zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
And also, because I keep hearing this, just because you carry a gun doesn't mean you have an intent to use it; at least not in the way YOU are using the word "intent". I have a concealed carry license and I hope every day that I don't have to use it. If I didn't intend to use it in the proper circumstances, then I wouldn't wear it. It really seems like most of you people that cry "fuck the police" are the same ones that are hiding behind them. I know they won't and can't protect me or my property nor my friends or their property, so I take efforts to do so. I'm not going to cower and run from someone that's intends me harm. I approach suspicious people all the time and there has never once been an altercation. The people I approach know why I'm coming up to them, usually they will head towards me and explain what they are doing and it's all good. Their is nothing illegal about doing that and no one has been offended. No one in this country has the right to not be offended anyway.

If you don't want to protect yourself, then fine... don't. But you've no right nor reason to tell me I can't and that I'm a loose canon vigilante because I arm myself.


Well-Known Member
And also, because I keep hearing this, just because you carry a gun doesn't mean you have an intent to use it; at least not in the way YOU are using the word "intent". I have a concealed carry license and I hope every day that I don't have to use it. If I didn't intend to use it in the proper circumstances, then I wouldn't wear it. It really seems like most of you people that cry "fuck the police" are the same ones that are hiding behind them. I know they won't and can't protect me or my property nor my friends or their property, so I take efforts to do so. I'm not going to cower and run from someone that's intends me harm. I approach suspicious people all the time and there has never once been an altercation. The people I approach know why I'm coming up to them, usually they will head towards me and explain what they are doing and it's all good. Their is nothing illegal about doing that and no one has been offended. No one in this country has the right to not be offended anyway.

If you don't want to protect yourself, then fine... don't. But you've no right nor reason to tell me I can't and that I'm a loose canon vigilante because I arm myself.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Especially if in this case they would have wound up allowing a dangerous criminal to escape.
lol, dangerous criminal?

he was walking home with skittles and iced tea committing no crime, and had no criminal record at all.

how far detached from reality are you?


911 is not the police, really? thats one of the lamest ass excuses i ever heard, thats like saying a constable is not a real cop. give me a break. of course 911 is not going to be a police officer, but the information in the call will be relayed to the police for the proper investigation...give me a break

sounds like to me everyone is mad because they were not able to fry their suspect on technicalities, if this was a case involving marijuana everyone would be outraged if dude got sentenced on technicalities, but in this case they are outraged on the flip side, i can smell the hypocrisy from up here


Well-Known Member
lol, dangerous criminal?

he was walking home with skittles and iced tea committing no crime, and had no criminal record at all.

how far detached from reality are you?
Going home with skittles and tea to make sizzurp.
All gangsta's love that shit.
Nothing new.
Tea and skittles suppose to make him innocent or something?


Well-Known Member
The kid was a wanna be gangster with access to handguns. Disaster waiting to happen. Probably involved with some of the breakins.

Zimmerman was doing the community a favor, just a matter of time before Martin, high on DXM and weed would have killed someone in an aborted attempt to hold up a liquor store.


Well-Known Member
Prosecution missed many an opportunity..could Angela Corey be any happier? What an insensitive cunt.
They missed no opportunities. They didn't have anything to work with. The list of witnesses who were going to testify as to Zimmerman's racism weren't called because it turned out that none of them had actually met him. Just a bunch of morons who would say anything to be on TV. The witnesses they could call helped the defense more than the prosecution. Then his girlfriend blurts out that Martin was a racist. Catastrophe after catastrophe. They never had a chance.


Well-Known Member
He was not told to not follow. We don't need you to do that is not being told not to follow. It's a suggestion by a person with NO authority. Your emotions are clouding your logic as well. Edit: Trayvon got away from George as it is. Why did he have to come back and assault George?
Young men of that age tend to be eager to prove their manhood. 17 year olds often make poor choices. A 18 year old neighbor of mine ran down another kid with his car because he "stole" his girlfriend. He never graduated, He never went to prom. He never saw the girl again. He lost his virginity to three men who then passed him around to the rest of the prison. He hung himself just two months into his sentence. All because he didn't have the maturity to control his aggression.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Here is the story of a middle aged black man who shot and killed a white 15 year old teenager in an incident similar to the Zimmerman incident. The facts of the case are actually more damning of the shooter than Zimmerman. The shooter was charged with murder and tried and was........................... acquitted.

So much for the "if the situation were reversed" narrative.

48 hours did an episode on this and I watched it years ago. I agreed that the shooter should walk.



Well-Known Member
why would he call them for help if he''s just gonna ignore their advice? are we a little pissy this morning, child? you mad they banned your 'justanotherhead' account, reducing you to this obvious sock puppet?
Because he didn't call them for advice?
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