohibition.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Do you really want Phillip Morris and RJ reynolds involved?
I quit smoking cigarettes 2 weeks ago
Now I vape ejuice. Saves me a shit load of money and the house dont stink

Lorillard and RJ reynolds are buying into E cigs now
And coincidentally
Now there are calls for regulating the e cigs, and the ingredients to make the juice
How much you wanna bet who the likely suspects are?

Yes, I do want Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds and Walmart and Lockheed Martin involved, and every other big corporation you can name. I quit smoking 5 weeks ago, so I am ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do want Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds and Walmart and Lockheed Martin involved, and every other big corporation you can name. I quit smoking 5 weeks ago, so I am ahead of you.
I guess I really didnt quit
I just changed my nicotine delivery system

Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
If weed get legalized, then the money comes out of it automatically. Despite the claims made by some of RIU, it does not take a Phd and years of apprenticeship to a Buddhist monk to grow a weed. My guess is cannabis will cost about $10 per pound when legal.

What is wrong with selling it? Just like beer, wine, cheese and hamburger, most people will probably prefer to buy their cannabis from a supplier. Growing your own little garden to supply your own needs is fine too. I like to to grow tomatoes, but I still buy them at the store sometimes.

By the way, I agree that "medical marijuana" is mostly a scam. I am not disputing the cannabis has medicinal qualities, just that the current state of things is just a big end run around prohibition.
Honestly if you cannot grow a autoflower you got problems
I think weed would cost more than 10 bucks a pound though. The reason why I want it illegal to sell is becuase when Big tobacco gets involved they distort the market to favor them.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I guess I really didnt quit
I just changed my nicotine delivery system

Keep up the good work
Let me tell you my dirty little nicotine secret. I quit smoking in 1972 while in the army. I started smoking cigars in 2007 while working in Iraq and got hooked again. FUCKING STUPID!!!! Finally, I got fed up with being a slave to tobacco and quit again last month.

You hang in there too. Ecigs are a whole lot better than the real deal. I don't think nicotine itself is really a matter of concern, health wise.


Well-Known Member
I quit in December. I used patches, gum, welbutrin and would have sacrificed a goat if I thought it would have helped. Stay strong Chesus.


Well-Known Member
I quit in December. I used patches, gum, welbutrin and would have sacrificed a goat if I thought it would have helped. Stay strong Chesus.
Hey there is nothing to stay strong about.
Honestly. no cravings.
I've tried welbutrin, and that other shit (covered by insurance) both times I quit for awhile and then went back smoking,
These ecigs hit the spot. You got everything. Taste ,throat hit, smoke (vapor) and nicotine My wife says it dont smell and i can breath better and smell things. I was at the gas station last saturday. I never realized a new car smelled so much. I could smell the guys tires and that new car smell 15 feet away


Well-Known Member
Hey there is nothing to stay strong about.
Honestly. no cravings.
I've tried welbutrin, and that other shit (covered by insurance) both times I quit for awhile and then went back smoking,
These ecigs hit the spot. You got everything. Taste ,throat hit, smoke (vapor) and nicotine My wife says it dont smell and i can breath better and smell things. I was at the gas station last saturday. I never realized a new car smelled so much. I could smell the guys tires and that new car smell 15 feet away

I am 16 years out. It is nice to be able to breath

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Hey there is nothing to stay strong about.
Honestly. no cravings.
I've tried welbutrin, and that other shit (covered by insurance) both times I quit for awhile and then went back smoking,
These ecigs hit the spot. You got everything. Taste ,throat hit, smoke (vapor) and nicotine My wife says it dont smell and i can breath better and smell things. I was at the gas station last saturday. I never realized a new car smelled so much. I could smell the guys tires and that new car smell 15 feet away
You got a link to your nicotine delivery system? I might be interested.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Hey there is nothing to stay strong about.<br>
Honestly. no cravings.<br>
I've tried welbutrin, and that other shit (covered by insurance) both times I quit for awhile and then went back smoking,<br>
These ecigs hit the spot. You got everything. Taste ,throat hit, smoke (vapor) and nicotine My wife says it dont smell and i can breath better and smell things. I was at the gas station last saturday. I never realized a new car smelled so much. I could smell the guys tires and that new car smell 15 feet away
<br>You got a link to your nicotine delivery system?&nbsp; I might be interested.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It depends upon how overt. Currently in California dispensary busts rarely result in jail time, simple confiscation is enough. Sooner or later these confsications without busts will come under SCOTUS scruteny as the practice has questionable constitutional merit.

