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  1. Nightelf

    not sure whats wrong here

    these are on 18/6, organa care nutrients( once a week), 400w MH, and they have started to look unhealthy, can any one give me some advice
  2. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    your advice almost makes you tolerable
  3. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    well the box was when it was smaller, i put i in the sunlight everyday, and the cfls save me energy, as opposed to having a 4oo watt mh burning for 24 hours a day, i was thinking that as it got closer to budding i could start using it in the veg, but since you an asshole nvm
  4. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    well its better than taking pictures of my fatt ass mom that i live with
  5. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    most people who smoke pot or grow it, are not "assholes", but there is a category of ppl that use pot, and actually depend on it, and they are assholes, and are rude, and have no concept of general kindness, and they lose themselves to their need, to be an asshole
  6. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    ignorance is bliss, and i have done some research, most of which says that i should have a higher power light in the bud phase, so it doesnt seem "like a dumb fucking question" to ask, if i should go against that now
  7. Nightelf

    2nd week flowering White Widow

    well, that thing looks really healthy, great job!
  8. Nightelf

    Crystalize the entire plant

    i wouldnt cut any part of the plant, other than topping, just because its stress, and if your not sure, then dont do it
  9. Nightelf

    need help with Lighting change

    have my plant under 3 42 watt cfls, and she is doing pretty good, but i have a 400 watt metal halide also. my question is, can i put her under the big light now, and still bud her with the 400, or is it better to leave her under the cfls for the veg, then change to the 400? this is her now
  10. Nightelf

    Are these babys ready to be cut?

    looks awesome, great job!
  11. Nightelf

    Stealth Grow Box - Help Please

    if you have a single lamp fixture for your light, you can go to any hardware store and pick up an adapter that allows for 2 lights, then get the 2 highest watts that you can get, they are sizable, so you may want to attempt to bend and tie your plants so that all the leaves recieve light, in...
  12. Nightelf

    Can you create a growth spurt

    also im using 3 42watt cfls, for the veg, spaced evenly around the plant
  13. Nightelf

    Can you create a growth spurt

    so this is her from that date to this date
  14. Nightelf

    Can you create a growth spurt

    im not trying to achieve a growth spurt so to say, and i realize that there are others ways to get a growth spurt, but what im talking about, is using wind to train a plant to be stong, and gain size from tricking it, not enhancing it.
  15. Nightelf

    Can you create a growth spurt

    also, i would like to add that, the question is that once those harsh conditions were removed, wouldnt the plant be in a total growth frenzy, and if it were growing the stalk for the wind abuse, wouldnt then have some sort of "growth energy" that would continue on for some time? and thus be able...
  16. Nightelf

    Can you create a growth spurt

    see how burly the stalk is, its bigger than some outdoor grows ive done, at equal ages
  17. Nightelf

    Too soon or too late?

    fyi, there is such a thing as diminishing returns, which is when the bud starts to not produce stuff that is beneficial, or takes away from the high, im not a expert, but i think thats fairly close to the explanation
  18. Nightelf

    Quick Question Guys

    size of wire and insulation, and the amount of electricity that it can handle, and some have industrial ends and some have household ends