11 Day old plants drooping and yellowing

My little plants sprouted up from the ground 11 days ago. I have 3 lowryder#2 plants from speedyseedz. On all of them they are yellowing (one is worse than the others) and the yellowist one is also drooping severly. I watered them all a few days ago. they are in 6 in across pots and in mirical grow organic potting mix. they are uder roughly 180 watts cfl the temp stays betwee 74 and 80 with the humidity right around 50%.
What could the problem be?
I don't have a camera to take pics
Thanks guys


I'd say its your soil. I'm using the same stuff actually, I was in a hurry and rushed out to get soil before checking into too much. It looks like most people have issues with MG, but I'm not sure what the actual nutrient issue is. It looks like a nitrogen deficiency, but this is my first grow so I couldn't really say. I just figured out how to post pictures, so hopefully that will be some help. I have mine under 4 23-watt cfl's, the humidity has been (guessing) around 60-75, and the temp between 70-90. And there are some fungus gnats

A little info about the plants:
The big one was planted in some peat starter soil a little over a month and a half ago. I transplanted it into straight MG Organic choice about a 3 weeks ago. It might look weird cause I'm LSTing it The interesting leaf burn is from about 2 weeks ago when I had to stash the plants in the dark for 2 days. It didn't seem to effect the small ones too much though. The new growth looks Great, but the lower leaves are yellowing and dying.

The little ones were planted at the same time (3 weeks ago) that I transplanted the big one. They are growing slower than the big one, and the stalks are thin (though sturdy). They look pale green, and some leaves have wavy edges.

MG organic choice 008.jpgMG organic choice 011.jpgMG organic choice 007.jpgMG organic choice 010.jpgMG organic choice 001.jpg

Is this at all what yours look like? I'd think it would be similar at least, hopefully someone can help both of us!


Well-Known Member
I don't see any perlite in that soil either. I'd add it in the future to prevent compaction and aid drainage.


Active Member
Miracle grow I've picked up has had completely crazy Ph's. I don't trust it for that reason. Every bag of Fox farm ocean forest I've purchased has been 6.3-6.6 ;]
The miracle grow I had usually was about 5 ph for some reason so I would have to water with 7 ph. Still... I avoid Miracle grow
I actually did add perlite to the soil, forgot to mention that though
My plants have their first two jagged leaves ad one of them is starting to make the secod set but i feel like they aren't growing like they should
the tips of the leaves are really yellow and turning brown and all of the leaves are a very pale green
and drooping severly
I really wish i had a camera


Nope, I haven't added anything to the soil. My plan now is to get enough axilliary nodes to clone and start those in either fox farms (if I can find it around here) or something similar. Once I get completely up and running I want to switch to Subcool's super soil, but that will probably be after a harvest or two. I was considering experimenting with a few different things on the young ones though. If it is a Ph issue I was thinking about trying lemon/lime juice, or coffee or something to bring it down, but Newb, you say yours was at 5?! What do you add to raise the ph? Man I need some tools lol!

Budro, the first set of leaves on my younger plants had some leaf tip burn at first too. The people who say they've had success with MG say not to use it for seedlings, which I have to agree with now since the plant I started in peat moss is doing way better than the others. Are you waiting for your soil to dry between waterings? The wilt might be due to overwatering...? You might just want to transplant into some Fox Farms or something as soon as you can... Hopefully you can find a camera to use soon, and hopefully you can save your little Ryders! Keep us updated brother



Well-Known Member
I actually did add perlite to the soil, forgot to mention that though
My plants have their first two jagged leaves ad one of them is starting to make the secod set but i feel like they aren't growing like they should
the tips of the leaves are really yellow and turning brown and all of the leaves are a very pale green
and drooping severly
I really wish i had a camera
Most likely ph issues from the MG soil is causing your problem along with the soil itself... Now you know why people don't recommend MG. I'm sure it works for some people but it seems like it just causes problems for most!

If your watering more than every 2-3 days, your most likely overwatering aswell.. Seedlings take a little longer for the soil to dry out due to the fact that they don't have a solid root base to suck up the water faster.. I would recommend testing the ph of the water your using and then testing the runoff on you plants after you water. Try to keep it between 6.5-6.8.. Good luck!
I'm worried they are too young to transplant to fox farm soil. but i will order some tonight.
also, When i grew bagseeds last time i used some sort of mirical product. I think it was the seed starting potting mix, but it worked fine
I will jsut use fox farms forever from here out


The runoff from watering should be around 6.6-6.8 I believe, you'll need a ph meter. Then adjust the ph of your water and nutes accordingly, not sure on the specifics of adjusting though...