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  1. sicarii

    Old forums

    Hi folks! This may not be the place to post but here goes nothing. Does anyone know what happened to I haven't been able to find the site for a few years now and haven't seen any of the members on the other forums. Cray, parabola, vapour, flyer yall got me started, even...
  2. sicarii

    Bug id please

    Thank you
  3. sicarii

    Bug id please

    Howdy folks, i just recieved a couple of plants from an acquaintance and they have some bug issues. I was hoping someone might be able to help identify this little bugger. Sorry in advance about the photo quality and thank you for your time
  4. sicarii

    questions about 12/12 from seed

    High everybody, I have a cabinet that I was planning on using for a grow but it's a little too short. I have seen a box of green style grow where the stalk of the plant is trained to grow around the inside of the box. Would this be possible to do starting seeds at 12/12? I know its not good to...
  5. sicarii

    Carbon Filter in Reverse

    Go with your second layout
  6. sicarii

    Quick, Cheap yet Organic

    Whats the difference between a fish emulsion and Neptune's Harvest?
  7. sicarii

    Nirvana Extortion?

    WTF? That's not bad business, that's how all business is. There was a miscommunication between buyer and seller. The seller isn't responsible for goods getting picked off at customs. If you bounce a check in the US, the company you wrote the check to will take your info to the cops if they dont...
  8. sicarii

    Quick, Cheap yet Organic

    Awesome! Thanks for all the advice. I think I will pass on the urine this time but that does sound like a pretty dank solution to waste water management. Has anybody ever tried fertilizing with a composting toilet? That would be some killer symbiosis.
  9. sicarii

    Quick, Cheap yet Organic

    Hey everybody, I have a little grow starting and I want to make it organic. I'm totally broke however so I'm looking for a good cheap organic fertilizer. Any advice would be appreciated. Sicarii
  10. sicarii

    something killing my leaves pic

    Thanks a lot!!! I bought some Neptune's Harvest organic fish fertilizer and the leaves have stopped dying. Cruzer101 that was great advice thanks a lot. What book was that from? I'm gonna go buy it.:weed:
  11. sicarii

    something killing my leaves pic

    High there, I have 5 plants in soil undeder cfl's and fluoro's that are in their 7th week of flowering. Some leaves on some of my plants are starting to look like they have something killing them. they get really dry and papery and have brown dead looking skin in the middle. any info would be...
  12. sicarii

    first time grow have questions and pics

    Alright I added 5 23w CFL's and one 42w. I also put a small fan on them, will that help with the thin spindally branches in the same way it help make strong stems? Thanks for all the help you guys are more reliable than the verizon network....:lol: sicarii
  13. sicarii

    first time grow have questions and pics

    ok cool. I have a bunch of cfl's so ill wire up more lights. Thanks sicarii
  14. sicarii

    first time grow have questions and pics

    Hey everybody, I have 5 females, in soil under 4 T8 fluorescents, that have been flowering for 4 weeks now. Each plant is about 3' tall and 1' wide. I was wondering if I have enough light for flowering, and about how much they should yield. Any info would be appreciated.
  15. sicarii

    go to walmart for CFL!!!!!

    if you live in MA theyre subsidised and you can buy them for 79 cents a pop at Aubuchon Hardware
  16. sicarii

    Are trimmed leaves good for ur plant?

    If i were you i would compost the leaves separately, its bacteria that break down the leaves and release the Nitrogen. If you store all of your clippings in a barrel and mix it with dehydrated cow manure and water, it will make some pretty yummy plant food.
  17. sicarii

    6...7...8...9!!! leaves

    ok thanks. i got the seeds from a rather seedy person (no pun intended) so i wasn't sure if i was going to die when i tried to smoke it. thanks again!
  18. sicarii

    6...7...8...9!!! leaves

    i have a few plans growing indoors in soil under 15 CFL's (vaguely following Seemorebuds 8oz for under $100 book). they are at week two of flowering and i just started looking for pistils and i noticed that two of my plants have 9 points to a leaf. is this bad? the plants look great, they have...