Thundercat's Groooooooow

Thats what I've been saying for along time. I've got several nice dry pieces, and my wife found me a really nice and cheap bubbler a few weeks ago. The bubbler just really mabe me say man I want a bong again. With the tax money and a good size harvest coming up I said fuck it if I don't get one now it will be another 5 years. I'm pretty damn happy with it, hits super smooth, and is nice and stable. The neck is just a litttle to narrow for a regular ice cube, but I found a popsicle works pretty good. I saw some "ice stick" trays the other day so they fit in water bottles, I'm gonna get one of those and it should be perfect. I will add that I talked the guy down about 100, The bong was labeled at 250, got it for 160 and the green bowl for 10. I should have taken a better picture of the perk, that is the trickiest piece of glass on it. Eventually I may add an ash catcher, but I can say 100% this isn't gonna turn into one of those rigs with 13 attachments.
lovely bong ,i actually purchased my first ever bong just last year but it was a cheapo 50 $ one.Not glass either ,acrylic or something.It's definitly nice for a quick hit ,better if its a smooth hitting strain as i usually end up coughing up a lung after a big hit.
I had one many years ago that was glass, but just a small basic one. Getting a nice scientific piece, well its definitely better :) My bed is on the floor of my room, and the bong is just the right size to be able to hit it from bed too! I'm gonna have to come up with a good name for it now.
Pics TC...

I love watching your style, as its diff from mine... its always helps me see things from a different perspective and Think while Im sitting here baked...
I had one many years ago that was glass, but just a small basic one. Getting a nice scientific piece, well its definitely better :) My bed is on the floor of my room, and the bong is just the right size to be able to hit it from bed too! I'm gonna have to come up with a good name for it now.
How about carpet muncher since its on the floor?
Pics TC...

I love watching your style, as its diff from mine... its always helps me see things from a different perspective and Think while Im sitting here baked...

Why thank you dragon, I feel the same way with all you guys running soil bushes now its always got my mind going.

Ninja I sadly don't think my wife would love that.
Man id think that the wife would love having somthing called the carpet muncher sittin next to the bed lol ;) just for the inuendo :):):)
Just got to page 13 of 40 at 40 per, I am trying to catch up probably take me a couple of days ;). Great thread, thanks for sharing. I want ask any questions or make any comments yet as I might find the answer in the next 27 pages! :) Oh yeah, I am along for the ride!
Hey Bleeds very glad to have ya, and that you are enjoying the thread. I know its a bit on the long side, but at least half of it should be on topic lol. From the list of likes I had when I just got on it looks like your in the midst of all the early good stuff...with the shrooms, and my soil grow. Obviously if you do have any thoughts or questions please don't hesitate. I like my thread to be an open minded place for anyone like minded!
Me too man it has been really invigorating. Its been great having such a warm welcome back from you guys too! Growing had almost gotten to be a chore, not that I always feel like doing what I need to, but its been getting to be more and more fun again. Its been great getting some fresh genes and mixing things up a bit.

Along with this whole moving to CO idea, I've been trying to decide on how I will change up my grow to meet plant numbers. If its 3 plants per patient flowering at a time I'll have to cut down to 6 plants unless I became a caregiver. That being said I know I could make those 6 plants huge. Unfortunately alot will depend on how much room I end up with if/when I actually manage to find a place. Transfering out there with my company is no longer an option since as of the beginning of this month I no longer am employed due to my injury. This is also going to complicate getting a mortgage when the time comes. Even when my wife or I gets back to work we won't have the whole 2 years on the job they like to see.

Oh well I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now I'm gonna grow my ass off and try to enjoy every second of it. Wait till you guys see next weeks pics, the calyxes are visibly beginning to swell up and the buds are thickening nicely.
Sweet thread man, need to catch up. Just thought I'd let you know I'm in Co and have a card for 24 plants and 8 ounces, with my girl and I, we are able to have 48 plants and 16 ounces, not to mention I'm also a caregiver now for two people that I sent to my doctor, so I can actually have 96 plants and two pounds. There's a loophole in state law here that permits docs to recommend more than the 6 plant amount.
Ah ha I like loop holes, is that the key a doc has to recommend more then 6 plants? I've been kinda stressing about having to change my whole set up if we make the move.

