1st Grow, need some advice! (pics)


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Wanted to post my setup and see what you all think. I also am having some trouble with some browning of the lower leaves on a few plants, hopefully these pics will help (not the best camera sorry).

Room size: 4'0" X 5'0"
Lights: 400W Metal Halide, 2- 4'0" Flourescents (with hot bulbs)
Soil: Scott's 4-month blend
Germination: From Seed
PH: Soil PH = 6.4, Water = Distilled (PH 6.2 I think)
Room Temp: Avg. = 74.6 F.
Plant age: 6 plants = 4weeks, 3 plants = 3weeks, 5 plants = 2 weeks.

My setup seems almost perfect, but for some reason some of the lower leaves are dying and getting crispy. The only thing I can think that I did wrong was to over water my plants the first few times. I was thinking that by overwatering the soil, it released more nutes than it should have.

This is just a guess on my part though, any thoughts?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
they look great. looks like a little nut bur on that one but thats not bad. keep up the good grow.


Active Member
Ya I figured Nute burn, Think I just need to lower the amount of water I am giving. Seems like my soil is releasing the nutes wrong due to this.

Thanks for the info otherwise^^

Brick Top

New Member
Ya I figured Nute burn, Think I just need to lower the amount of water I am giving. Seems like my soil is releasing the nutes wrong due to this.

Thanks for the info otherwise^^

I don’t like soil with time release fert’s in it. You are better off controlling how and when your plants are fed yourself. Time release fert’s soil seem to cause a lot of people a lot of problems so while they seem handy and like a good way to go I would suggest staying away from them in the future.

But that is only my opinion.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes allways get a soil that is hutral in nuts. that way you ontrol how much feed you are giving her. and your ph in the oil will stay even.


Well-Known Member
Either move those tubes closer to the plants or turn them off because all they are doing that far above your plants is adding money to your electric bill. Try putting them on the walls shining in toward the plants to get light to the lower parts. Besides that everything looks awesome

Tom :leaf:


Active Member
Either move those tubes closer to the plants or turn them off because all they are doing that far above your plants is adding money to your electric bill. Try putting them on the walls shining in toward the plants to get light to the lower parts. Besides that everything looks awesome

Tom :leaf:
Ya I was planning on moving the Flourescents into my flowering room as soon as the ladies are ready. Was just hoping for a little extra light. But what you say definately makes sense.

I just had so many plants packed into that room I wasn't sure that my 400w metal halide would do the trick.

Also, which soil do you find best for growing. I am having the hardest time finding potting soil with no Nutes added, any suggestions?

Again, thanks for the info!