1st time regeneration


Well-Known Member
just cut some of my reveg rhino... gonna throw her back in to veg as soon as I cut the rest of the nugs. Haha going for round 3 of veg :)

ill let u know how it smokes... doubt its gonna be bad, it still looks gnarly


Well-Known Member
not in this thread, never. i love everyone who takes an interest to what i do and i appreciate any help anyone has to offer

i just get bummed out by what i read in other peoples threads, people are so quick to attack and prove their point. too may opinions used in the wrong way


Well-Known Member
just cut some of my reveg rhino... gonna throw her back in to veg as soon as I cut the rest of the nugs. Haha going for round 3 of veg :)

ill let u know how it smokes... doubt its gonna be bad, it still looks gnarly

round 3 holy crap, talk about longevity, do you have any pictures? congrats on the smoke :peace::peace:

are you going to transplant her again and take out some of her roots?


Well-Known Member
i found the same problem with some members here. thats why i dont go looking for new people to help and just stick with the ones i have been with for a while


Well-Known Member
Posted some pictures in my thread on page 71... Well if you kept it default, its the 2nd to last page im on now.

I might transplant, we will see. I didnt touch her roots last time though. I might just take some clones, some buds, and try and get them to root and go from there. Would be kind of cool though to have this rhino for a couple years haha. Its already close to being a year old. Its for sure over 6 months. I dont know exact.

hey im always willing to help and i know what you mean how people are. But you deal with it, find people who need the help or have good advice and move on your way. Its the internet and a forum people are going to annoy you... thats just who they are. i mean common dont have hard feelings about this lol. but ic does have awesome pc micro grows... definitly got inspiration there.


Well-Known Member
cool stuff, got more pictures

my plant is flowering well i finally got her some 0-10-10 bloom nutes, next is molasses, followed by a flushing with apple juice, thanks B

here are some pictures, my seedling is hawaiian paia that i got from doc chron. only had a 1 in 10 germ ratio so sativa seedbank is out! :wall:

i only got one good clone out of 15. not good numbers but i am going to mother this clone, and keep germing more seeds. there what ive been doing



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear the shity germ rate, i would send em a complaint to see how they deal with it. f they are any good they will do something for ya.
on the second shot, watch the ph. those different looking colours i see in the leaves is water is off. iether letting it get to dry or staying to wet.


Well-Known Member
hm ive been having a little trouble balancing the Ph for sure, i have been trying to keep it between 6 and 6.4 but im going off of a color rating system so it gets a little tough lol.

i emailed sativa seedbank and was told it was dr chronics fault for the bad shipping and they did not address the bad germiation rate. i think i will just avoid that seedbank (sativa seedbank) i have had one sitting in a cup of water for around a week now, maybe i should try the sand paper method, i dont know, buying seeds is such an unfortunate gamble sometimes, but it was only 33 bucks so im not down and out.
atleast i got one! maybe she will be a fem, and if it is a male i will pollenate a few branches of my baby mother.


Well-Known Member
well it shows again you get what you pay for.
i use the same style liquid ph, once you figure the right colour thenit gets easier


Well-Known Member
well it shows again you get what you pay for.
i use the same style liquid ph, once you figure the right colour thenit gets easier
how true that is, i think you have to have balls of steel to order upwards of 50 bucks in seeds.:clap:

i am fortunate enough to live in cali so i think ill just stick to buying clones, theyre cheaper and wayy faster.:weed:


Well-Known Member
true they are faste but a seed will always give a stronger plant and yield.
i am lucky i dont need to order online for anything. we have a good selection here, soon i may be able to p[rovide those and some of my own.


Well-Known Member
Looking alot better. You should clone the heck out of it and get a nice harvest going off that regen. It takes a while to get it back to veg stage huh? I had some plants that turned female in the flower room, and I took clone after one week, and they took about 2-3 weeks to get back into veg mode and grow. But they worked out very well, and are the ones about to harvest in 2 weeks. Attack of the clone thread!


Well-Known Member
Looking alot better. You should clone the heck out of it and get a nice harvest going off that regen. It takes a while to get it back to veg stage huh? I had some plants that turned female in the flower room, and I took clone after one week, and they took about 2-3 weeks to get back into veg mode and grow. But they worked out very well, and are the ones about to harvest in 2 weeks. Attack of the clone thread!
thanks dewey, congrats on your success, my cloning went badly, out of 15 i got one :wall: not sure if i over loved them or what maybe nute lock or something.

i hope to get about an ounce off my regen, it will have about 3-5 main colas that i am excited about

perpetual is my dream.



Well-Known Member
I thought I did a shitty job on my first attempt on cloning and I got 7 out of 9. Who knows, i tried to make sure it was a clean job, and cuts at 45 degree and used cloning gel with RW Cubes. Used a dome to keep the humidity high so that the plants don't dry out till they set root. Other then that, It was a piece of cake.

I will do a write up w/pics on my next batch of clones if ya want.


Well-Known Member
i had all of the above mentioned but i used jiffy pots, although i didnt ph them im not sure if thats necessary.but my rooting hormone might be old, so that could have been the reason

id love to hear any ideas youd like to share


Well-Known Member
so my plant is almost one month into flowering.october 11th in the following days i will have an HPS 250 watt from High tech garden supply,putting her under this i hope will add some weight to her,

she is asleep right but i will have pictures tommorrow. right now i am only using a bloom nute that is0-10-10 i am getting mollasses and plan on using apple juice to flush with, homemade by me for reall.

on the 11th i will start adding potash but i am wondering how to apply it, i plan on burning a few logs of wood and using that, is there a certain type i should look for? i think ill just scower camp sites and fire pits at the beach.

does anyone know any other good bloom nutrients,i id prefer natural because i know all the brand names.


Well-Known Member
ya i knew what it does just curious, like they said to watch the ph, people mostly use it ballance the ph not as a nute. that`s just an added bonus.
curious to see how it will work for you.