2400 watts & 12 slabs of Canna Coco with Lot of pics


Well-Known Member
Thanks for answering that m Blaze i was using 2 600 watters and getting 2 pound sometimes bit more so i was expecting that to double as i've increased my lights from 2 to 4. U certinally do have your method all sorted M Blaze those are some friggin giants!!! i love it,!!!
I normally do SOG 18 plants in the 6 slabs u can see in my pics, may be i'll give your method of tying down and more veg time ( i normally veg for 2 weeks MAX) Could be Fun i Think. any way ill update shortly about to go check things had a delay with aluminium i accidently didn't get enough and went there today for more and they were shut for stock take. God Dam! anyway will get monday so will have all 12 slabs setup monday night. I'm in the process of making a silencer box for my fan. i have acoustic duct and carbon filter and i've cut all the box its ready to screw together, Once i get some screws. Ill take pics as i do and post. will post soon thanks Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
First i took measurements from the fan so it is a nice snug fit and does not need to be bigger than it already needs to be.
Next i measured and marked out on a sheet of MDF 25mm thick. I used a breathing mask when i cut it as the dust is carcinogenic. Once id cut all the pieces i tested a dry fit for size. All good. Next i measure out for the duct ring and filter ring to be cut out. Once cut i put the rings into the hole i cut out. Once they are fit to the holes i sealed with a gap sealer around edge so it wouldn't let any air escape. The sound foam will be fitted to the sides to dampen the sound of the motor and ill be using acoustic duct to muffle the air blown from the fan.
I will finish the fan box tomorrow as i brought the wrong length screws, ill need to go and buy some more. ill put pics up once its finished.

I will post again shortly with pics of my room etc..




Well-Known Member

Here are some pictures of the bubble gums i planted back a while ago. They are looking very nice now, healthy and growing vigerously. I accidently gave them a strong nute dose 2 or 3 days ago and from that u can see a small amount of nute burn on a few of the leaves close to the top. I tipped the top of 2 so far as they were becoming quiet tall compared to the other 8. The last photo is the one i tipped (approx 5 days ago) and it has taken off again. The edges of he leaves have a slight purple tinge i'm wondering if that because its been so cold when light is off lately. 15 - 18 deg C.

Anyway ill post more of my big room once i get the other frame up and in there. By then my fan box will be finished and ready and should be in the room.
The Ladies are coming along nicely BUT i've found 1 or 2 tiny balls on "THE PEPP" in total i have 5 of that strain now and i don't know if i should pull now o risk it and keep it in the room. ? ? .
Also have had to lollie pop 1 of the tall ones (ST D) as that had the odd ball down low. I Friggin HATE growing from random seed!! At the moment i'm keeping a real close eye but i am really thinking i shoud piss them off before they can do any damage. i'm worried if i cut 5 ill only have a few left and will only get bugger all yield. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Any ideas any 1??

Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member
Hi all, i've finished my fan box. here are the pictures at some of the stages,

The first few pictures are fitting the sides and front and back together. The fan was inserted and the box was put together around the fan. I glued and screwed all sides with 4 screws down each edge to make sure its plenty strong! I linned the inside of the box with the sound insulating foam. the last few pictures are the finished box with the carbon filter sitting on the front. I have acoustic ducting to attatch to the other side and once i install into the room and attatch ducting ill post a few more pictures. Let me knowwhat u guys think!

Madazz :weed:



Active Member
That is one awesome job on the DIY fan box man.

I really do not want to give any sort of advice on your possible dudes cuz you got it goin on, Def don't second guess yourself if needed look at your pics :p you know what your doing :)

With the Bubblelicious (which has the genetics of bubblegum) I had plants that I was almost positive were males when the very first signs of pre-flowers showed but turned out to be Fem. & vice versa with what I thought were going to be Fem ended up popping a sack out of what looked to be a calyx when they were very young preflowers.)

If the genetics are as close as I would assume Bubblegum & Bubblelicious are a bitch to sex when there pre-flowers first show (not forced 12/12 preflowers but the preflowers from actual plant maturing under 24/0 etc).

