Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
OGTR regulates gmos in aus not FSANZ or SBS. I know people that cannot eat GM corn as they break out in mild rashes and just general itchiness. Only GM corn does this to them.

Obviously your suffering from cell division dysfunction - layoff the GMOs
are you on a mission to see how many things you can get wrong in one day?
Applications and current status
(June 2012)
All applications for genetically modified food must be assessed on a case-by-case basis by FSANZ. The assessment report for each application is available by clicking on the link below.
[h=1]Office of the Gene Technology Regulator[/h] The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator has been established within the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing to provide administrative support to the Gene Technology Regulator in the performance of his functions under the Gene Technology Act 2000.


Well-Known Member
Hey foot soldier, can my pumpkins vote for NO GMO too? I think theyd vote NO GMO!! And for the record, the poll states that that we dont want genetic engineering or people like you, monsanto hitler, and his SS of GM food pushing nazi douchbags on our site. We want Quality over Quantity :) We want our craft to stay in our gardens and out of philip morris fields, after all, we havent needed to do anything more than whats being done now to stay buzzin ;) heres a picture of my non GMO pumpkins for you monsanto nazis

I grow my own food in the summer, I don't grow GM because it more expensive and unnecessary for my purposes.

I don't however feel the need to try decide what other people will grow.

I also have the option in the shop to buy GM or non-GM food and have preference nor dislike for neither.

You lot are fucking facists tho, trying to stop other people being free just so you can spread your smelly, unwashed, irrational fear around to other dolts stupid enough to believe your bullshit.

People on the poll voted No to Monsanto Cannabis, reading anymore into is disingenuous at best and a blatant lie at worst.

Suck it you dirty hippy and get a fucking job, you might not have time to care what other people do/eat/grow then.


New Member

Stop cherry picking information... GMO - Genetically Modified Organism.

If you'd bother to read a little further you'd see;

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR)

The OGTR supports the
Gene Technology Regulator, and is part of the Commonwealth Department of Health
and Ageing. The OGTR is located in Canberra and comprises some 50 scientific,
legal, policy, compliance and administrative staff.
The Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator)

Dr Joe Smith commenced as
Gene Technology Regulator on 23 March 2009. In this role, he is the statutory
office holder responsible for administering the national regulatory system for
gene technology as set out in the Gene Technology Act
Roles and functions

The Regulator is an office holder with significant
independence - similar to the Auditor-General and the Tax Commissioner. The
Regulator is appointed by the Governor-General only with the agreement of the
majority of all jurisdictions.

Section 27 of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act) sets out the
functions of the Regulator as follows:
  1. to perform functions in relation to Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
    licences as set out in Part 5 of the Act which outlines the licensing system
    under which a person can apply to the Regulator for a licence authorising
    dealings with GMOs;
  2. to develop draft policy principles and policy guidelines, as requested by
    the Ministerial Council;
  3. to develop codes of practice;
  4. to issue technical and procedural guidelines in relation to GMOs;
  5. to provide information and advice to other regulatory agencies about GMOs
    and GM products;
  6. to provide information and advice to the public about the regulation of
  7. to provide advice to the Ministerial Council about:
    • the operations of the Regulator and the Gene Technology Technical Advisory
    • the effectiveness of the legislative framework for the regulation of GMOs,
      including in relation to possible amendments of relevant legislation.
  8. to undertake or commission research in relation to risk assessment and the
    biosafety of GMOs;
  9. to promote the harmonisation of risk assessments relating to GMOs and GM
    products by regulatory agencies;
  10. to monitor international practice in relation to the regulation of GMOs;
  11. to maintain links with international organisations that deal with the
    regulation of gene technology and with agencies that regulate GMOs in countries
    outside Australia; and
  12. Such other functions as far as are conferred on the Regulator by the Act,
    the regulations or any other law.
Anything else you'd like to get wrong?


Well-Known Member
I grow my own food in the summer, I don't grow GM because it more expensive and unnecessary for my purposes.

I don't however feel the need to try decide what other people will grow.

