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  1. C

    Please help! How far into flower is she?

    I don’t think it has revegged. I think it got stressed when I had a significant powdery mildew outbreak after a week of straight rain. I had to cut a lot of leaves off to stop the spread. It showed no other signs of revegging: no single bladed leaves, no curling, no other weirdness. Two others...
  2. C

    Please help! How far into flower is she?

    Everything I’ve read says it’s very safe to spray weekly with BT up to harvest. Don’t really want to lose my plant to caterpillars.
  3. C

    Please help! How far into flower is she?

    I’m hoping to get some input. I’m new to cannabis growing but have been gardening for years. I’m having a difficult time determining how long this girl has been flowering because I didn’t recognize stretch or budlets for what they were and just thought she was in a weird growth pattern. To my...
  4. C

    After 2.5 months outside, one plant is flowering. Why?

    I’m a first time grower. Seeds popped inside March 5th. I put the plants outside in late April. Several started prematurely flowering, so I added lights, and they went back into veg by mid-May. Now, 1.5 months later, and out of nine plants, only this girl has begun to flower. Like all her...
  5. C

    Transplanted too soon - plant is flowering - I’m at a loss

    Thanks. I appreciate it! Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but if the plants have already started flowering, won’t they still be 3-4 weeks delayed? Or is it that flowering has just started, so putting a light out now will make them revert to veg faster?
  6. C

    Transplanted too soon - plant is flowering - I’m at a loss

    I am coming up on summer, yes. Thanks for the advice! Will I need to cut off the buds, or will they just kind of go away? I guess I’m thinking of it like pinching strawberry flowers to keep the plant in veg, or deheading flowers, which I do to my other plants to encourage new growth. Is it...
  7. C

    Transplanted too soon - plant is flowering - I’m at a loss

    That’s good to know. I wish I’d known to ask sooner. Most resources seem to be geared for indoor growers. It seems you have to know what to search for to find answers that work for your growing environment, and unfortunately, you don’t really know what questions to ask until you encounter an...
  8. C

    Transplanted too soon - plant is flowering - I’m at a loss

    Preamble: I’m a newb, please help. I have some Blue Dream bag seeds that I planted inside in early March. After the preflowers emerged, I sexed the plants, killed the males, and once the threat of frost had passed for my area, which was last Saturday, I transplanted them outside. I didn’t...
  9. C

    Preflower pistils emerging orange?? What?

    I’m new to cannabis growing, but not gardening. I have seven female bag seeds growing very well. They are going to be outdoor grows in 1.5 weeks, and they spend most days outside, coming inside in the evenings and spending a few hours under daylight 100-watt equivalent LED bulbs. Get 16-18 hours...
  10. C

    Another male?

    So this is my favorite plant, as it was the first one to sprout. I’m starting to think it’s a male. I feel so betrayed. Can anyone confirm?
  11. C

    It’s a . . . boy???

    This looks like a male to my newbie eye. It’s still early days - they’re 5 weeks old - but some are starting to show preflowers. This one seems to be male, but I’d appreciate a second or third opinion. Not planning to kill any for another week at least.
  12. C

    Sexing - Is this where I look?

    Great! Thank you. So it’ll be between the “arm” and where the new growth is sprouting, but not between the new growth and center stalk? In other words, the sex will emerge a bit further away from the stipule and not directly behind it? Another question: will the sex organs appear on the...
  13. C

    Sexing - Is this where I look?

    I have a four week old (today!) Green Crack baby that was a bag seed (I have 11, actually, but this one is furthest along, it seems). I FIMMED it 8 days ago. I know it’s probably too early to tell sex, but is the place where I circled the place to be looking for sex organs, or are those just new...
  14. C

    What’s this on my 3 week old Blue Dream?

    Only 12 cannabis! The other 70 are zinnias, sunflowers, clematis, basil, lavender, lemon thyme, and hyacinth beans. Hopefully, the next move after the 1 gallons will be in the ground!
  15. C

    What’s this on my 3 week old Blue Dream?

    I expect that won’t happen for several months though, correct? These will be outdoor plants and we won’t get to twelve hours of daylight till late August or September here.
  16. C

    What’s this on my 3 week old Blue Dream?

    Thank you for the encouragement! I have never grown cannabis, but I started gardening a few years ago. Growing from seed is new to me, and giving bag seeds a shot inspired me to grow all my plants from seed, and, well, things have gotten a little out of hand. I have around 70 seedlings growing...
  17. C

    What’s this on my 3 week old Blue Dream?

    Thank you! I have no idea what I’m doing.
  18. C

    What’s this on my 3 week old Blue Dream?

    First time grower. I have 12 three week old cannabis plants (20 days old, to be precise). All are bag seeds, so I have no idea of their phenotypes, and all but two are Green Crack. The other two are Blue Dreams. This evening, I noticed what looks like white pistils on my Blue Dreams? My GCs...