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  • could you take a look at my pics and tell me if it would be ok to flower my plant yet? it looks very stretched but i cant wait much longer
    thanks again i think i read on one of your older posts somewhere that you give your plants CO2 is this worth doing?
    i bought a 125w blue and a 125w purple and a 200w red for flowering they are eco-lights and they are a bit bigger than envirolites i dont know which ones are better. i have the plant under the 125w blue with the 125w purple beside it im going to give it more vegging time because it was under 3 20w cfls for to long. im going to have the purple on thru all stages im thinking its a good idea but i havint been able to get much feedback on the purple lights. i have a couple of pics up aswell. any tips on what to feed it preferably something easy to find?
    This is intriguing. I was not aware that CFLs come in different colour ranges. How many bulbs would be used in a 4ft X 4ft grow space? :joint::-?
    would you get much more if you do the lights at 18-6veg and then 12-12 flowering when its bigger
    thanks again. when would they start flowering when you start them on 12-12 and is the yield good? and do you trim your plants?
    thanks man. when would you start them to flower? and you said you did 12-12 from seed with the THC bomb i thought that you had to change the light cycle from 18-6 to 12-12 to start flowering. or do you get auto flower seeds?
    nice! where do you get the 200's at? the biggest cfl i can find locally is the 68, which is still pretty big. and how do you 12/12 from seed without getting hermies?
    yo are those bubblebomb pics a cfl grow? and if so what kind of cfls are you using for flowering cause nigga god damn
    do the nutes help i was thinking of using tomato feed will that help and if you can look at my pics and tell me if you think if my plant is looking healthy that would be cool. and how many plants can you fit in that space? and what kind of reflector do you have?
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