I also have the option in the shop to buy GM or non-GM food and have preference nor dislike for neither.

You lot are fucking facists tho, trying to stop other people being free just so you can spread your smelly, unwashed, irrational fear around to other dolts stupid enough to believe your bullshit.

People on the poll voted No to Monsanto Cannabis, reading anymore into is disingenuous at best and a blatant lie at worst.

Suck it you dirty hippy and get a fucking job, you might not have time to care what other people do/eat/grow then.
Im retired foot soldier so i dont need to work but your welcome to keep on keepin on. I can assure you im not a hippy, im wearing golf shorts and a collared shirt at the moment. I dont like monsanto, i dont like seeing the name monsanto when i turn my ipad on, i dont like anything thats not natural bud. Genetic engineering is not right. Nobody should tamper with mother natures plan, things work themselves out. All genetic engineering does IMPO is stretch out failures assosiated with poor farm management and increasing population. Food in supermarkets already tastes like shit, pro GMO companies just exsacerbate the problem by using lesser quality products everyday. Theres a picture a couple of posts up that proves the quality so you cant argue that and if the trend continues in that direction your children and theirs will all suffer the concequences of our inability to stand up for what we believe in. I believe in no GMO and thats what im standing up for :):):)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Im retired foot soldier so i dont need to work but your welcome to keep on keepin on. I can assure you im not a hippy, im wearing golf shorts and a collared shirt at the moment. I dont like monsanto, i dont like seeing the name monsanto when i turn my ipad on, i dont like anything thats not natural bud. Genetic engineering is not right. Nobody should tamper with mother natures plan, things work themselves out. All genetic engineering does IMPO is stretch out failures assosiated with poor farm management and increasing population. Food in supermarkets already tastes like shit, pro GMO companies just exsacerbate the problem by using lesser quality products everyday. Theres a picture a couple of posts up that proves the quality so you cant argue that and if the trend continues in that direction your children and theirs will all suffer the concequences of our inability to stand up for what we believe in. I believe in no GMO and thats what im standing up for :):):)
That's called the new school hippy, hippy.


Well-Known Member
Stop cherry picking information... GMO - Genetically Modified Organism.

If you'd bother to read a little further you'd see;

Anything else you'd like to get wrong?
fuck me your dumb we were talkign about the regulation of "GM foods" in austrailia

when you piped up with this pearl of wisdom
"OGTR regulates gmos in aus not FSANZ or SBS."

and you think saying "gmo" rather than "gm foods" gives you victory points on this?


Well-Known Member
That's called the new school hippy, hippy.
So you think that making conscious decisions about my food makes me a hippy? Do new school hippies carry hollow points rather than full metal jackets? You dont know me :lol: just because i use my recycleing bin and try to stay away from GMOs HF corn syrup, tomatos, and soy, doesnt make me a hippy. According to the poll it makes me part of the 76% majority. The educated majority
say no ​to gmo !!!


Well-Known Member
Im retired foot soldier so i dont need to work but your welcome to keep on keepin on. I can assure you im not a hippy, im wearing golf shorts and a collared shirt at the moment. I dont like monsanto, i dont like seeing the name monsanto when i turn my ipad on, i dont like anything thats not natural bud. Genetic engineering is not right. Nobody should tamper with mother natures plan, things work themselves out. All genetic engineering does IMPO is stretch out failures assosiated with poor farm management and increasing population. Food in supermarkets already tastes like shit, pro GMO companies just exsacerbate the problem by using lesser quality products everyday. Theres a picture a couple of posts up that proves the quality so you cant argue that and if the trend continues in that direction your children and theirs will all suffer the concequences of our inability to stand up for what we believe in. I believe in no GMO and thats what im standing up for :):):)
You're overlooking a huge point...I never said I liked Monsanto either.

Lol@ turning your iPad on and not seeing something natural. That's fucking classic.


