Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys!!! Sorry I've been gone for a day or so.. Just had to get some last minute Christmas shopping finished up, and all the Christmas cards out the door. Still have a few last minute cards to send out still. lol I swear, they should've made longer gaps in between all these holidays! All 3 fall right in order. Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas! And I know 1 thing, all 3 break my wallet! lol If it isn't buying costumes for the youngest, its buying an ipod for the oldest! ;) Oh well, I don't mind. She is doing really well in school this year (oldest daughter), with straight A+ honor roll. Been in the newspaper a few times this year as well. So she deserves it. Soon enough we will be getting her a vehicle!! Dammit!! It just scares me because she is SOOOOooo little still to be 18.!! She was only 1. lb 9 ounces when born. :) Hell, I've pulled more off my trees then what she weighed when she was born!! And she was only 12 inches long. So look at a ruler, and you'll see just how little she was.. They both are so special to me, and I love them both dearly. Would do anything 4 them both. I'm sure the ones of you that have children understand where I'm coming from, and the ones don't will find out soon enough.. haha ;) Well enough of all that. Again, sorry 4 being late to the party guys, getting ready to do my small update as soon as I post this and get the other ready.. So please stay tuned in.. As always, thanks for following my grow show guys..



Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Good morning. Sorry Iv'e been away for a day or so. Just had to take care of some last minute Christmas shopping, and mailing out all of our Christmas cards. I know one thing, I sure wished whomever made the calender would've spaced all these holidays out just a little!! All 3 fall right smack inline one after the other, making it hard to save any $$ to do what you'd like to do. Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas, one right after another!! ughhh!! :fire: I know I'm broke as a joke now! lol.. I'm just glad I was able to get both children what they both have been looking forward to getting all year. And THANK GOD my oldest didn't ask for a vehicle this year! I'm sure its coming soon enough though. lol Anyways on with the grow show.. :mrgreen: I have been for the past week asking everyone if they would like to do a side by side grow with me. I've seen where at least 2 growers I know of is willing to participate. :??: If there is any others, please take this time to let me know you will be joining in. I started mine on Saturday (12/14/13.) If you'd still like to do the side by side, you still have time to pop you a bean and get started.! It doesn't matter what strain it is, just as long as we all flip at the same time. And there isn't any prizes for the best p[plant sorry to say. Its just for fun. Which is why we all do this in the 1st place. :) I wish i could offer a reward to the winner, but I cant. RIU rules, not mine. :( It'll be OK though, the end results will be reward enough. :mrgreen: I started on Saturday mine, which is Green Crack in case you didn't see the post I had mentioned it in. She is just now throwing her shell/seed casing off, and still has her membrane attached. Been keeping her moist so she can come out of the membrane with ease. All the other seedlings I have going now are doing really well. The K.A.S.I. still is amazing me as to how good she looks, not one of them have any deformities that I've seen as of yet. Which is super good! I've seen in the past breeder strains (F2's & higher) have deformities!So hopefully I made a damn good cross.. :mrgreen: The Danks Purple Trainwreck is looking promising also. The other ladies (flowering) are all swelling up nicely. I went ahead and took the Spyder(auto) over the week end. She is still drying now. I had grew her out just to breed her back with a male Spyder(auto) to get the seed stock up. Other then that all is well, and as always if anyone has any questions feel free to pm me, or ask here on the thread. I'm always here to help. :) OH!! I finally got my copy & paste to work! shewww.. that was a pain in my ass to figure out what was going on! [video=youtube_share;BUou_A_gt30]http://youtu.be/BUou_A_gt30[/video]

HAHA!! :)

Spyder(auto) --->PIC_0509.jpg Purple Voodoo#2 --->PIC_0536.jpg Purple V#2 PIC_0539.jpg Mazar x White Rhino --->PIC_0542.jpg Blackberry Kush. PIC_0544.jpg Roscoe OG Kush PIC_0545.jpg Bluedream #2 PIC_0548.jpg Bluedream # 2 PIC_0549.jpg (Seedlings new F1's Grand Berry Purple) --->PIC_0552.jpg GBP PIC_0553.jpg GBP PIC_0556.jpg(Baby Grand Berry Purple) ---> PIC_0560.jpg K.A.S.I. -->PIC_0561.jpg Topped Grand Berry Purple.--->PIC_0564.jpg Starbud Sister --->PIC_0565.jpg Purple V#1PIC_0535.jpg Norther Light Blue-->PIC_0534.jpg Jack The Ripper#3-->PIC_0532.jpg Harvested Spyder(auto) PIC_0510.jpgPIC_0512.jpgPIC_0515.jpg Silver Bullet-->PIC_0517.jpg Northern Light Blue-->PIC_0518.jpg NLB -->PIC_0520.jpg Grapefruit -->PIC_0521.jpg Sx1PIC_0522.jpg Sx1PIC_0523.jpg Purple V#3 (pink pheno-->PIC_0524.jpg. Silver Bullet -->PIC_0525.jpg SBPIC_0526.jpg. NLB -->PIC_0528.jpg NLB PIC_0529.jpg. Jack The Ripper#3 PIC_0531.jpg K.A.S.I. PIC_0566.jpg



Well-Known Member
DANK!!! Empty your inbox babe. Hard to reply when you are stuffed to the gills LOL ;)
Yeah, sorry. Its where I wasn't on over the weekend, didn't even get online. Just played games, got stoned and watched movies. lol

Thanks Rosey. First time I looked at it under lights that weren't my HPS my was pretty amazed at how vibrant the hairs were. Never seen any that bright before.

