200w cfl twist day 28

diet coke

Active Member
Day 28, not bad for 14 on 10 off and 200w cfl lol. Filling in nicely, three totally different plants. My guess is 75/25 sativa(female), 50/50 mix(female) and 75/25 indica on the three largest and hopefully indica is a female.
Now I need a veg and flower so I can take clones, I can't just stick them outside anymore
Fall is upon us.

​"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."


Well-Known Member
Your plants could benefit from more light. try moving your light source closer to the plants and moving it more frequently.


Well-Known Member
Side Lighting when it comes to cfls is great, i have a rule with cfls , add as many as you can till you have too much heat .....in a 1.5 foot by 2 feet and 3.75 foot closet area i have 2x 63 watt equivalent to 300 and 16x 23 watt equivalent to 100 watt thats 494 actual watts not equivalent and i only have 2 plants atm. i always try to make sure i have 1 cfl on each and every side surrounding my plants . with cfls as well its all about proximity and the intensity of the light , you intensity of your light diminishes quickly as the light gets moved away . but the light within 1 .5 inches of the plant