Well-Known Member
and the question of what is the GMO style of farming might seem weird to you but to me the idea that gmo by necessity is farmed differently to a level where to any observer it should be obvious is plain ridicules
that's why i gave you the location where i buy my peas, on the corner of river road and farmington, just southwest of the cruise in diner, outside or portland or. pretty sure you can even do google street view. it's just a few lines of peas alongside a field of strawberries and across the street from a field of raspberries.

we even use the same seeds, improved edible pod super sugar snap pole peas.*


Well-Known Member
need some sprinkles for that pile of sanctimony? you pious wanker
i knew it couldn't be me alone who thought desertdouche was a self exalting, holier than thou, smug douchebag. so i borrowed one of his lines and whaddya know? i get pious, sanctimonious wanker. mission accomplished!


Well-Known Member
ahh doubling down on dumb i see

you just showed that you could not tell that those tomatoes were gmo or not

and i would love to hear the mechanism the body possess that allows it to tell the different between 2 nutritionally identical items
so they modify the organism to make it exactly the same? don't think so.


Well-Known Member
that's why i gave you the location where i buy my peas, on the corner of river road and farmington, just southwest of the cruise in diner, outside or portland or. pretty sure you can even do google street view. it's just a few lines of peas alongside a field of strawberries and across the street from a field of raspberries.

we even use the same seeds, improved edible pod super sugar snap pole peas.*
yes but however they farm it still does not answer the question of "what is obviously GMO farming"?

large scale farming does not automatically = GMO which is why i thought it such a strange statement


Well-Known Member
i knew it couldn't be me alone who thought desertdouche was a self exalting, holier than thou, smug douchebag. so i borrowed one of his lines and whaddya know? i get pious, sanctimonious wanker. mission accomplished!
so all you accomplished is a verification for a past argument with desertdude?

and in what way shape or form does that have to do with this thread?


Well-Known Member
so all you accomplished is a verification for a past argument with desertdude? and in what way shape or form does that have to do with this thread?
desertdouche is hanging around this thread, being all self aggrandizing, sanctimonious, holier than thou, smug, and senile.he's also the little piggy who's squealing the loudest, along with you, kynes, and the massive advertising campaign on my television box telling me not to worry, GMO is all good and all safe. nothing to worry about here!just thought it was funny.


Well-Known Member
You're overlooking a huge point...I never said I liked Monsanto either.

Lol@ turning your iPad on and not seeing something natural. That's fucking classic.
I take back the footsoldier name and apologise. Thank you for disliking monsanto. Im glad you arent affiliated with that monsanto hitler d bag employee.
I said i hate turning on my ipad and seeing the name monsanto come up. Everyone has some type of computer, its a fact of life these days.
​No to GMO!!


Well-Known Member
so they modify the organism to make it exactly the same? don't think so.
so no answer then as to what the mechanism would be?

these are nutritionally identical products

none of the modifcations effect human bodies

as you have ignored in my previous post you have the chance of winning yourself a million dollars if your body is capable of telling the difference between the 2 when delivered in equal terms

I.E not farm fresh home cooked pea's verses factory packed and flavouring added peas(hfcs) as thats not a real comparison

farm fresh home cooked gmo's verses farm fresh home cooked non gmo's if you could do that you'll be a millionare


Well-Known Member
desertdouche is hanging around this thread, being all self aggrandizing, sanctimonious, holier than thou, smug, and senile.he's also the little piggy who's squealing the loudest, along with you, kynes, and the massive advertising campaign on my television box telling me not to worry, GMO is all good and all safe. nothing to worry about here!just thought it was funny.
if all you have against someone argument is a smear campaign from previous argument then you dont have very much

alot of the time i do not side with the few people that are siding with me in this thread but that ok because i am not so hyper partisan that i disagree with them just because of who they are


Well-Known Member
these are nutritionally identical products

none of the modifcations effect human bodies
did you even bother to look at what's in our american egg mcmuffins? they are banned elsewhere.

I.E not farm fresh home cooked pea's verses factory packed and flavouring added peas(hfcs) as thats not a real comparison
that's the dilemma i face when i eat! unless you care to tell me where i can get these farm fresh, GMO peas.