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  1. D

    XStream Synthetic Urine Review

    I recently had to take a pre-employment urine drug test for a new job. I've used the Quick Fix before successfully, but the head shop only had a product called XStream Synthetic Urine which doesn't have much information on the web about it. I used it anyways and successfully passed the test I...
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    Advanced QWISO Tutorial

    This tutorial covers making QWISO (Quick Isopropyl Alcohol) hash extraction. Isopropyl alcohol is more commonly known as rubbing alcohol. You need to use a high alcohol percentage rubbing alcohol in order for this to work best, the lower the alcohol percentage the more water. Water boils at 212f...
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    Dr Pepper's 750w Perpetual Dual Closet Grow

    Hello guy and gals, I started my first grow journal a few months back and gave up pretty quick. Now that I have my system dialed in, a bigger room and some knowledge I figured it was time to start a new one. Here's the deal, I have two closets one is a bedroom closet 3 x 3 x 5 ft the other is...
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    Massachusetts Medicinal Marijuana

    Massachusetts voters approved the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes in 2012. The state is currently setting regulations and laws regarding this industry and I was looking into becoming a caregiver for patients in the state and was talking back and forth to the head of Compassionate...
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    First Grow Journal Nirvana Raspberry Cough + freebies

    Okay it looks like my seeds should start sprouting tomorrow I took a look inside one of the rapid rooters and the tap root had good growth and the hull was starting to push towards to surface so I figured I can officially start my grow journal. Here's my set-up: Room- 2ft x 3ft x ~2.5ft max...
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    First Grow Input

    I will be starting my first grow in 2-3weeks when I get paid again. I have a few newb questions and would like some input from some more seasoned growers on my set-up/plan. Thanks for your help in advance! Okay I have a small grow "closet" (though it isn't really in a closet) in my basement...