1.5 months old plants tips are yellowing and leaves has white spots. Please help!


Active Member
I have 3 skywalker ogs that has burn tips on their leaves. Been using the same formula, lucas formula. Please help. Pictures Attached



Well-Known Member
used the same nutrients all the way and I didn't have the problem until 3 days ago.
Can you confirm there are NO BUGS in your room or on your plants or even in your medium?

Have you been checking your pH?

Are your environmental variables in check?

Regardless of using the same formula all the way through, depending upon age of plant, environment, pH etc this can cause a plant to use more or less of the nutes. Even position within a room can have an effect .

What are you currently trying to correct the issue?



Active Member
I took the plants off from the flood tables because it was getting to big. The plants are on the ground now in coco pots and watered with cups. I may have splashed some nutrient water on the leaves. Could this be the problem if so how bad is the damage


Does the "white stuff" somewhat rub off a little when you run your finger over it?

Are there any chemicals nearby (bleach, gas, spray cans, etc)?

How far are your lights from the plants?


That stuff has got to be pretty funky. You sure your ladies liked that?

Looks to me like a bug problem. At least the pic with the tiny white spots on the middle of the leaves.


Active Member
Do you have any idea what kind of bug problem it is? I don't know if bug problems common with hydro and i don't think it is spidermites because it does not have eggs under it.