1st time regeneration


Well-Known Member
me too freaked me out hardcore, i thought it turned hermie or non marijuana all together. good luck with yours and thanks for stopping by, your PC journal is some solid evidence on an issue with so many variables. well done.


Well-Known Member
messed up leaves is from the shock.
for nutes i use botanicares pure blend pro, great organics in everything, thats what i use


Well-Known Member
yeah i am past the round leaves and 3 leafers so that makes me happy but now the decision is whether to use the whole plant for clones. i might use just the top canopy which would probably give me 6-8 depending on success rate so im leaning toward this idea. i would veg them for a month under cfls before throwing them outside to flower which i think would yield me more herb than just flowering the plant as one entity
suggestions please


Well-Known Member
you shouldn`t take clones untill they are about 5 weeks old and you want to take the ones from the bottom ( stronger better chance of sucsess )


Well-Known Member
well thanks for the heads up on that, it would make sense to take 3-5 cuttings off the bottom portion which would lollipop the plant and then flower the top canopy which looks like i could get a decent harvest from, so ill lets the bottoms ones grow for another 2-3 weeks before cutting.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see how this comes out! I might do it to my current mothers close to harvest. I think I will just harvest and use them to make more clones and harvest them one more time.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see how this comes out! I might do it to my current mothers close to harvest. I think I will just harvest and use them to make more clones and harvest them one more time.
thanks for your support, what i am trying to find out is if all the information said about regenerating plants is true, less potent yield, less strong plant la la la so i can know for myself.

personally i do not see anything wrong with it, unless you are growing a one cola plant, because most plants have small popcorn buds at the bottom that are just asking to be left on there for another go. There is nothing involved but waiting and watering with occasional feedings

so the only question left for me is, why not? you can even use them strictly for making seeds and cross breeding, or just making hash.


Well-Known Member
haha my exact thoughts that you are thinking... the only thing i am really thinking that could change would be potency... other then that everything else looks like its normal and would be right.


Well-Known Member
yeah the first run with this plant gave me less than 10g and im hoping to get atleast double off of her this coming fall, plus some clones so she will have definitely served her purpose as a plant lol


Well-Known Member
i have been reading a whole bunch about sog and scog and i think i am going to try my hand at that with my next run. maybe with the clones i pull of my current project or with some seeds i come across. i think it is too late for me to so SCOG with my current run, she is around 12-14 inches tall....maybe with some drastic LST? sounds like a project.. if anyone has had any luck with SCOG please toss me any info you possess

i have read through primaverlives journal and that is a good beginner thread to watch the process. so props to his success also i stumbled on this link from IC International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Links to Scrog Grows from another thread

im going to continue studying and practicing and i will come to my decision, i have yet to get an HPS so im sure all these plans are getting a little ahead of myself..


Well-Known Member
here are some more pictures, i think my plant is slow so i am getting some ph tests to check if that is the problem. anyways here is my plant and i am scoping out possible clones.

the picture of the newly LST branch is a possible clone, and i forgot to to mention the other day when i was tying new ties i half broke one branch off the main stalk, it is okay but i am not sure what to do because it seems fine, no leaf discoloration or leaf drooping.
thats it thanks for stopping by:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
Yea, seems like the growth is a bit slow. Did you flush it, dry completly and feed half strengh fert? The PH can always slow shit down for sure!


Well-Known Member
i am currently flushing i guess, i am laying off of the nutes, and just using brita water, i really think it is the lights, they are seriously the bare minimum of what i need. explains all the small leaves. anyway thanks for cruising by, hopefully this journal will get a bit more interesting


Well-Known Member
the right way to do it is after you harvest it, leave the bottom growth and popcorn nuggets on the plant, but take the plant out of its pot and knock away most of the roots until there is a hefty clump the meat of the roots. then you transplant it into some fresh new soil and throw it back gradually onto 24/0....but i didnt do it that way lol


Well-Known Member
lol... whoops. I just cut off the main cola and two popcorn buds, then put her back in the cab and flipped on 24/0.... worked, but i dunno if their are side effects.


Well-Known Member
yeah after learning how to really do it i said oops too because i never knocked away at the rootball, but i did transplant , if you're past the freaky leaves you're good, but there was nothing more puzzling than the first few weeks with all those different shaped leaves