I haven't had a strain that was so hard to tell when they first showed signs. :p


Well-Known Member
yeah sweet know what u mean at the moment pre flowers started showing approx a week ago, 1 by 1 they all showed and whats funny is that most if not all have female preflowers. (18hrs light) not forced. so going on what your saying EpyxN, great ill prob have 10 fat males. lol, oh well i'm sure it won't be like that . (fingers crossed) even if that happens i still got another 10 bubblelicious seeds i have 6 white label double gum so i'm bound to get that sticky flavoursome "pink" bubble gum or original hubba bubba. (thats the brank in oz)
on that subject i grew 4 bagseeds plants and they all showed female pre flowers. when i flowered them i but i ended up chopping 2 as they were full blown maff and threw male sacks 2 weeks into flowering, and 1 more had like 5 tiny balls on the lower 10cm of the stalk ONLY. wierd top all full blown filth female bottom female hairs but 1 or 2 odd balls only down low. i removed all the folage in that area and none have come back. ill get pics of that 2nite wen lights turn on. I was gonna get few pics last night but someone 'me' didn't plug pump back in after a change and they were real stressed, drooping bad! gave them a huge feed and they should look good tonight.

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
Everything looks perfect dude. I love the setup and the fan box. How are you getting the 600's so close to the tops of the plants? Just awesome ventilation or what? I'm pulling up a chair so I will be along for the ride :peace:


Well-Known Member
Everything looks perfect dude. I love the setup and the fan box. How are you getting the 600's so close to the tops of the plants? Just awesome ventilation or what? I'm pulling up a chair so I will be along for the ride :peace:

Thanks mate ! hope u enjoy, thats what its about! i have actually been really lazy/busy over last 5 days and i've actally burnt a few tops having light so close. i try to keep it around a rulers length (30cm) but depends on heat etc, etc.. i've just set up a new room twice the size of what i had originally. the previous room, i had all dialled in so just knew by looking when things were to hot not right etc.
I just gotta fine tune this room now. stay tunned i'm working in the room now & will have pics shortly.

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
The 1st pic are bubble gum clones i took 23/06/09 in a 12 site bubble cloner. took 1 from each 1 i had already had 2 silver haze in there from when i took silver haze cuttings 08/06/09 (5) those 2 were not quiet ready. anyway the cage is to stop bird stealing them and 2nd is a pic with cage off Small pic down bottom.

the next pics are all my flower room. well half of the room, other half is under construction right now! around 4 - 5 weeks into flower so approx 3 - 5 weeks to go. Then no more random bagseed, Bubblegum and silver haze all the way. for now!

Pic below is "OG Muzz" Under that is " OG Pepp" (Which wont be around after this grow) And Last Big pic is "OG Silver Haze". When i say OG i mean that these were the originals i have, all the other muzz, pepp and silver cuttings/plants came from these mothers.

Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member
Let me know what u guys think, appreciate the input and any new ideas i may not have thought about.

Also anyone used T5s ? would a 3 bulb 3ft 21w be any good ? or should i go for higher wattage think i can get a 4 bulb 4ft x 39w or 4 bulb 2ft x 24w lights all lights are PROGROW HO T5s. $90 for 3 ft $120 for 2 ft $160 for 4 ft, space may be a problem so dont think i can fit the 4 ft one. any way let me know what u guys think ?

Madazz :weed:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Pic below is "OG Muzz" Under that is " OG Pepp" (Which wont be around after this grow) And Last Big pic is "OG Silver Haze". When i say OG i mean that these were the originals i have, all the other muzz, pepp and silver cuttings/plants came from these mothers.

Madazz :weed:
Lookin good mate. What week of flower are they in?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mate. What week of flower are they in?

Hey mate Thanks heaps! They are going on week 4 now. Not as big as your BIG guns! But i guess we gro a bit differently hey. I'd like to give your way a go but as u see i dont normally gro biggies and not sure if i could do it and end up with descent results. I know i can get good results when i go Sog or SCog. But your way looks like fun! Anyway thanks for dropping by.

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I hung carbon filter and fan box last night also i am going to replant the Bubble gums this evening and put into flower room to. From what i can see all have shown female pre flowers so fingers crossed things are looking good! (hope i at Least get 1 really good sticky male) i'll take pics shortly and post soon. Its all coming together now except My Friggin Ballast died other day now i need all 4 only have 3 and cant afford to buy one for another week. THIS SUX hate not having spares on hand! Also need to run all my electrical tonight or at least make a start. anyway i'm off and ill catch u all soon!