You drink too much this weekend or was it something serious? :-P

Thanks Giggy! Can't wait for this stuff to dry to I can test it out. I can't imagine what it'll be like after it cures for a good 2-4 weeks.
She looks good bro :)

Dank?!?!?! Come out come out wherever u are lol jk but seriously! Lookin forward to that update bro. Just got back from the store. Picked up 5 cu feet of organic promix and a bunch of amendments. Everything I could possibly find. If anyone cares to hear what I have I'd appreciate feedback on what the best mix would be with the things I have at my disposal.

i have promix organic with myco in it. Adv nutes iguana grow and bloom, tomato tone, blood and bone, perlite, vermiculite, Epsom salt, dolomitic lime, and two cubic ft of composted manure. Anyone just looking for ideas on the best mix. Thanks in advance guys and I hope u don't mind Dank
Don't mind at all. Glad to see your interested in what all I have going on. Also hope you stick around and learn what you can. If you "ever" have any :??: doesn't matter how silly you may think they are, just ask buddy.. :) That's what I'm here for.. Just glad I can lend a helping hand to someone starting out is all. Who knows, maybe we will all learn something new bout Marry.. haha Seriously, most of the time I do updates on a regular basis, its where all these holidays are here, and things stay hectic round here most of the time this time of year with my business and all. Once it settles down a little, things will be back to the norm.

Thanks bro.
That's what I thought, once I recited it a couple times mentally.
Glad I'm not the ONLY one who liked those flicks.:clap:
So where are you hiding :??: haven't seen not 1 comment, not to mention 1 "like" from you.. ;) haha. I see how you are...... Naw bro, hows everything going :??: What is ol' Beech up to :??: 4 some reason he hasn't popped in and said hello. Wonder how his SD is doing :??: Hell Ive even tried to talk to him in a thread and I never did see a reply back from him. Just was wondering how he was is all. If you talk or see him, tell him to stop by & holler at me if you don't mind.. Thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
Just put my pies in some water to soak before I throw them in paper towels.

How are yours doin'?
They are doing good. Just topped one lastnight. ;) Goin maybe transplant both today sometime. PV pink pheno. 12-17 4 days cure..jpg

Here's a few more shots of the Spyder(auto) I just harvested over the weekend. Also the PV(pink pheno) at 4 days cure I believe. ;) trichs of PV pink pheno 4 days cure. 12-17.jpg Spyder(auto) still drying. 12-17.jpg Spyder. 12-17.jpg
Spyder. 12-17.jpg


Well-Known Member
I believe its working OK now. If you send another one, and I don't answer, you'll know its messing up again.. lol Cause I don't purposely not answer emails, maybe miss a few.. ;) haha


Well-Known Member
Nice! Yeah I think I'm just going to go with the training I've been doing on the plants that are going into flower, couple tops and super cropping.

Both? Did you not have one pop?


Well-Known Member
Dankster am I to late? I have mine soaking in water right now once she cracks I'm going to put her straight into a rapid rooter plug, I have had great success with this method IMG_0137.jpgSorry for the flash


Well-Known Member
I believe its working OK now. If you send another one, and I don't answer, you'll know its messing up again.. lol Cause I don't purposely not answer emails, maybe miss a few.. ;) haha
Uh huh lol at wallyworld now gotta run in and grab a few things.

So glad to be going home to get on my laptop!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I figured we all would veg for at least 4 to 5 weeks, then flip all at the same time. That way we can all be or be close to harvesting at the same time, depending on dom of strain.
I know this is a friendly little contest but are there any rules like how long we veg for or anything like that?


Well-Known Member
Here's the ladies today. Lights cut on around 12:00.
GF. 12-17.jpgPV Purple pheno. 12-17.jpgJack The Ripper # 2. 12-17.jpgBluedream#1. 12-17.jpgSB. 12-17.jpg1217131236b.jpg1217131236.jpgSx1. 12-17.jpg1217131235.jpgNLB. 12-17.jpg



Well-Known Member
5 weeks sounds good to me.I would like to get some clones off this one,This will be the first time I have ever grown a real seed I mean one that I actually know what it is and I have my 400w/ M.H./ H.P.S. on the way so this should be fun, What about the M.H. bulb that comes with the kit it says its a 4500k is that ok for veg or should i buy one that is 6500k?
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