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  • Yeah I keep tellin myself that but I cant go without.
    Id prob wind up in jail or something without it.
    Yeah I think Victoria is going faster than I thought, her pistils are drawing back
    and they are showing signs of N defic.
    So maybe another week to go on her, the others arent as ready
    ellie is bulking up nice, but hardly any amber pistils yet, Im betting she will take awhile
    Hey, ah everything is alrite. I gots ok smoke, the girls are looking good.
    Hey that tub with the one that got chopped by the lights, well the one that wasn't chopped already sexed, it's a girl!
    So I only have the 2 n the hydro and old choppy to sex, so far I've had 8 out of 26 that were male. 1:3 isn't too bad I don't guess.
    Glad your gettin over that sore throat those make smoking a bit more difficult.
    I was looking for her. You can even see the difference in the leafs once you look. She's still taller than the rest. Looks beautiful, keep it up!!
    Nice!! I love how they all have evened out, for a nice level canopy. Are the sticks there for future use? When you need to tie up the nice fat colas!!
    I just finished strolling through you garden, smoking a bowl. Looks great!!! I think you're right about more veg, I'd much rather have nice big plants like that.
    Yeah I def am jealous of ya with the diesel alone, not to mention your other pretties.
    Im fried this mornin
    i got 11 clones off that chopped plant and they r lookin good thus far.
    Thanks! I have more respect for him than anyone I know. At 92 he's still lovin life!
    Think there is anything I could do about that hole?
    What's funny is I use to mess with plp in public when I first started smoking, I would go up to em and say stuff like "better fix that hole" lol, so tell me can I fix this hole....
    Hey yeah, they are standing just fine, the tubs saved em actually. LOL
    is it true that the one that losts its top and then some will maybe have 2 colas?
    speaking of the one I had with 2 colas is RIP, was def a male, so I slayed it.
    Hows your day going my friend?
    arrrg Mae is a boy, she got killed today....
    Oh well more room for the others that want to be girls.
    'like the transplanting 101 very much!

    hey, with your starter (plugs, pellets, peet pots, etc) what's the advantage of transplanting up to a 1gal first as opposed to moving directly to the final veg/flower pot? (and do you upsize again when going into flower?) also, would using spt be a factor in considering pot size? all in all, i think that what i'm really trying to ask is what sort of proportion of rhizozoic vs phototropic development do you try and achieve?

    anyway, 'tiz all very groovy, m8!

    Hey my 2 colas girl MAE not be a boy, I havent made my mind up...
    Gonna take a clone today to flower and we will c fo sho.

    Hope your havin a good high day Bud
    The girls are looking great!! I'll be watching for inspiration!!
    Goodnitte "Buddy" yeah I wish I could catch a wiff of em, bet they smell awesome.
    Talk at ya later man! Enjoy yer buzzz
    ah but not bad for showing balls less than a month old I dont reckon, I planted him on 7.1 whatcha think about the growth
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