im saying hes using the plight of the east coast to further his political agenda . . . . .he doesn't give two shits about 47% of the country, hes made that clear
giving a bus and making donations are a choice, and i believe he chooses to do it in order to make him look better, vs contributing to those less fortunate to be a good person vs, make him look better , I.E he didnt take certian tax cuts just to make it seem like he pays more tax's
oh ya i forgot calling 47% of the takers adn users and sponges is a good thing .. . . .. words like that have a positive connotation
and yes, giving a campaign tour bus vs sending transport trucks and cold storage trucks with real supplies to make a difference is about as much as nothing as what i provided . . morale support
where does the romeny campaign have thus buss full of supplies . . .. link please or C/P it . . .