I am a Obama supporter. I have a job that contributes to my 401k I have health ins. I take nothing from the government. That being said, I do consider myself center-left. So I do believe government has and should have a roll in some things, I also believe that it can't get out of control.
I think Obama has better intentions for the middle class then Mitt does. But the one thing that bothers me is when Obama/Biden or Romney/Paul get asked the question, which loopholes they would close. They all won't give specifics. The reason why, is all the lobbyist would go up to Washington and all of them would be fighting over the funding they are receiving from the government.
I don't trust Mitt. His own party accused him off flip flopping in the primaries. There is plenty of video of him flip flopping throughout his career. I remember all the republicans and all the right winged pundits hated and despised Mitt. They were more happy when Herman Cain was in the lead. But I guess if you can't be with the one you love , then love the one you are with. Right?
As for Obama. I think inherited a huge mess. Considering the mess europe is in. I feel we are slowly climbing out of the hole. For people to think we should be out of this mess right away, don't have a realistic approach on things. I guess that's what happens when we live in a "I got to have it NOW" society. Washington is broken and has been long before Obama got here. Healthcare was going up long before Obama got here. We were in a war long before Obama got here. The middle class has been shrinking long before Obama got here. And that isn't against republicans, that is against both parties. I would prefer a third party if they were a serious contender. But voting for a third party is like throwing your vote away.
I do believe in accelerated global warming from man. I do believe in pro-choice. I do believe you do have the right to bare arms(maybe not rocket launchers and human killing super guns). Only rely on the government if you TRULY need it. I think you should be self sufficient. I am not against all of republican beliefs. But it seems when a republican gets into office they start wars and run the deficit up. If they stood by there principles leaned just a skosh to the left and were truly fiscal conservatives, they would be a half way decent party. They might actually be a more versatile party. Instead they are a party old white fossils.