I sincerely apologize schuylaar - thank the trolls.


New Member
how should they do so?

how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?

furthermore, what happens when all the fry cooks bootstrap themselves up to astronauts, engineers, and basket weavers? who will cook our fries for the minimum wage that everyone is too educated to accept?

think it through, smarty.
buck there will always be lazy burger flippers like yourself. The guys that drop out of college because they deem themselves as "not learning enough". The people that end up staying and graduating become your engineers, brain surgeons, heart surgeons *and astronauts. I assume this is why you ask people to think it through


Well-Known Member
how should they do so?

how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?

furthermore, what happens when all the fry cooks bootstrap themselves up to astronauts, engineers, and basket weavers? who will cook our fries for the minimum wage that everyone is too educated to accept?

think it through, smarty.
I did say up-skill, not return to full time education.

Read it through, Jew.


Well-Known Member
how should they do so?

how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?

furthermore, what happens when all the fry cooks bootstrap themselves up to astronauts, engineers, and basket weavers? who will cook our fries for the minimum wage that everyone is too educated to accept?

think it through, smarty.
Well buck, I worked over 30 hours every week, took 18 credit hours of classes, and leveled up big time in a few video games the last 2 years of college. My ex-wife worked about 20 hours all through pharmacy school. Law school don't allow 1Ls to have a job, but I did about 20 hours a week while I was a 2L.

If your saying these people don't have any money to begin with, then why do they need couch time?


Well-Known Member
how should they do so?

how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?

furthermore, what happens when all the fry cooks bootstrap themselves up to astronauts, engineers, and basket weavers? who will cook our fries for the minimum wage that everyone is too educated to accept?

think it through, smarty.

Do you mean full time as in the government approved 40 hour week, or full time like working your balls off 60, 70, 80 at multiple jobs?

I all ready told you in the other thread about 15 dollar an hour burger flippers how I did it on minimum wage, and you called it the same "bootstrap themselves up" like it's a bad thing, and only offer up forcing the hand of the employer or the tax payer as solutions.

Why don't you ever want to talk about what these people are doing for themselves to better their own situation? Or do you truly feel that their current situation is not of their own doing?

And again, this country will never be short of young workers or people in between jobs and careers to fill these jobs.


Well-Known Member
those shoes were purchased when i was earning a six figure income..my physical appearance was very important to the company i worked for as per their "slides" of the perfect sales representative that i'm to aspire to according to their human resources department..physical appearance is so important at this company, that if you walked in for an interview..you were wasting your time unless your looks were aryan in nature..you're previous employment, accomplishments meant nothing..
Is this suppose to be a justification or something?

So it was okay, since you needed it for your job and all, and because you were making 6 digs.



Well-Known Member
Is this suppose to be a justification or something?

So it was okay, since you needed it for your job and all, and because you were making 6 digs.

It was an attempt to demonstrate how hard her life was :] Yeah, I am LOL'ing too!!

a 6 figure income is an extremely competitive situation. Maybe less now than before. Companies have the right to choose whatever employees fit their needs.

Many people on Rollitup seem to think that businesses exist to pay their living expenses and healthcare. It doesnt work that way.

If you are disappointed, blame the crappy educational system the liberals and Democrats have built over the years.


Well-Known Member
they direct their employees to get the bare minimum subsistence they need from you and me, rather than the people who they work for.

and you thought that burger only cost $0.99. think again.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.


Well-Known Member
I can count on one hand the number of times I have had 2 jobs and still pushed college credits.


The last time I did that was not all that long ago, 25 years. I was finishing up another Computer Certification, and just got married. We needed some extra cash. So there I was, 35 years old, working at Sun Microsystems, with a Paper Route, bulk delivery to kiosks, in the Livermore Valley. Hell weather.

And my wife, who had a job, bless her heart, thought it was Nobel, so she got of at 3am and helped me, went in the truck, all that.

The things we do for love. The things we do with drugs.


New Member
I can count on one hand the number of times I have had 2 jobs and still pushed college credits.


The last time I did that was not all that long ago, 25 years. I was finishing up another Computer Certification, and just got married. We needed some extra cash. So there I was, 35 years old, working at Sun Microsystems, with a Paper Route, bulk delivery to kiosks, in the Livermore Valley. Hell weather.

And my wife, who had a job, bless her heart, thought it was Nobel, so she got of at 3am and helped me, went in the truck, all that.

The things we do for love. The things we do with drugs.
I was working full time when completing my degree too - only did it once though. It's tough, but most definitely worth it. Nothing worse than being a poor college student.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean full time as in the government approved 40 hour week, or full time like working your balls off 60, 70, 80 at multiple jobs?

I all ready told you in the other thread about 15 dollar an hour burger flippers how I did it on minimum wage, and you called it the same "bootstrap themselves up" like it's a bad thing, and only offer up forcing the hand of the employer or the tax payer as solutions.

Why don't you ever want to talk about what these people are doing for themselves to better their own situation? Or do you truly feel that their current situation is not of their own doing?

And again, this country will never be short of young workers or people in between jobs and careers to fill these jobs.
we are the only industrialized nation that promotes this as the "norm".


Well-Known Member
how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?
Hmmm, did you know the only qualifier you need to get a government education loan is that you be able to fog a mirror?

IF you work 40 hours a week and sleep for 56 hours a week, that leaves 168-40-56 = 72 hours in which to do other things.

You make it sound like it is impossible, sorry buddy, it may be difficult but it is not impossible for ANYONE who has the right mind set. ANYONE can do it.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
how should they do so?

how do you propose that someone who works full time yet needs food stamps be able to afford community college, trade school, or university? moreover, where do they get the time while working full time just to not make ends meet?

furthermore, what happens when all the fry cooks bootstrap themselves up to astronauts, engineers, and basket weavers? who will cook our fries for the minimum wage that everyone is too educated to accept?

think it through, smarty.
With an attitude like that I'll bet you didn't finish college! ;-)