1st time regeneration


Well-Known Member
cool well i chopped her and her buds are hanging. my lady and i are very sad to see her go, we have had her for over a year. bummer.


Well-Known Member
here are a few more pictures, pre chop and after harvest. i have better pictures but my cam died, so tomorrow.

i did not have the heart to kill her/him so i cut the top portion of the plant.
i am now attempting to make it a clone, and if success, then i will go plant her in the forest somewhere.

i figure anywhere from a half to 20 grams..
better than the first go.

pictures here.

and more tomorrow after work.



Well-Known Member
Hello there Brendon420, or should I say GrowingPassion420, oh yes.. i know who you really are. After monitering your activity for the past couple of weeks I have came to the conclusion that you are in fact GrowingPassion420. From a lot of your posts you seem to have come a long way from your former alias, but still I see similarities, even your avatar would point to you being GP420, was this an intentional clue, hoping we would play your little game??? Now dont worry, I wont let your little secret out on one condition... That you admit to me, and me only that you are GP420. I just need confirmation that my investigations werent in vain..

Yours inquisetively,








Well-Known Member

congratulations dannyking the first person to my block list.


Well-Known Member
on a serious note.

this is whats left of my plant.

im going to let her live in the wilderness somewhere

havent decided where but somewhere outside, i wonder if she will survive the coming winter.

ill have bud info later.


Well-Known Member

im trying new techniques with cloning.

water cloning with willow tea.

already showing roots, not even 24 hours after, i think she'll live.



Well-Known Member
i found 2 hermi seeds in my plant, theyre both white and immature. ill throw them in water anyway.

my herb is still drying but id say 23g dry. here is a picture of it drying, next it goes into a jar

here is a picture of it hanging:peace:



Well-Known Member
final weight is unknown since i dont havve a scale, but if i ever do ill let you know,

my guess is about 20 g dry.

the smoke is very indica dominant.

im going to save as much as i can to find out its true potential.

this strain will be in my cab for a while, i have a clone mother i am using.

i have already taken about 10 clones and they are all rooting.

after i have really figured this strain out i am going to cross it with a sativa, and then any other males that make their way to me.

if you'd like to see my progress on that check out my other journal


thanks for watching.


Active Member
I have left a load of leaves and small flowers, been regenerating for 3 weeks now, can i put back into flower now or how long should I wait


Active Member
How can you tell if it has gone hermie, all the leaves are growing diferent shapes, I suppose its stress, i have now put into flowering is that ok


Well-Known Member
I would say wait until you grow some normal leafs but if that doesnt happen throw it in to flower as long as you have new growth the growth will continue to come in