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  • Ill be taking clones this weekend! Be going 12/12 next week for sure on 2. Have to wait a little bit for LH, let FCJ get bigger.
    also take the cuts as close to the bottom of main stem as possible as they have the most growth hormones and clone faster
    if you have shoots that have atleast 4-6" of stem i would take your clones now.. i try to atleast leave a node on the branch so i make a diagonal cut right above a node.. but i recommend taking them as soon as possible to give them plenty of time to recover.. atleast a week recovery.. cant wait either! getin excited for yours too!! back to work tomarrow!
    Looking forward to another harvest! My girls are going crazy! So bushy! HGK stinks bad already. Wont be to long till cloning and the flip. 7 days max, maybe 5.Im def going to get stsrted on garage. Will feel much better. Ill be fine though, have alot of back up to go to. Ya they are growing inches a day I swear. I suppose back to work.
    holy shit havnt look in veg box for probally 5 days and they have massive growth! there all doing great! was able to take 8 iced grapefruit clones and 4 c99 clones today also.. its nice having these mothers now to clone from.. iced grapefruit is def ready to go! pulled a small nug tnight and saw a few amber trichs! c99 high is night and day better after having some hang dry time.. incredibly smooth and its not even fully dried or cured yet! quick drying the bud u take a good risk of bursting the thc.. your girls showing new growth by the day yet?
    also not sure if i already mentioned it or if u already know but i usually trying to tuck them a couple hours after watering to avoid snapping or breaking the stems.. you will know ur limits and if she feels to dry to bend
    very nice! they will boom now! be ready! c99 is drying beautifully! not to fast not to slow just perfect should be ready for jars on wed i think! gna start checkn trichs on ig tnight
    Made my first big tuck thid morning on HGK! BR is one big bush coming thru screen! Getting about ready for other screen.
    yea it was really bad yesterday in back yard.. water dint start comming in until yesterday afternoon.. been keeping up with it since.. hopefully i can get yard graded soon! just not sure if i should run some tileing or just grade.. also planning on putting a larger window in living room down there before i grade
    yea i would def wait after looking again i see that the tips are brown on a few indicating nute burn accually.. fox farm is jambed packed with good nutes which is why i liked it and now that i think about it i dont think i ran much for nutes until flowering.. when the tips get burnt u know ur using enough nutes and u can even back off a little.. in your case is just from the soil.. no worries alot of people also mix ffof with fox farm light warrior soil for seedlings to help reduce the burn.. can be bad on some strains starting off.. i never had problems but pretty sure i had some burns u do but will soon correct itself once they start getting hungry.. sorry trying to think back to when using soil.. everything has kind of changed for me now lol
    hey id pry listen to the guys and wait on the nutes.. fox farm is really hot.. i think i pry started about this point u are now but i think i would hold off.. just keep watering.. its easier to fix an underfed plant than an over fed plant..
    sweet gna check out ur pics in a sec to a fresh sample of c99! dint get a good sample last fri was in a hurry to leave town n dint get to dry enuf.. quick drying in microwave quick using steam.. used to do it last time worked great usually gives u an idea of the potential
    good deal.. if you want u can post pictures in the thread u started.. sorry just had to fill resevoirs.. last time for c99 they look alot better def looking ripe and def going to be ready friday! iced grapefruit isnt to far behind.. mayb another week -2 weeks max.. fat as hell!!! def a strain of choice that i will always run.. great cloner fast veg growth huge buds!
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