1st Grow. I Think i Need HELP!! (with pics)


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

firstly i'd like to say what a great site. i've learnt so much in just a few days of being a member. but i need help here.
i never intended to start growing until i moved to a bigger property but two weeks ago my mate went on holiday and gave me a plant to look after. so i went on ebay and brought a l.e.d grow light, then i found this site and it said they are no good cfl's are better. i just happened to have one in the hallway so i pinched it and set it up over my plant. it seemed to like it but i dont see much growth.
so this morning i went to b&q and brought a 20w cfl and built a grow box lined with tin foil. so i now have two bulbs in the box 2'x2'x3'. is this going to work? and why did i get a set of 5 leaves then the next two have gone back to 3? this seems strange. the plant is nearly 4 weeks old and is in normal soil. i have fed it mirical grow. i only water it when it looks dry. it is afgani special.



Active Member
Looks like it could work but not for 2 long, the plant should grow out of that fast, and if u dont want any expensive light i guess fluoresent might be the best way to go. I'v heard when feeder leafs go from 5 back to 3 its not the best sign, but im sure it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
thanks l2edl2ain

anyone else got any sugestions as i'm right into this now. just ordered a load of seeds


Well-Known Member
enviro lights, t5 tubes i hear r good, whats the limit on cost,people do it with like 20 small cfl. what r u looking 2 get out of it ?


Well-Known Member
just a smoke for myself if i'm lucky
just been on ebay and was looking at some 30w energy savers, are they worth getting. they are cheap.


Well-Known Member
Energy savers,cfl,all the same sort of thing,yeah should work, u will only get a small smoke though and if you only use a couple low watt lights u will have 2 keep plant short.


Active Member
dude,take out the tin foil,its way bad for the plant,just paint the inside of the box flat white..it will reflect much better!