2 weeks + 8 weeks vs 65 days 24/0 auto yields and comparisions highs


Well-Known Member
I have been learning about autos and their yields lately and I have noticed that people at least get an ounce to 2 ounces every 8 weeks which isn't bad at all especially if its hitting like white widow or ak47.

What kind of yields do you guys get per plant doing 2 weeks veg and 8 weeks flowering... I'm generally yielding 1.5-2 ounces ounces per plant from seed. I know if you have clones and all that fun stuff then you are yielding much higher... my question is... how much higher? would a 24/0 auto plant outdo a non auto plant within the same time? My guess is that it would outdo a non auto plant but I'm not sure which is why i post on here :).

What I am wondering is what kind of yields do most people get per square foot with autos or non autos.

If an auto is going to give me week within 8 weeks at the cost of more electric to get the product faster then thats cool with me but the auto must hit like the like the non auto version, so much so that the people smoking it would think auto ak47 is actually ak47 for example.. or auto white widow being as good as white widow.
I mess with af's in my 400w 24/0 dr80 veg tent. I guess there are strains that will prove me wrong but, they are pretty much mids. A long time smoker isn't going to get a tickle in their throat. They cost more in electric because they aren't really ready for harvest @ 70 days... maybe ready for flush. With normal strains you can veg a lot of small plants under a 400w and then move them under a 1000 @ 12/12. You really don't have to veg for very long to get the normal strain to the same size as the AF when it starts to flower. Also once you get the ball rolling with normal strains you can pop seeds OR take clones early and veg them under an even smaller like like a 125w cfl. This way veg time is negated and you only have to deal with 8-10 weeks of flower. If you were to have a race and you knew the day the AF was going to start to flower and somehow got the normal strain to start to flower the exact same day. I think the normal strain would take slightly longer but give you more quality and quantity.