101 Already Asked Questions


Hi guys!! Noob question, dont know if its been covered in the forums. I have a space for a dual grow cupboard. Top area for veg 5'w x 2'h x 2'd
Bottom area for flowering 6'w x 4'h x 2'd
Would the top space be enough room for clones and a mother, if topped regularly?

I have six of these little 16w 2700k t4 fluorescent tubes about 500mm long.Would these be enough light for my mother and clones?

Also could u recommend a strain and light for the flowering area due to limited space?


I'm building a custom Grow room and was wondering How high will a average White Widow grow and thickeness..

Thank you in advance.


i still dnt get ppm what does this meen and im in the uk and most are from u.s is ther any1 frm uk that can help me wer to find good stuff to buy and wer from this would be a great help widow maker im loving your bluberry
so how much yield per plant can I expect? I know, I know, it depends, but I have ben away from the hobby for a couple decades, but since I just recently semi retired, I realized I don't have to worry about surprise tests anymore.

I think I read some where that a gram per watt is good, does that mean watts, as in lighting? Anyway with the new technology since the late 80's I am really pumped about the quality and yield differences possible.


I am a first time grower wanting to know if I'm doing the right thing. I currently have 6 blueberry seedling plants that are 2 weeks old. I am using pro mix bx soil, and have not yet got the nutrients for them. I am growing in a 3x2x1 grow box for my veg stage with 3 45 watt = 200 light output and I have 2 5 inch cpu fans for ventilation one on top for exhaust and one on bottom for intake. It is currently too cold to keep fans running as it has gotten the soil very cold. SO I have the fans off and I just leave the doors open. I was wanting to know if I am doing things right. Below are pics of my 2 week old babies. Let me know if they look healthy or if I'm killing them.


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
virtually every single question can be answered by The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes. Seriously its worth the small investment, knowledge shall increase yeilds.
it dont matter if soft white or warm white lights huh i jus need a hps and for now cuz am jus starting so i have too soft white electronic compact fluresent refector r40 blubs so i jus keep using them till my plant gets big and gets in its vegatative stage then put a hps light
hi all, first time posting a Q here. i haven't found exactly what i'm in need of knowing, and trust me, i've looked!! in saying that, i have a small cabinet for my (almost) 2 week old girls. i have a high output fluorescent light fixture in it with 2 - 2' T5 (blue spectrum) bulbs in it. my temp is great (74-76 F), they're greeen and happy. i do have the hort. bible book by jorge cervantes, but again, even that doesn't cover my question:
with the higher output floros, (3,400 lumens/48 watt) and blue spectrum, how far should these lights be above my plants? i have another seedling that was given to me and seems to be real "squat". already 5 leaflets on it, and it's only 4" tall!! i now have the light 16" above the plants. is this too far? any help would really be appreciated!! i'm a newbie but am learnin' quick!!


Well-Known Member
i got a question, i herd of being able to make plants bud with useing jello to change the collor of the light i herd it had to do with red and a blue batch one collor makes it bud and the other recover or so i herd can i get this answered
Try shining your light thru a jar of Beets! That way when it dosent work you can still make some pickled eggs! lol


Well-Known Member
virtually every single question can be answered by The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes. Seriously its worth the small investment, knowledge shall increase yeilds.

Amen. That's my number one advice to the noobs. Read as much as you can.. every chance you get the free time.. and read read read..read.. until your eyes cross involuntarily. That's my motto. ;) Seriously.. reading is the main reason I know what I know now. Even if I had to revert to asking a 'noob' type question.. lols. I've got two Nirvana 'ICE' ladies in flowering. Today, they're on day 3 of week #2 of flowering.. I've got some good looking preflowers on both plants.. but.. I have yet to see any white pistils that I'm familiar with seeing.. but the thing is.. is I can't remember how long that usually takes.. before you start seeing white pistils.. unfortunately I haven't been able to grow here lately because of family probs. Had a brother that was staying with me until just recently. But he ended up staying for a solid 3 months. So there I was, for 3 solid months.. without being able to grow. But yeah.. that just goes to prove a point. No matter how experienced you really are.. even the experienced have to revert back to asking simple questions like that.

but anyhow, have a good weekend everyone.