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  • take that back just checked on the girls hanging and there ready for jars now.. they were still a little moist yesterday but my humidity dropped to 50 over night and there ready now.. i was keeping humidity at 70 with a humidifier but shut it off yesterday.. there dry and stems bend but not snap so their ready to go! finished up our job yesterday so i got today off.. off to walmart to get more jars lol
    awesome man! sounds like everythings going great!! i just keep cloner full of water.. usually not in there long enough to have to change.. i should pry check my clone lol havent looked at um since friday.. just found out im going to be doing 4, 10's iin emmetsburg possibly starting next week for 2 weeks.. so ill be out of town mon-thurs.. i think i should be fine letting them go 4 days.. plants in flowering are budding like crazy now! getting a really nice slow dry on the ig and lb i think they will stay hanging until this weekend!
    On day 3 since taking clones, 5 out of 6 has a little root and the other one will soon! WTF shits going maybe a little too good! LOL Attic needs to be done! It must be all the sweet talking I do to them!
    Just looked at girls, incrediblbe 24 hr growth. good thing I didn't wait any longer to flip! Must have been 2" of new growth. Still have 30%+ left on screen, everything is at screen level yet. Will take FCJ clones wed or thurs then flip those 2 girls. Clones look great! Do I need to change water or just keep full?
    Got carbon scrubbers on today. Also watered all 4, took clones off of HGK, LH, BR, switched HGK, BR to 2700K Bulbs at 7 tonight and set timer. Lights go out tomorrow at 7! HGK, BR 75% nutes today. Went with week 1 of flowering schedule. Hopefully clone FCJ this week and flip those 2 soon. Put screen in other cab today too. Have to get attic done soon.
    no shit! i was right on the money i guessed 4 or 5 but doubted myself lol might stick with the scrog if i get it dialed in.. worth the hassle for those kind of yields!
    sweet! just jar'd the babies!! they are going to cure perfect! im super stoked! ended up with just over 5 zips!! might lose a gram or 2 when curing but thats pretty close to final weight! im thinking once i get this dialed in i should be able to push almost a pound every 3 weeks! double what i thought!
    Saweet! Looking forward to it! Girls are going crazy! Br shows little bit of nute burn on just a few tips. No worries! HGK is a beast! LH & FCJ taking off. Watered FCJ tonight, no nutes on her yet, thinking next time.
    yea i liked it lol! fantastic! sounds like there doing great! cant wait to see some pics! and yea after ready about that hgk again i read shes a heavy feeder! omg the c99 is only getting better by the day! ready for jars tnight! hopefully in the next week she will start smelling/tasting like she should! they get a hay smell from the chlorophyll breaking down but goes away during cure.. cant wait i finally had a nice amount of dry time for this harvest and dried nice and slow! took 3 rips after i got off tonight and im fucking ripped!
    Makes sense! Like dog comment?! Watered girls tonight with 1/2 strength nutes. They look fabulous!! Will show pictures. Probably wait till tomorrow to do more bending. Moving lights twice a day! OOOhhhh my what lovely ladies!!!
    cutting as much leaf as possible while still leaving enough leaf to support life.. but by cutting them the plant doesnt have to support as much leaf
    i used to use rooting gel but found it to be not needed.. they might root a day r 2 faster but i usually get roots in 7-14 days anyways.. i dont use a dome anymore and i dont even mist and they root just fine.. the dome and misting in my opinion accually hurts the cloning process because the plant isnt forced to grow roots.. not using a dome and not misting only leaves the plants with its leaves for water so it has to grow roots to support life.. if they start to droop then id mist but i never have to.. i also cut all the leaves in half or a little more than half and pull any bottom leaf matter off.. ill show u fri
    Ya pretty much wont take long to finish. Humidity dome or no? Will be also inside a 18 gallon Rubbermaid tote. Have you ever used any cloning gel? Was thinking of testing some. I think need to stay away from any bacteria product and just use a hormone product. What ya think?
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