2010 N.P.D guarilla grow 4/02/10 STARTED


Well-Known Member
I will post pictures once I get my phone back online.

I am using foxfarm ocean forest soil and foxfarm Grow big nute concentrate.

I started them on my porch and told my family it was raspberries, they bought it until about 3rd week when they started gettin pot leaves.. so i snuck em out one day. in a box and moved them to my grow patch.

I live in florida biatches, very nice weather for outdoor growing of anything.

I started 5 bagseeds, one i started a bit later..

So far I ended up with one male.. I plucked him out. and I have 4 females..

I almost flipped out today.. i went to my grow patch and... wait..
2 days ago i heard a deer grunting and running away once he heard me..
So today when i came to my grow patch.. my biggest female.. it was vegging but just started to bud.. the deer either chomped its stem or stepped on it.. i saw the trail the deer made. Im so fucking pist.. but im grateful i still have my fully budding little guy indica bagseed,

Then I have this sativa dominant bagseed thats budding fully now. but it doesn't look like the indica.. the indica is small and already frosty as hell, its creating that big cola at the top and the calyxs are swelled up.

my third female cause the best one died.. the third one i started a week or two later then my other.. but suprisingly its doing magnificent, It was my experimental girl and had a very rough childhood, ripped leaves from bugs n stuff.

but its doing amazing now.. i cropped it.. i accidently fimmed it and thought i messed up but it got stunted for awhile and then shot up, its branching out now.. i didn't crop the other two.. im just gonna let them grow as tall as tehy want because i got the room.

2 years ago i tried to grow and failed..
This is a wonderful experience for me. I ahve learned so much.. once you grow and harvest one time you become enlightened.

So next season I am going to start the 15 gallon bag grows at my patch, and pronbably order seeds.. I have to get my money up though.

I will post pics within the week guys. and I will ask for advice on when to harvest..
Thanks for reading and happy growin
cool, mayne, almost sounds like what im doin...... damn my family got so mad when they fuckin saw em in the front yard, i still have 3 to get outside........... so urs are already buding

oh yeah and im suscribed, i want to see how they do


Well-Known Member
yeah green thum,, just get a box and if nobody is watching in ur hood.. move those bitches to a grow spot.

Yeah i have an indica one thats budding so fat.. fat ass nugs.. once you see the pic ur gonna flip.

and then i have a sativa that is also budding.. the hairs are already redding on it, but its still very immature in the flowering stage.. im about 4-8 weeks down the road left to go.

my family din;t get that mad.. what i did was pluck out some similiar looking plants and put them in the place of where my pot plants were, and it confused em.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my indica is continuing to bud... im gonna have some piffy smoke in like 5 weeks or so.

its not looking like it will reveg.. but i don't rly want it to.


Well-Known Member

the topped one that just starting to bud.

the main cola starting.

The sativa that is budding probably about 4 weeks flower.

The indica that is budding fat



Well-Known Member

dehydration... two plants lost most of bud mass.. also had to harvest early on one.

these pics are of my last healthy and budding nicely plant... i fimmed it early on and it has branched very nicely... i got all my chips on this plant now.

this is the second plant (first one i harvested early) due to dehydration... i went out of town for one week.. tahts how harsh weather is in the sub-tropics.


Well-Known Member
That last plant is looking pretty sorry:cry:. If your counting on that last plant to give you some bud, you need to take care of it better. When's the last time it's had a drink? Although, I've never seen a plant die like that in the center and have fairly healthy upper fan leaves.

Edit: oops, read the captions wrong. The second to last plant is looking very good.


Well-Known Member
i took a week trip to ohio.. n when i got back two of the plants had serious dehydration.. and lots of buds fell off, its a shame.. but it is what it is.

The large plant is budding nicely.. im gonna let that one go for along time before i clip it.

But I just started 6 more yesterday.. ill post pics.


Well-Known Member
anybody have an idea for how far im down the road to harvest?

I have harvested early before due to lack of grow knowledge.. but im gonna make this plant (the last healthy one) worth my time..

This time I rather be a little late then early..
Also i would like advice.. i mean input on what kind of yield a good bagseed plant like taht one I posted can dish out...
Nothing has to be exact so don't ask for nutrient schedules and genetics.. Just look at the plant and predict how much it may yield.

Thank you


Well-Known Member

my new baby... i got two of them... they are gonna grow the biggest they have the most root potential

look at those crystals... fucking pody