National Patients' Rights Association


Well-Known Member
A new Michigan-based, national coalition of medical marijuana advocates is coming together to defend the rights of patients and dispensaries.
The National Patients Rights Association (NPRA) will lobby legislators, prosecutors and local governments to uphold medical marijuana laws in 16 states and Washington, D.C.
Michigan voters legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes in 2008 with the passage of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. There are now more than 100,000 registered patients in the state.
Although there have been legal challenges to the use of medicinal marijuana since California first legalized its use in 1996, opposition in Michigan has been especially strong under the state's current attorney general, Bill Schuette.
While in office, Schuette has fought to close clinics and successfully challenged the legality of patient-to-patient sales dispensaries through the Michigan Court of Appeals.
He has also issued an opinion allowing police to seize cannabis from medical marijuana patients, arguing that federal law trumps state law when it comes to forfeiture.
Schuette told WJR-Radio host Frank Beckmann last year that he felt arguments in favor of medical marijuana were being used to justify illicit behavior.

"Sadly and tragically, this has been hijacked by pot profiteers and drug dealers who want to make a quick profit, and the real victims are the citizens in Michigan and kids that now have easy access to a gateway drug," Schuette said.
The NPRA is specifically targeting Schuette in a campaign to protect marijuana patients. A statement from the organization argues the Michigan attorney general "should not circumvent or undermine state laws for the sake of personal beliefs and should honor the will of Michigan voters."
The organization says Schuette's efforts waste public resources and harm citizens with legitimate medical needs.
Schuette's hard line on medical marijuana has also sparked a recall effort against him, as well as a campaign to for the statewide legalization of cannabis.



Well-Known Member

They are fundraising for lobbyist, Kevin McKinney, to work in Lansing pushing House Bill 4271 into the Senate and helping to fast track Governor Snyder signing it to law. What are your thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Its nice to see this happening! Hopefully with the right intentions and enough funding and things would start looking in the right direction in this state!!


Well-Known Member
I been thinking why wouldn't the electric company lobby for would help business n revenue ..stealing juice would drop dramatically ...more people would grow n use more juice n they have the lobbyists on their payroll. Already.


New Member
I been thinking why wouldn't the electric company lobby for would help business n revenue ..stealing juice would drop dramatically ...more people would grow n use more juice n they have the lobbyists on their payroll. Already.
we should get the garden rate


Well-Known Member
Ya no kidding electric company would be the best to lobby this as my bill personally is about 1300 monthly for electric


HB4271 might have some benefits for patients as long as it doesn't interfere or replace the current Cg/Pt model we have currently.
so far that NORML, MiNORML, CPU, MMMA, and many others, just fighting for my rights......and whats their price to tell me they are fighting for me?
I would think that they can join forces and become one giant organization with alot of power instead of divided and weak. If iondeed they had my best interests at heart.:o


Active Member
HB4271 might have some benefits for patients as long as it doesn't interfere or replace the current Cg/Pt model we have currently.


the legislature wouldn't pass laws allowing sick people to even possess marijuana.. hell they arr still being fucked over..

the people worked and got their law passed and then some people opened up shops to profit. cool.

NOW the legislature is working with said profitters.. the middle men. not the growers. not the pts. not the cgs. they may be some of those groups but they are turning all cgs in michigan in to sub contractors. and don;t even get me started on it still puts the CG at risk (i'll get there ***** hold on)

4271 gives more protections, more rights, to people who are hired for money. not pts or cgs. agents or employees.

so i'm a cg and i have 4 plants 4 inches tall and 4 inches wide.. i deliver them to a provisioning center.. they didn't acquire plants.. they acquired seedlings.. and they don't have to worry about amounts.. hmm seem fair?

also a cg must follow section 4 and in doing so you must have intent to alleviate either your condition or your patients. and me selling to a provision center doesn't do that. and to write something to override would take 2/3. though i'm sure they'll get it. the patients and cgs will no longer be the ones to own this industry. thought 200 was bad for the state and doc? welp.. welcome to world of townships forcing regulations on the CG (ann arbor recently had their case) and paying registration fees in the thousands. good buy cottage industry

...why can joe shmo work for a provisioning center and possess marijuana and RELY ON A WRITTEN NOTE ... when a PTS HARD CARD doesn't matter in the eyes of the law?