But this is why I urge folks to vote for Obama. Romeny will not intentionaly select a SCOTUS candidate that will look favorably on state legal marijuana.
obama will select for appointment those who support his positions and patronage,, like eric "cockbreath" holder. remember he serves at the pleasure of the president. if BHO actually thought weed was ok (for anyone besides himself) he would have snatched cockbreath bald and kicked his ass to the unemployment line. he didnt. he allows the continuation of illegal threats intimidation, coercion and violence against innocent law abiding potheads over a fucking federal regulation that has no power under law!

your argument that somehow barry seotoro will appoint pot friendly judges to the supreme bench is laughable. he cant even appoint a pot friendly AG in his own administration. barry doesnt give a shit about cannabis the illegal immoral drug war, or anything but more power for his benevolent federal government (which will be evil again when a republican takes the helm with the same policies)

obama maintained the same policies as bush2 with simi8lar results across the board. barry doesnt work for you stupid liberals who voted for him,, just like bush2 didnt work for the stupid conservatives who voted for him. until we throw some bums out and pick our candidates through OUR choice instead of national party policies we will get tweedle dee and tweedle dum.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Do you really want Phillip Morris and RJ reynolds involved?
I quit smoking cigarettes 2 weeks ago
Now I vape ejuice. Saves me a shit load of money and the house dont stink

Lorillard and RJ reynolds are buying into E cigs now
And coincidentally
Now there are calls for regulating the e cigs, and the ingredients to make the juice
How much you wanna bet who the likely suspects are?
you quit smoking by turning to another consumer product with the same chemicals from the same assholes who you blame for all the evil in the world?

why dont you just grow your own tobacco or actually quit. it aint that hard to do either.

to quit smoking without patches and gum, get dark chocolate and orages. when you want a smoke,, eat an orange, and suck on a dark chocolate. these hit the same neurons that nicotine does, and will smooth your cravings. after the first week its smooth sailing, and even the smell of a cig will turn your stomach.


Well-Known Member
you quit smoking by turning to another consumer product with the same chemicals from the same assholes who you blame for all the evil in the world?

why dont you just grow your own tobacco or actually quit. it aint that hard to do either.

to quit smoking without patches and gum, get dark chocolate and orages. when you want a smoke,, eat an orange, and suck on a dark chocolate. these hit the same neurons that nicotine does, and will smooth your cravings. after the first week its smooth sailing, and even the smell of a cig will turn your stomach.

Well Kynes
you just stuck your foot in your mouth
which in your case is hard to do
becuase in this case
Your head is up your ass


Active Member
You guys are bunch of reasonable motherfuckers. I was hoping for a little more marijuana conspiracy on this thread. To predict what they might do, it would valuable to know why they're keeping it illegal to begin with. I used to think it was just a relic from the Nixon days, doubled down by Reagan, and as the public opinion shifted, they would shift too. I no longer believe that. I thought the Bush administration was douchey about medical marijuana, but Obama is making Bush look like Bob Marley. With the recent crackdown on dispensaries it seems like they're as aggressive as they've been since the Just Say No days. With 3/4 of America in favor of legal medicinal marijuana, and 50% in favor of full legalization, it boggles the mind that neither Barack or Mitt wouldn't want to throw some support that way to engage some people in an otherwise dull election season.

Sure the truth is probably dull. The issue may have been poll tested perhaps it had bigger negatives than positives for a candidate. Maybe there is some perfectly reasonable explanation for doing the full court press on dispensaries. But fuck all that! I much prefer the theories about one industry or another colluding with the government to keep it illegal. I think I read that the DEA is going to take another look at marijuana in October and possibly reclassify it. Kind of odd since they just friggin looked at it last year. Maybe the Sativex theory is right. Maybe they'll drop it down to schedule 3 and the FDA will approve Sativex and the gov't will just continue to enforce federal law as they have been. Maybe the gov't is really in the drug dealing business and they need to keep it illegal and expensive because all that cool secret spy shit the CIA has doesn't pay for itself. Either way, they''l tell all the states that they can't legalize weed. The police won't mind. If they couldn't make arrests by chasing down pot heads, they might have to actually solve crimes for living and that shit is hard work.

Seriously, though. I think there will be some federal resistance. If, for whatever reason, they have some motivation to keep it illegal, I'm not sure why they let public opinion get so high. The government could have done one of those aggressive anti pot propaganda campaigns to tilt the numbers in their favor.


Well-Known Member
translation - "he is not a great big giant huge tremendous hypocrite, he is only a geat big giant hypocrite "
Why isnt Obama going after all these dispensarys that are listed?
over a hundred of them
and these are just the ones advertising their prices

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
The attack on any dispensary is a direct assault on the peoples rights.

"In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me." - Martin Niemoeller


Well-Known Member
The attack on any dispensary is a direct assault on the peoples rights.

"In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me." - Martin Niemoeller
First you invoke Godwins law
Then you make a falacious argument

The dispensaries getting busted are getting busted for a reason. They are out of compliance with state law

Which brings me to this point
Make weed legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell
The whole medical marijuana iniative is bullshit
It is not a foot in the door. It is a impediment to what really needs to be done
legalize the possession of weed

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
First you invoke Godwins law
Then you make a falacious argument

The dispensaries getting busted are getting busted for a reason. They are out of compliance with state law

Which brings me to this point
Make weed legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell
The whole medical marijuana iniative is bullshit
It is not a foot in the door. It is a impediment to what really needs to be done
legalize the possession of weed
The only thing fallacious as you put it is the big bad government getting involved in peoples lives in far too many areas they have no bussiness in. The state law argument is false, not in entirety but still in many cases does not apply. This issue is political, and these attacks are politically motivated. Semolina Pilchard climbing the Eiffel Tower. - the attacks not you. Oaksterdam is an example.