Where abouts are you in Co, do you have any suggestions on anything with regards to where to live and such. If you don't mind me asking what part of the state do you live in? We've been looking at housing around denver, CO springs, pueblo, I'd rather not be in a big city, but have one within a half hour to an hour. As a caregiver are you reimbursed for you time and investment and such, how does that work out for you? I'm not trying to move there just to grow, but if I can make a living doing what I love and still get to spend time with my daughter and wife that would be awesome.

Hope you enjoy the thread and stick around I'll prolly have questions for you about CO.
Ah ha I like loop holes, is that the key a doc has to recommend more then 6 plants? I've been kinda stressing about having to change my whole set up if we make the move.

Where abouts are you in Co, do you have any suggestions on anything with regards to where to live and such. If you don't mind me asking what part of the state do you live in? We've been looking at housing around denver, CO springs, pueblo, I'd rather not be in a big city, but have one within a half hour to an hour. As a caregiver are you reimbursed for you time and investment and such, how does that work out for you? I'm not trying to move there just to grow, but if I can make a living doing what I love and still get to spend time with my daughter and wife that would be awesome.

Hope you enjoy the thread and stick around I'll prolly have questions for you about CO.
I live about an hour away from Pueblo, and about 2.5 hours from Denver. I am a first time caregiver, and yes I will be reimbursed for my time and effort. I'm offering the same deals and rates as a dispensary to my patients and saving them drive time and gas money since there is an ordinance against medical dispos in my municipality. Any income and profit earned from my patients will be put toward establishing my LLC when retail goes legal in 2014. The municipality actually already put up an ordinance against retail here even though our county voted 54% FOR, and the county is digging their heels. There are currently two lawsuits in other counties where ordinances have been put into effect, and are being sued for violating its citizens entrepreneurial rights. My attorney and I are awaiting rulings on those counties, and if the plaintiffs win I will be suing the city, and the county will most likely permit me to have a license for cultivation and retail, and allow me to operate outside city limits to avoid a lawsuit and court costs. If the plaintiffs lose those cases, I'll set up a retail shop that operates with a low overhead, and sell t shirts, artwork, music, rounds of frisbee golf, etc, etc, and "give away" "complementary" herb. Loopholes my friend. They are the shit.
Whoa. Sorry for rambling.
As far as where to live, that's really up to you. If your looking in Denver, most places are decent, I would avoid Aurora tho. Springs is nice. Pueblo is alright, depending on how old you are and what your into.
Awesome man, didn't seem like rambling there is a lot of good info in that post. I honestly have no desire to open a business on that level. I would love to grow for enough patients to make be able to support my family or work for a company in any number of capacities, I have 5+ years of managment, customer service, and sales experiance. I think I could be a great fit. I'm gonna be 30 the end of this year and my wife is just a little younger then me, we have seriously considered trying to open a small bakery, or even a food truck since we both love to cook/bake. The bakery I would want to include canna baked goods, but sadly we are a long way from being in a financial position to take those steps. All the damn permits and overhead to get started, let alone the lack of income until we start making some money. So in the mean time my real objective is to find one of us a good enough job to get by and get ourselves to buying a house. Thats been our big goal the last couple years, I hate paying rent as I've ranted about a few times in this thread.
So I just bought my first bong in about 6 years. I said along time ago I anted my next bong to have a perc, and an ice catcher so thats what I got. I ended up with a Phire glass 7mm I believe it has whats called a chandelier perc. Its their legacy series, and I'm about to test it out with some of this diesel. Heres the pics


Ew ew it was an expensive day, I also got my new 4x4 table woot! Along with a few bottles of things more pics to come the next few days once I get things set up!

what is the red liquid bro