250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the saucer.. $7.99 locally at 7owes. I'm going to soil for the next grow, just doing coco now and feeding like soil. I put the MM girls on them today but I can see how nice it will be to rotate plants with these.. I may go pick up a couple more ;)


Well-Known Member
You can trim any lower leaves/branches as need to allow for more light to lower shoots. Never remove a healthy leaf though. Only removed it if its almost dead. I like to keep them on unless I can't bring them back.

Don't remove it if more than 50% of the leaf is still green. You can always lollipop your plant then in which removing those bottom leaves/branches would be no problem. Just try to do one thing at a time and keep stress to a minimum.

Looks like you have a little nute burn on the 2nd photo but other than that they are looking good.

Whats your setup?


Well-Known Member
Day 21 bud porn shot for you guys.


It's confirmed my 2 other girls are for sure female! Started showing preflowers today. Yay!


Well-Known Member
There you go ,I'm gonna be over to smoke some of that :hump:

Haha. Road trip? Lol always wanting to branch out and connect with new people.

Everyday I swear she swells more and more. She still has 35 days left! I'm excited with this one.


Well-Known Member
Going to try soil/coco as my medium, picked up some Pro-Mix today and mixed it 50/50 with coco. I'm also thinking of moving my MM (5 weeks & 3 weeks flowering) from the 1 gallon smartpots to 2 gallon smartpots but I'm not sure about transplanting flowering plants, will that shock them? I never had to think about transplanting doing ebb&flow so this is all new to me.
I'm going away from the 100% coco because it seems like it's too good of a breeding area for those little flies..



Well-Known Member
i have just got myself a 250w MH bulb and so far im impressed. the plants seem to like the 4c temp increase and have grown a fair bit in the last 2 days. i have it at 8" away with no sign of burns so im happy. why didnt i do this before. im moving into my last stage of veg. i have mainlined my ak48 and am impressed with the 4 identical shoots i have now. was gonna go 8 but i think 4 should be enough. my clone i took from the ak48 has rooted now (10 days) should be about another 3 weeks maybe 4 before i flip them all. got an auto ak47 in there as well which should be just starting to flower when i flip to 12/12.
Lol I just looked at those pics again and realized he had small pots lol. Must of been to stoned haha.
Yep guys,
It's my first grow. I did not know that roots gonna take over so quick. When I was making the pics I saw roots hanging from the bottom of the pot and I instantaneously knew "I fucked up"


Well-Known Member
Yep guys,
It's my first grow. I did not know that roots gonna take over so quick. When I was making the pics I saw roots hanging from the bottom of the pot and I instantaneously knew "I fucked up"

Nothing a little transplant and B-1 can't fix ;)

Your early enough in that it wont shock it to bad and will only take a bit to recover if you do it right. I've had plants show no signs of shock using B-1 each time. Just IMO I would use some B-1 when you transplant those girls.

They will take off like crazy when you transplant them. Oh and don't worry we have all been there with our first grow :D


Well-Known Member
hey grazz ya you can transplant w lil to any probs early flower, id say its worth it.
Cool, 2 gallon smartpots will be here tuesday. I hit the 1 gal pots with some neem yesterday and looked this morning, it killed a shitload of little flies. I didn't realize there were so many but now I think I almost have to transplant to get the old coco out of there, probably have larva feasting on my roots.
BTW: I put my Jamaican bagseed seedlings (from my Ja vaca last year) in that mix yesterday and they are loving it.. hope the girls love it too.



Well-Known Member
So just thought I'd share how I have one of my setups and some updates on my 2 girls flowering, well I guess 4 now lol.



Well-Known Member
what kind of flies?as for sprays i use a touch of neem w pest out(cottonseed,garlic and clove oils.) pest out makes the house smell like the holidays from the cloves in it.i dont know about you guys but i never spray on any plants w buds mostly try to control everything while in veg mode.also tried dia earth?


Well-Known Member
what kind of flies?as for sprays i use a touch of neem w pest out(cottonseed,garlic and clove oils.) pest out makes the house smell like the holidays from the cloves in it.i dont know about you guys but i never spray on any plants w buds mostly try to control everything while in veg mode.also tried dia earth?
very small flies, fruit fly size. I agree and wouldn't spray the plant itself, I turned the fans off and carefully sprayed the coco and the sides of the smart pots. Seems the litlle buggers like to sit on the top of the soil (coco) and the local growshop guy said to watch because they lay eggs there and thier larva eat the roots. When I transplant I'll look for them and maybe get a pic..