1st time main-lining journal......


Well-Known Member
i happy waiting for 1 or two till after wards haha these under the cfl i have now shouldnt be to big by 3 weeks so they will be round outside the mainlined plants


Well-Known Member
well i have stripped them they are only getting 4 heads each and letting them grow now for bout 2-3 weeks then flipping

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
with about 18 days to go you could make 8 tops easily....if your a little worried dont.....theres nothing worse then having dead lines and having to rush a grow when your learning....

....have your cages come yet?

.....liking the urple on pik 4

did you notice any difference in the jack H, how did the next leafs grow any faster or slower??

p.s dont neglect jacky h man shes a great smoke....


Well-Known Member
I see the how they go over weekend m8, but yes I just want nice smoke for xmas haha and no rings yet hopefully tomorrow the where listed as dispatched on wednesday


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of little snaps for you.


This pineapple skunk has had to be out on hold. During bondage she gave way where the node meats the stock. So I've had to bind her together to heal before continuing the bondage.

I've since realised that bending them this far its probably best to bend the node around your finger. First to create that curve but hey go you live and learn. I've got 7 clones currently rooting so if pineapple doesn't pull through I won't be short on numbers.



Well-Known Member
just curious why you have left so much stem in the middle J......
Because I was slightly unsure as to which node set I was going to keep.

So I left 5blade 3blade and 1blade nodes on until I saw each of the nodes response to the topping.

Then once I decided which node I was using, I didn't want to remove that portion as it generally dies on its own anyway so its less stress.

Remember first time mainlining. Lol.

That extra stalk won't be there next time.

I was looking last night to see if you were online before I started to top for 4. Because I had a slight surprise. The pineapple that got hurt actually had a triploid node on both sides, the next node up from my cut for 4.

Each of that node had a further 3 nodes growing from the same place and was contemplating topping it there for a 6 or eventual 12 top mainline.

But didn't see you in time so off it went. Lol.


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
naw ive gathered you know what ya doing i just wondered why....now i know lol....

its funny you should mention that when ive mainlined very early like yourself the plant seems to restart its self, for want of a better word, i have topped at the same node you have in this journel and the plant went from growing 5 blade leafs back to one, and having some shoots very much weaker then others....

its almost like it confuses the plant...this is were me n slater saw our stunting and lower rate of growth having said that we was also at the start of that 30+ weather which we had and it didnt help us at all...



Active Member
i just keeping finking of junkheads when i see this mainlining lol what is it you do to the plant exactly??? i understand lst,fimmed,topped,lollipopped but mainlining??


Well-Known Member
Here's a few more shots of mine. Including the now healed pineapple.

As you can see I've left the bracing on the pineapple to keep it in position as no doubt it would have split again if I removed the brace.



Well-Known Member
hahaha looking funky as fuck mate...was it growing out of the end of the stem lol??
Yeah that's why I leave the extra stem. A self making brace lol.

Just some handy garden wire for the brace.

Was trying to stem tie the wire to begin with to hold the nodes over but found it easier making makeshift stakes with it instead.



Well-Known Member
well heres a quick update been a bit to busy and baked to be taking photos every day haha and couldn't be arsed to get them out to see what pic is of what plant so heres a few shots anyway im just gona leave for 4 heads each and veg for 2 weeks today till I flip hopefully my training rings come soon also think my cooltube might be a bit to close look on the last pics


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I can see why your getting discouraged but don't be everything will be ok.

Pik 3 shows the importance of even tying of the shoots , if you notice the 2 on the left have taken over because you tied the left side to the fan leaf below and the right side even though though slightly lower it has been enough. This is why I said this process feels unnatural....the plant will always try to make 1 shoot the main

Also I'm assuming you didn't leave the 3days then cut etc as you have managed to cut the leads of the next node down. Again this is why I reccomened beginers wait until the node below is big enough so that you don't make that mistake.

You should leave your light at ten inches as said to avoid probs.

And lastly, if you can't even be bothered to take them out for photos, and your too baked to grow em to the best of your ability then why bother, it's costly and illegal.

You only get what you put in mate.....Put in shit and get shit...

I don't mean to be negative but I hope this post gives you the kick in the bollox you need to sort these girls out n make enough happy....only time will tell.....until the next update........if there is one!!


Well-Known Member
Hey budolskie

Just thought I would stop by and show you pics of how mine are progressing.

Hope you don't mind again lol.


Pineapple skunk. This is the one where the node tried to break and had to be braced as you can see.


Not looking too shabby even if I do say so myself lol.

We're looking to be somewhere near each other as far as growth goes.

I'm still going for 8 so it will be good for you to see how much longer it will take to develop growth before flowering to see if you could have fitted it in during those 2 weeks you want to make up.



Well-Known Member
no i dont mind j m8 they look nice and healthy i have 5 other plants to fit round sides aswell to fill any space i be a bit sick if u get them done for 8 and down before xmas haha as its 20 heads more i could of had if i do 8 but 20 tops will do for now and the 5 smaller plants round side sould be ok. i still need to get them under the mh for a week or so when potted into final pot..

lemon king i have been a bit busy the past few days and as they didnt need fed this morning i just got a couple pics in the tent as then i can get back to wait see if my supports come, but i will get them out in detail again in next day or 2 and i think it must be start of deficency as deffo no bugs in there.... also will they not stretch being 10" away from cooltube iv never flowered with cooltube before and still need to work out best distance away


Well-Known Member
and j i didnt no i had to tie them down to the same level but learning is what im here for props smaller pegs would been better aswell