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  1. EarthlyPassions

    Anyone Have Sex Dreams That End With Overwhelming Guilt?

    Yup, around the same time I learned how to wake myself up during nightmares, I figured out lucid dreaming. I have pretty vivid dreams anyway, so lucid dreams are awesome. Flying, with actual feelings of flight, like Superman would, talking to animals, rescuing people with amazing feats of...
  2. EarthlyPassions

    Anyone Have Sex Dreams That End With Overwhelming Guilt?

    Lucky! I've been trying to acheive orgasm in dreams for months, haven't gotten quite there yet. But I agree, the sexual pleasure of dreams is more intense than reality. I think it probably does have to do with the entirely mental realm that dreams exist in. Since you are the only true factor...
  3. EarthlyPassions

    Anyone Have Sex Dreams That End With Overwhelming Guilt?

    I used to have dreams that I was raping other girls, it made me feel like a monster. I tried looking up what it meant, but the explanations were only for dreams about BEING raped. It really bothered me for the longest time, then I confided to my best friend, and he brushed it off! He said that...
  4. EarthlyPassions

    Joe Rogan's open letter to kellogs

    I have hope that pot will be legalized within Obama's first term. Just look at all these people popping up and talking about it! Even the cartoons I watch, American Dad, Family Guy, King of the Hill, have all made references to recreational usage, or even directly shown baggies of pot that was...
  5. EarthlyPassions

    Obama on decriminalization

    I think the marijauna community is expecting too much too fast. Despite how passionatly we feel about the subject, the point is that there are far more important issues that Obama needs bi-party cooperation for. And legalization/decriminalization is a very polarizing issue. My understanding is...
  6. EarthlyPassions Under New Management

    Aww, that was nice. Peace maker!
  7. EarthlyPassions

    Need Help

    I have no idea. But if you go to search, ( top bar, third over, underneath the tabs,) and type in 'pressing hash' I think your answers may be found under 'cheap and easy hash techniques'. ;) Welcome to rollitup!
  8. EarthlyPassions

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    My (male) friend had had sex with a chick years before he had figured out he's gay. I think it's normal for a lot of gay people to enter into hetro relationships thinking that attraction/arousal/love just wasn't as intense as it's pumped up to be. Then, later on when they feel the real thing...
  9. EarthlyPassions

    Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You....

    I did happen to skim it. (lightly) I know that the original subject was completely different. But it didn't take too many posts for the same general theme to appear. (Or so it seemed to me.) Meh, I suppose I'm just being cranky. My apologies, didn't mean to thread-jack.
  10. EarthlyPassions

    Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You....

    The proper ending to that quote is: But what you can do for your country. Beyond all the jabbering from this side and that, America has shown that it is more than able to change. If you are dissatisfied, don't move to Canada. Stay here, gather up a group, and try to change things. It wasn't so...
  11. EarthlyPassions

    How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

    You say criminal like it's a bad thing, last I looked, we were all members of a GROWING site. Such ambiguous definitions of right and wrong will bring you into the mire of minds such as mine. Please, take the opportunity to frolic through my logic, and let me show you why your comment, and all...
  12. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    Who? me? No, not yet, but hopefully soon I will. I think I'm going to go for butches for awhile. That last date was expensive, I need someone else to pay for the next one! LOL
  13. EarthlyPassions

    Being a woman in my field of work

    I've never really worked in a male dominated place, but I have a few male dominated hobbies. Like comics, I have had akward moments in comic book stores when I try to get into a conversation about the latest issue of ulitimate x-men and how amazing spiderman just dropped off the face of the...
  14. EarthlyPassions

    Christian Stoners?

    I remember watching that, great character, bad casting decision.
  15. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    Aww, poor you. We've all put our foot in our mouths before. Just so you know, I totally laughed off that other post you wrote.
  16. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    Yeah, Bi chicks aren't all bad, but they have a reputation in the gay community of ditching for dick. I always told myself I wouldn't get into a relationship with one, but then I did anyway. And spent a buttload of money that I really shouldn't have been spending in the first place. It's really...
  17. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    Damn, this sucks. But I guess it could have turned out worse. I got a call from a friend the other night, and told her what happened. She called another lesbian friend and now I'm going to a gay bar next weekend to meet some people. Hopefully this will produce better results. :D I think I've...
  18. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    Threesome? With a dude? Me? Bleck! I'm conservative as it is, that certainly wouldn't work out.
  19. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    You must be psychic, that's exactly what I'm worried about. It was hard enough finding her, and dammit, being single sucks.
  20. EarthlyPassions

    I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?

    So, after four years of being out of the closet, I finally manage to find another chick who's seeking too. Problems: She's a bar-head, and while I find her absolutely enchanting when she's sober, she's intolerable when she's bar-ed out. She becomes very confrontational, whiny, and moochy...