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
1st 2 photos are the bubblelicious that im about to replant using the coco and clay balls u see in the 3rd pic and the 4th pic is the trays my slabs normally go in. i'm making my own slab setup for the gums. The other pics are the outlet from the carbon filter. ill post pics of inside room 2night. forgot to take camera in with me last night.

Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member
The pictures are of the fan box which is all connected up. carbon filter on front and acoustic duct going into the house. ( Its so cold at the moment i thought i'd use the hot air exhausting from room, and send it up the hall way to warm the house, now that it has no pungent smell. works good! )
Anyway as u can see it worked very well and has made the fan so quiet. It's not even as loud as a 200mm bathroom ceiling fan. Now the partner can sleep.
Have also included a few pics of the buds at the moment. They are coming along very nice!! Just love to check them and everyday they are getting fatter and fatter. The last picture is where the 120lt reseviour is stored and above that a shelf with the ballast on it, (located out of the room). There should be 4 ballast but one dies other day so im waiting for my new one to arrive. so the room is just about all done, will have pics of the bubble gums 2morrow.

Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member
Madazz, I enjoyed looking through your journal. That's a nice set up you've made and awesome looking buds. I'm subscribed to see how it goes. I've never grown indoors but it's inspiring to see how you all do it. Best of luck to you. slabhead


Well-Known Member
Madazz, I enjoyed looking through your journal. That's a nice set up you've made and awesome looking buds. I'm subscribed to see how it goes. I've never grown indoors but it's inspiring to see how you all do it. Best of luck to you. slabhead
Thanks Slabhead! appreciate the input. Yeah everything is going good. The Flower room is pretty much all done, just need to get more gas. I have had none through out the grow. I have the equipment to run it just have been lazy or broke and havn't gone and got a refil. Anyway will take pics tonight.
Got the Air con/dehumidifier all set up and its been doing its job great! i've been empting up to 5 lts of water a day, from the outlet tube. I've only been using it when my lights are off as thats when my humidity shoots up to 80 - 90%, Not any more!!!
Buds are looking sweet!! They are starting to chunk up heaps. The pepp the little sneaky prick has a few nuggs that are nuggs of seeds. Just want i wanted.... NOT! At Least its only the very bottom of the plant thats been affected and somehow its kept to the one plant.
I still gotta set up water system for the new additions (BubbleGums) and need to put my 4th light back in there. (Ballast Died few Days Ago) Also will run netting over the gums in the next few days.

Madazz :weed:


Hey man,
Looking good..and I am so happy to find another grower from OZ, even if you are a road trip away :P. Ever need help trimming up let me know :P.

Ive just installed msn again, and ill add ya once it finishes whatever its doing... Ive also got the same breeder strain of double gum as you, and some northern lights and silver haze. At the moment my grow is random bagseed that i started before my seeds arrived from the seed bank, and i have one silver haze, 2 double gum also down there. All are flowering and its my first grow. I love the bird, my mum also had one...he shouldnt eat the plants lol, the stuff they eat as you know is soooo sweet smelling..like honey powder. But if yours is like mums he also tries to clean plaque off your teeth, wax out of your ears and snot out of your nose lol.

anyways yea ill chat to ya on msn man.



Well-Known Member
thanks man, yeah the bird loves anything thats mine, weather its my bud my food or even my cigg he wants it, if i'm having it so is he! his food is that yellow sweet smelling powder he mixes it with water. he smokes cones 2 jumps upon the bucket and taps on the chamber, little tripper but i love him.,
my double gum looks a bit sad at the moment ill add pics soon, not sure why they started really fast and good and now slowed to a near stop. weird, also have 3 mazar that were planted same time and they are not much better.
I am about to upload some pics in a few mins of the flower room all is going well but have had a few things that have not gone they way i wanted but its all good, Everything i get is all a bonus and its better than having none!
Ill have to set up msn did have a account ages ago but not anymore,
may be we could trade some beans sometime, wouldn't mind having some northern lights. who did u order them from ?
Ill have to make a road trip sometime and come visit u, and if u come to tassie look me up!
Funny what u say about bag seed, when i was waiting for my beans i started a few bagseed to and one of them is absolute FILTH!!!!! cat believe it, its so sticky, sugar coated fruity as a muthafuca!!!!! will post pics keep an eye out for the " STD"

chat soon

madazz :weed: