dirty ass cops


All sacramento county and city growers. Watch out for these dirty ass cops. Off duty officers hi jacking medical patients in the area. Cutting theyr plants and taking them from the elderly patients. Fuck off pigs.


Well-Known Member
they fight patients who got the rights to do this... patients have the right to fight/shoot back. Fuck the police they aint nothing but a legal gang...


Well-Known Member
All sacramento county and city growers. Watch out for these dirty ass cops. Off duty officers hi jacking medical patients in the area. Cutting theyr plants and taking them from the elderly patients. Fuck off pigs.
Why would it be off duty cops? Are they just cutting shit down or are they stealing/reselling?

I would not put it past some people, but I don't understand the pay off for the police force to send off duty cops to jack people's stuff.

Maybe just plain clothes officers, IDK. Get a lawyer and video cameras so if it happens to you, you could file a complaint.

Or shoot a possible off duty cop, which in California will land you a murder charge. Only a few states, Texas being one, that you could just shoot someone for trespassing and not go to jail. Plus even if you are not charge with murder, the other cops in your town are I'm sure will just forget about you killing one of their goons. Not to mention a civil suit, but I think they would just kill you or frame you long before a civil suit.

Either way YOU would be 100% fuct.


Well-Known Member
Most people just say that stuff to vent their anger, understandable.
Short of the .44 solution, look at a more realistic approach.
Set them up.
Ex-NARC Barry Cooper does it best IMO KOP Busters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQMixdtkSBM
In that video he leaves a package with money and unused crack pipes, amongst other things. He then calls in a tip of a suspicious package. He sits in a bush and video tapes the results. The video is worth watching.