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  1. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    Ok. so everyone that is telling me to veg inside first..... THEY ARE ALREADY OUTSIDE, WE CANNOT PUT UP A LIGHT IN THE HOUSE, AND ITS TOO LATE TO VEG FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS AND THEN MOVE OUTDOORS AND STILL HAVE VEG TIME UNDER THE SUN. hahaha. c'mon guys. Again, just looking for experience with...
  2. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    " I planted 30 clones in late may outside, I got the urge to do more so I just did another 30 clones outdoor just this week, I am in Northern California also. Should be fine....." Umm, thats NOT late. Like, not at all. Hopefully yours go well, too. Lol. I really hope I get a little herb out...
  3. DJYoshaBYD

    How big?

    I usually see double. If they are 4 ft when they start to flower, expect 6-8, more likely 7 or more, if they are healthy and grown properly in the correct mannger.
  4. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    double post. Sorry about that. :)
  5. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    double post. Sorry about that. :)
  6. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    double post. Sorry about that. :)
  7. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    I always start in May (check my other massive grows in the forums), but again, not having clones, and going through a move, I just didnt have time, space, or opportunity until recently. Im not looking for people telling me that I should have planted early. Im VERY well aware of that...
  8. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    Nice, but these arent 2 foot teens. They are just clones. They just got over their transplant shock (although, the kandy kush doesnt like it outside, and Im still hardening them to get used to full sunlight). Im not holding my breath. lol. I mean, its still basically 2.5+ months before harvest...
  9. DJYoshaBYD

    Growing late in northern california

    Yo... Hope everyone is well. So, NO ONE had clones or anything this year, up until a couple weeks ago. lol So, I said fuck it, and planted 2 blackberry kush and 2 kandy/sweet kush in some pots and have them outside. Now, I have grown outside here many times, and usually start around end of...
  10. DJYoshaBYD

    Anyone wanna help me choose my strains?

    that is what i figured.. hehe.. this season is going to be the shit! so many lbs outdoors.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  11. DJYoshaBYD

    Anyone wanna help me choose my strains?

    hehehe.. i knew that one was going to get a vote.. I have seen this particular one inside in my boys hydro room, and it did great.. not as heavy as the green crack, but good, nonetheless.. real dark colored, signature taste and smell.. mmm.. we are at least putting one or 2 of those back there...
  12. DJYoshaBYD

    Anyone wanna help me choose my strains?

    ok.. so, i have a bunch of mamas, all different strains, and we have room for 12 outdoor plants this year.. we want a very good amount of weight.. we usually, with heavy yielding strains, we get about a lb per plant.. that is what we want this year, but we dont know which of these strains...
  13. DJYoshaBYD

    Feeding kush with molasses outdoors - advice needed

    2 tbsp per gallon.. mix ver well.. i normally use raw cane sugar, at 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup per gallon, every other feeding, outdoors, after the first 2-3 weeks.. basically, as soon as I start seeing buds forming at the 2-3 week mark, I start with a 1/4 cup per gallon, once per week, then increase...
  14. DJYoshaBYD

    Seeds from pure PTW female?

    thats gay.. lol
  15. DJYoshaBYD

    Seeds from pure PTW female?

    ok.. so, i have not had this happen from a clone before, so its new to me.. I had a bunch of purple trainwreck in my room.. 1 600w hps, 1 400w hps... soil.. FFOF and FF nutes they did have a somewhat fucked up watering schedule.. alot has happened recently, and i got lazy.. lol now, i...
  16. DJYoshaBYD

    I have been thinking of trying SoG...

    yeah.. i have made my decision.. 50-60 clones, all at once, no veg time.. with the stretch i have seen on the green crack, i should be good.. cant wait to get this started
  17. DJYoshaBYD

    I have been thinking of trying SoG...

    si si si.. im going to be starting this soon.. i will come back and let you guys know how it went..
  18. DJYoshaBYD

    male or female ?

    too early to tell as of yet.. i would be willing to be female, just from the closeups, but you wont be able to tell for a lil bit longer.. you will see the hairs, indicating pussy.. lol
  19. DJYoshaBYD

    I have been thinking of trying SoG...

    the main reason im wondering, is because i have alot of clones, so i dont need to really veg the shit out of them, but i also cannot afford over 1 buck per container, for 45 containers.. budget is tight right now..