2 plants, 1 bucket


So I germinated a few seeds with the paper towel method and a couple of them didn't open up ever after a while so I just planted them in a pot just in case, but after a couple of weeks they still didn't sprout so I went ahead and planted a seed that did sprout in the pot, and now after like 3 weeks one of the seeds decides to come out so now I have 2 plants growing in the same pot. One of them has been developing for about a week and a half for sure, the other one probably for like 3 days. What should I do about this? Thanks

Edit: I have another bucket if I need to transplant, but I want to do what's safest for the plants.

Pat Man

Active Member
if its only 3 days old you may be able to separate their dirt and move the small one to another bucket then fill in the hole with more dirt where it used to be. try not to disturb the roots at all but in your case it may not be possible to not a little. do it at the end of the light cycle so they have all night to recover.


Well-Known Member
If your pot is three gallons or more scrap all the fear mongerring you will be fine if you let them grow out ive done it in a three gallon grow bag before and im doing a experiment now to prove the point that it can be done ive gone from a three gallon bag last time to a pot a lil more than a gallon,and they are doing great already flowering..Peace One thing about this web sight is you will run into a lot of daubter's and others that only speak on post of others and have not yet tried themselve's what they are telling you not to do..So go in peace young man and do what you do and do it well...


Alright I'm gonna go with stinkbudd because I really don't want to mess with them, but they're only 1 inch apart, is there anything I should to separate them or are they fine there?

Ghetto Grow

those roots could be tangled together the same thing happended to me and i up rooted my good plant because of a newbie mistake, Rule of thumb, 1 SEED PER POT ALWAYS!


Active Member
idk..... ive seen 9 white rhino's grow in 1 10 gal pot, with some very interesting results......


Well-Known Member
As i said earlier listen to those that have done it it's not the end of the world,and who are these so called weed gods that made the rule of thumb book some 70 year old stoner please as i said i've done it and so have others for one thing as long as your roots have the space and neccessary nutrients to grow they will find or seek them out i grow single plants in 2 litre bottles for the first few grows in my life and everyone said lock out root bound, never happened same with my multiple plant grow...plants rely on roots roots rely on space and nutrients as long as they do not run out of either..Peace


Active Member
Two plants one bucket let them go man, double the yield in less space, what more could you ask for. In fact its a good tactic for lack of space.haha


Well-Known Member
Haha, how should I go about transplanting though? Also, what's up with your sig?
lol you'll get it read it a few times

As i said earlier listen to those that have done it it's not the end of the world,and who are these so called weed gods that made the rule of thumb book some 70 year old stoner please as i said i've done it and so have others for one thing as long as your roots have the space and neccessary nutrients to grow they will find or seek them out i grow single plants in 2 litre bottles for the first few grows in my life and everyone said lock out root bound, never happened same with my multiple plant grow...plants rely on roots roots rely on space and nutrients as long as they do not run out of either..Peace
what is your yield lookng like?


Well-Known Member
As i said earlier listen to those that have done it it's not the end of the world,and who are these so called weed gods that made the rule of thumb book some 70 year old stoner please as i said i've done it and so have others for one thing as long as your roots have the space and neccessary nutrients to grow they will find or seek them out i grow single plants in 2 litre bottles for the first few grows in my life and everyone said lock out root bound, never happened same with my multiple plant grow...plants rely on roots roots rely on space and nutrients as long as they do not run out of either..Peace
That is exactly right. And while he could leave them together, he'll get about half the yield (or less) off of each plant. A 3 gallon pot is big enough for 1 decent sized plant or 2 smaller sized ones.
Separate 'em now and you'll be fine, wait and it'll become nearly impossible to do w/o damaging the roots.

How close are they together? If there more than a few inches apart, transplanting one out of the pot should be as simple as scooping the plant out w/ your hand. Just gently loosen the soil w/ your fingertips as you 'dig' the plant out. If you feel like this isn't possible w/o damaging one or the other, just snip the weakest looking one w/ a pair of scissors!


Well the little one ended up dying anyways, I don't know what happened but all of a sudden it was all withered and stuff, so I tried giving it some moisture and watering it but it didn't work so it's out for the count. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Survival of the fittest my man. The big basically killed the little one so it wouldn't be competing for food w/ it! lol
Anyway......problem solved by way of Darwinism! lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here about the set back, mine were doing just fine up until one of them started growing male nuts to bad they were nice and healthy about 16" tall and the one is flowering very nicely at the moment..next time i'll go with just female seeds to get it done...

