Well-Known Member
Thats what I've been saying for along time. I've got several nice dry pieces, and my wife found me a really nice and cheap bubbler a few weeks ago. The bubbler just really mabe me say man I want a bong again. With the tax money and a good size harvest coming up I said fuck it if I don't get one now it will be another 5 years. I'm pretty damn happy with it, hits super smooth, and is nice and stable. The neck is just a litttle to narrow for a regular ice cube, but I found a popsicle works pretty good. I saw some "ice stick" trays the other day so they fit in water bottles, I'm gonna get one of those and it should be perfect. I will add that I talked the guy down about 100, The bong was labeled at 250, got it for 160 and the green bowl for 10. I should have taken a better picture of the perk, that is the trickiest piece of glass on it. Eventually I may add an ash catcher, but I can say 100% this isn't gonna turn into one of those rigs with 13 attachments.