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  1. DrGreenDreads

    subcool LOL!

    I say close here... HiTKW0IjxKg
  2. DrGreenDreads

    share your DMT experiences !

    Thanks for sharing, I love reading about deep trips this is kinda what my breakthroughs are like, along with the life epiphanies and all that PKdfYmej7Uw
  3. DrGreenDreads


    I don't remember u sayin it was 8 weeks into flower..u should be just giving water now, its good for water leaves to go deficient during flush b4 harvest..
  4. DrGreenDreads


    It will take some time, if u did a nice flush and gave some food just wait it out man
  5. DrGreenDreads


    U could get a air cooled hood, and run ducting sucking air trough the hood And out the tent. but I bet u will be fine with just exhaust for now, ur in the 80s with just intake right? maybe get a desk fan to blow on the bulb and cool it, exhaust it more efficient for cooling tho man
  6. DrGreenDreads


    I find pulling air out of the grow tent is better than pushing it in, the negative pressure will suck the walls in, but that's fine, i prefer intake and exhaust, I think that was what u were asking?
  7. DrGreenDreads

    DMT and dying

    How was this study conducted? Sounds like balogny to pretty sure your body produces dmt while u sleep, that's why dreams are trippy, ur just elevating the amount of DMT in ur body while ur awake
  8. DrGreenDreads

    DMT... aliens or god? What is the 'presence'

    ahha, maybe the aliens made him shit? But it dosent sound like you had a "breakthrough" smoke more;)
  9. DrGreenDreads

    DMT... aliens or god? What is the 'presence'

    I don't know, beings of energy? When I breakthrough i can only describe it as riding a wave of energy on a astral plane and everything is chaotically peacefull..that makes no sense I kno
  10. DrGreenDreads

    DMT... aliens or god? What is the 'presence'

    Suspense? You asked a question, I gave my opinion
  11. DrGreenDreads

    DMT... aliens or god? What is the 'presence'

    I don't think the entities are gods or aliens
  12. DrGreenDreads

    Problems After Topping

    I like to wait atleast a week after topping to allow new shoots to grow and mature b4 introducing flower, same with transplants and roots, your plants are putting energy into growing roots and filling the new container
  13. DrGreenDreads

    question about seedlings

    IMO a 15 liter pot should be able to house 2 plants for a good amout of time till they start to connect together at the roots, which isn't a problem if there both fem cause u can flower them together and no worry bout pollination, if one is male or u just wanna seperate them they will live...
  14. DrGreenDreads

    So my sneaky cat bit a leaf

    Its fine, and will likly heal in a day, u could snip it and get rid of some undergrowth while ur at it, and make the plant focus more on the tops edit: sorry on the phone didnt really see the plant, actually looks kinda stretched, how far ur lights ?
  15. DrGreenDreads

    question about seedlings

    Could just be a bum seed, but at 2 weeks sounds like both should be bigger, could be a environmental problem, how's ur temps and air ventilation and what not?
  16. DrGreenDreads

    24 hour dark????

    Im inclined to agree with biza, a true female with be damn hard to hermi, seems like people just don't want to put in the time to find them..
  17. DrGreenDreads

    NV Patients will no longer be able to grow...

    12 is nice, but still not anything to be happy about, being around cannabis is therapeutic to me, the more plants, the better I fell, unfortunatly that won't hold up in court
  18. DrGreenDreads

    Yellow leaves every time a plant goes into flower.

    Do u ever flush b4 flower? I think coco retains alot of salts that build up, I never use coco tho
  19. DrGreenDreads

    4 weeks into flower, extreme yellowing

    pH sounds on point for soil, some strains just consume more N than others, can help this by addin some veg fert to ur bloom feed, assuming its a N def tho
  20. DrGreenDreads

    Can somebody help diagnos this problem

    Looks like nute burn, what are you feedin it?