Well-Known Member
I have found others critical of HB4271 as well. I guess that is why I posted the thread here. I by no means want to become a tool for BIG business type shenanigans :o




the legislature wouldn't pass laws allowing sick people to even possess marijuana.. hell they arr still being fucked over..

the people worked and got their law passed and then some people opened up shops to profit. cool.

NOW the legislature is working with said profitters.. the middle men. not the growers. not the pts. not the cgs. they may be some of those groups but they are turning all cgs in michigan in to sub contractors. and don;t even get me started on it still puts the CG at risk (i'll get there ***** hold on)

4271 gives more protections, more rights, to people who are hired for money. not pts or cgs. agents or employees.

so i'm a cg and i have 4 plants 4 inches tall and 4 inches wide.. i deliver them to a provisioning center.. they didn't acquire plants.. they acquired seedlings.. and they don't have to worry about amounts.. hmm seem fair?

also a cg must follow section 4 and in doing so you must have intent to alleviate either your condition or your patients. and me selling to a provision center doesn't do that. and to write something to override would take 2/3. though i'm sure they'll get it. the patients and cgs will no longer be the ones to own this industry. thought 200 was bad for the state and doc? welp.. welcome to world of townships forcing regulations on the CG (ann arbor recently had their case) and paying registration fees in the thousands. good buy cottage industry

...why can joe shmo work for a provisioning center and possess marijuana and RELY ON A WRITTEN NOTE ... when a PTS HARD CARD doesn't matter in the eyes of the law?

As you can see, I said might. The way it will happen though is different from how most people are reading it with it's current language. And before it gets passed, it will no doubt be worse for the current system.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member


the legislature wouldn't pass laws allowing sick people to even possess marijuana.. hell they arr still being fucked over..

the people worked and got their law passed and then some people opened up shops to profit. cool.

NOW the legislature is working with said profitters.. the middle men. not the growers. not the pts. not the cgs. they may be some of those groups but they are turning all cgs in michigan in to sub contractors. and don;t even get me started on it still puts the CG at risk (i'll get there ***** hold on)

4271 gives more protections, more rights, to people who are hired for money. not pts or cgs. agents or employees.

so i'm a cg and i have 4 plants 4 inches tall and 4 inches wide.. i deliver them to a provisioning center.. they didn't acquire plants.. they acquired seedlings.. and they don't have to worry about amounts.. hmm seem fair?

also a cg must follow section 4 and in doing so you must have intent to alleviate either your condition or your patients. and me selling to a provision center doesn't do that. and to write something to override would take 2/3. though i'm sure they'll get it. the patients and cgs will no longer be the ones to own this industry. thought 200 was bad for the state and doc? welp.. welcome to world of townships forcing regulations on the CG (ann arbor recently had their case) and paying registration fees in the thousands. good buy cottage industry

...why can joe shmo work for a provisioning center and possess marijuana and RELY ON A WRITTEN NOTE ... when a PTS HARD CARD doesn't matter in the eyes of the law?

wow! ^^^^^^^^

somebodies awake in here......?

i guess you are against the new 'media-swipe' cards that are coming....??
--there setting up shop in Ann arbor allready--

--->>the ones were all gonna need to 'buy' and 'sell'---
to track every transfer
--the mark of the beast

---no a lot of youth

well >>national patients rights is a fukin joke and their one ofthe ones pushing all these things your talking about...

i would boycott robin schneiders little pot store she is trying to set up...
---.if you value the personal right to grow your own meds...
and boycott the 'fake' organization she uses to push the agenda-
they want industrial grow rights thru zoning--commercial production

if you like the Arizona law that bans growing within 25 miles of a dispensary then support this group and bill 4271HB
it will effectively zone your rights to grow in urban areas away and make you register for any CG growing for another pt
so they can keep track of who's growing what---
and then when you go about with overages you will be able to sell to clubs(if they buy it) by having the medi-asswipe card that tracks you and your patients and revenues it says

patients rights group is a bullshit lie group that has nothing to do with real patients rights
they are barganing with your rights now to get dispensaries thru zoning and orher ordinances that we dont have yet until this goes thru....think...or go back to sleep

these folks are some of the ones zoning your rights away and making regulation and registration of all CG happen

stay away from this f--n group if you value your rights....^^^^tomcats right about this one
he only touched the edge of the iceberg-:eyesmoke:

you know how hard it is to change a law?
once it's been passed--

the Ypsilanti zoning ordinance law......