2400 watts & 12 slabs of Canna Coco with Lot of pics


Well-Known Member
they sure did, every channel even the radio been playing him heaps, wasn't a huge fan but he did sing some great stuff! Thriller was his best.

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
here is a few pics to the aero cloner i'm making, rockwool clones take 2 weeks approx i get roots by 7-10 days in bubbler. From what i've read most people have results in 1 week, so thought i'd give it ago. i used a swimming pool noodle as cant get neoprene covers locally will have to buy from usa and pay post works out expensive for what they are. anyway hope to have finished tomorrow night will post pics once its done.
My male Bubblelicious plants are doing well i can see the flowers forming and slowly starting to drop, soon they'll be open and i'll have fresh Bubble gum pollen. for my seed project.


Well-Known Member
Here are the picture was slack and didn't post them last night, anyway here they are:

stand for aero cloner

Lid for cloner

Finished nearlly

Cloner sprayers on,

Lid on

Bubblelicious netted up


Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Is the aero cloner homemade or sold as a stand unit. Which pump and spray nozzles are those if you made it, that's pretty slick. Most of my clones are rooted already in 10 days with soil and rooting hormone in a humidity tent. Love your journal dude lots of different ideas.


Well-Known Member
Is the aero cloner homemade or sold as a stand unit. Which pump and spray nozzles are those if you made it, that's pretty slick. Most of my clones are rooted already in 10 days with soil and rooting hormone in a humidity tent. Love your journal dude lots of different ideas.

Yeah its homemade i try to save money as much as possible by shopping around even asking if they (shop) can do better price, never hurts askin and i nearlly always end up with more discount. Times are tough and the shops would rather sell something at a smaller profit than not to sell at all.
my Cloner is just 19mm poly pipe, elbows, t sections and (Micro) 360 deg sprayers. As u can see i clone all different ways havn'e tried aero but should work well. My bubbler gets roots by 10 days max most have roots in 6, but can only do 12 plants and i need more, the reason behind building the 32 site aero system. my pump needs to be a bit bigger really want like 1500LPH pump (approx 390 Gallon) the one i'm using noe is only 1000LPH not reall powerful enough but is ok. will change pumps once i harvest my girls that are near ready.

here is another few pics of that mazar-i-sharif goin purple. in the pic the leaves around bud look purple kind a.

Anyone grown Mazar_i_Sharif before ?? anyone seen it go purple before ? its the only one of all my girls going purple.

Madazz :weed:



Well-Known Member
Well i harvested today, left the mazar as it went in 3 weeks behind the others. looks ok not as much as i'd hoped but its all a bonus hey, ill have pics in a day or 2 its drying at the moment. i ended up with some wicked sized dicks, arms i should say. Anyway i can now clwer the slabbs and get the next 18 in there. i have 2 weeks before it needs to be done so i'm harvesting i side (2x600) every 4.5 weeks roughly. keeps me with constant smoke. I'm estimating around 15-20 bags for what i just pulled but time will tell. anything less ill be really dissapointed need to be getting atleast 600g really for .5g per watt.


Well-Known Member
well ,
so far i got 18 bags and some shitty fluff around 5g from my girls, ok better than nothing but it should have been alot more. Anyway the Bubbleicious are doing very well, just 2 weeks into flower. not as big as i'd hoped but get em in and get em out and get more in i say, no point wasting more time veggin longer otherwise my whole schedule would be screwed. one of the BG are covered in crystals, looks like its gonna be a real nice one!. i still have the Mazar-I-Sharif in the flower room should be done in another week or so. its got some tight golf ball nuggs!
my aero cloner doesn't seem to be working. its only been 6 days but no sigh of roots yet. This may because of 2 reasons 1st being timer is 15 on 15 off prob to wet not drying out enough. 2nd i sprayed the BG with Bonza Bud, After spraying them i saw a big note saying DO NOY USE ON MOTHERPLANTS as potential clones will be difficult to root. I think maybe some of the bonza has got on the plants i'm trying to clone off. ATM i have 32 Rockwool clones 12 in bubbler and 16 in aero Nothing so far, but ill be patient and wait at least another week and half.
The BG males are doing very well producing massive amounts of pollen. i will be collecting some tonight and will take some pics on the process and post them. i saw a thread today on pollen collection and storage and will be doing what i have red. Rep ++ to the happy plumber-fdd.



Well-Known Member
1st u will need a glass jar, some clean scissors, a film container, a sticky label or something to label date, time and parent stock.

2nd Take a look at the potential male, look for the flowers (ball sacs) and put the jar under the yellowish/whitish colored sacs cut them off so they fall in the jar.

3rd sit the jar in dry cool place not indirect light, to dry out for a few days.

4th once its dried put the pollen into a (black) film container for storage. store in dry cool place. should be good for a few weeks. Works best to use fresh.

Best time to pollenate is when the buds are small nugs (around 2 weeks into flower) and your ready to use, get the selected female out of your flower room away from fans/wind and other flowers u dont want pollinated. get a q tip or tiny paint brush and paint a small amount of pollen onto the pistils on 1 or 2 of the lower branches so that the whole plant doesnt turn to seed. 4-6 weeks later, when the buds are ready so are the SEEDS!!!:hump:

Madazz :weed:


Well-Known Member
my edit button has gone and i cannot edit my last post . here are the picture i took when i collected my pollen.

1st pic is equipment needed

2nd pic is the selected male pant

3rd pic is the jar under the mature male flowers about to be cut off to fall into jar.

4th pic is the pollen and male flowers that fell in the jar

5th pic is a total Maffy notice the white hairs and the male balls, This is not want u want. destroy straight away!!!!




Active Member
very nice journal and those are some damn fine ladies you've got there! i had never seen a hermie flower like that till today, thanks for posting those pictures.

i have 4 bubblegums that are 6 weeks along flowering right now along side a purple urkle and a hindu skunk. the bg's look to be my wife's new favorite (my favorites are purple urkle and gdp) and they smell like some straight dank.

i'm dabbling with coco right now myself:

3 grand daddy purple
2 purple kush
6 hindu skunk

in canna coco with added perlite and grodan coco croutons. i also use 2" of hydroton in the bottom of each 3 gal pot to improve drainage. top watered by hand, drain to waste. vegging under ~350watts of 6500k flouro's then i'll be flowering under 2000watts of hps in a couple weeks.

i have an old gallon pickle jar i fill with lukewarm water and add a 1/2 cup sugar and a 1/2 tsp baking yeast to for co2. it takes about 12hrs to start producing and lasts about 2-3 days. i rotate a second bottle to keep a continuous supply of co2 going. i doubt its effective but i'm trying...

i was feeding them gh floranova with an sensi cal and some floralicious plus but for some reason they don't seem to like it as much as my deep water crop did so i'm switching to canna coco a+b for this grow.

i've been wondering though - have any of you coco growers noticed distinctly better results using canna coco a+b over anything else running drain to waste in coco? how about other brands of coco specific nutrients?