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  1. L

    What to do with possible Nitrogen def in week5 flowering?

    alright. sprayed magic green with lights off.. praying itll be green again. this yellow is starting to worry me. lol. ill see in a few days if any change.
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    What to do with possible Nitrogen def in week5 flowering?

    Hey all. I am in my 5th week of flowering. My leaves are turning yellow and I suspect they are suffering from Nitrogen def. I've been using Dyna grow nuts and following the chart religiously. I am thinking about switching to SuperNaturals. Since I'm in week 5 of flowering, are there any...
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    Pure Yellow Leaves w/ No Brownage

    Hey everyone. Real quick question. I am in week 4 in flowering. My babies are super green with no droops. But is it normal to have maybe 1-3 leaves that are COMPLETELY yellow? There are no signs of brownage, no crinkled leaves. It's just pure yellow and the stem part is purple (which I...
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    Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

    I water them when they start to get dry. I usually stick my finger in there and feel on the medium to see if its moist or getting dry, but it ends up being once a week. I water them using 50% or 75% strength of the recommended nutrients. I also spray them every 4 days with the fan off. Let it...
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    Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

    got some updated pics for y'all! they are looking beautiful as ever! week 6: week 7:
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    Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

    I think it was cost that played a factor the most. I need 10 FFoF bags, at $20/bag can get hefty. Also, I suffered a lot of nute burn. Mainly because I am still a beginner, and adding my nutes + nutes already in the soil maybe harmed it. I just want to do it differently this time around. The...
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    about 3 weeks old (veg) what do ya think?

    looks good! Looks like we are on the same cycle. I'll be sure to keep checking back for updates.
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    Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

    Thanks! I'll use this thread to update my process. I have a feeling this round will have some great yields. :)
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    Pics Of My Babies After Transfer

    Hey everyone. As some of you may know, I transferred my babies to 5 gal pots using sunshine #4 & perlite. My old setup was using fox farm ocean forest soil. I used about 40% perlite to mix with my sunshine #4. So far so good and my babies are greener than ever. I'm on the end of week 3...
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    Sunshine #4 + Perlite Mixture Question

    I'm about to transplant my babies to 5 gal's. I am going to try something new and use Sunshine Mix #4 + Perlite. What is the recommended amount of each to put in? Is it better to mix or layer? I was going to lean towards the reverse oreo cookie method (perlite bottom, sunshine middle, perlite top).
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    3 Weeks into Flowering Need Opinion

    looks very nice. I'm also in my 3rd week of flowering.
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    Severe Nute Burn during Flowering, First Thread Also

    it seems to be doing better! I am using a new mix of N that got recommended to me at the store. I only put half strength in and raised the lights. so far so good! im using dyna gro and following the week 3 soil chart, but half strength. when will it be a good time to do regular strength? after a...
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    Severe Nute Burn during Flowering, First Thread Also

    I cut off the dead leaves. Mixed my N with the water. pH and ppm is what it should be at. praying for a miracle.. ill keep yall updated.
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    Leaves Yellowing between Veins - Pics Attached

    Awesome chart. I'll use this for the problem I posted in the newbie section.
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    Severe Nute Burn during Flowering, First Thread Also

    Hmm..since that I am only my second week in, I will keep flushing with nothing in it. My pH water is "normal". I thought I had put too much N in it, so I flushed it. It was good for about 3-4 days, now it's back to crispy chicken. :-/ I'm really lost.
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    Severe Nute Burn during Flowering, First Thread Also

    Rapids- Is that the solution you are going to try? I am in the same boat here, as with my first post. You are going to transfer them to new soil? I don't want to make a new thread since my problem is EXACTLY the same. I am now thinking about putting them in new soil. I am using ocean forest fox...