2nd grow, 7x Think Different from Dutch Passion

beaves IOW

Active Member
Ok so this is my second grow, using 600w hps, bio bizz all mix medium, 2 gallon pots, bio bizz grow, bloom and top max nutes.

For those who dont know already I had some problems with customs opening my seed package and although it's not illegal I don't like the fact they no the address the grow is taking place in (I was silly and impatient and I was on holiday so sent it to the grow address instead of my address)

Anyhow I'm on week 3 now and all is goin well so far! Il upload the pics later :)


Well-Known Member
TD is a producer!
Killer smoke too.
Check my logs.
I grow it pretty much exclusively.
Keep Updated, and drop some pics!

Good Luck!

beaves IOW

Active Member
Thanks taviddude! ive heard many good things about your grows from several people but i couldnt find you on here....must of mis-spelt your name, and i heard you grow a lot of Think Different so your the bloke to ask if i need advice or tips :)

anyways here are pics from week 1, through to week 3......how are they looking to you?? my first grow was a disaster from start to finish but fingers crossed this grow will go as smoothly as it has so far!.....

week 1

grow 2, week 1.jpggrow 2, week 1 (2).jpggrow 2, week 1 (3).jpggrow 2, week 1 (4).jpg
week 2.......grow 2, week 2 (2).jpggrow 2, week 2 (3).jpggrow 2, week 2 (4).jpggrow 2, week 2 (5).jpg

week 3....grow 2, week 3 (2).jpggrow 2, week 3 (3).jpggrow 2, week 3 (4).jpggrow 2, week 3.jpg

beaves IOW

Active Member
Also I've found on some plants that the stalks on the fan leaves have gone slightly purple, not all stems but the top few...is this of some kind of wrong doin on.my behalf? Over kill on the nutes??


New Member
hi could i get some advice on autos .. can they be topped . my nlxbb says 70 days from seed to harvest but i see most goin on till day 90 anyone got any info on this strain atall thanks


New Member
also i would be using 400w to veg and 600w to flower in a 1mtr grow space am i right in thinking just to do the nlxbb or could i do another one too and how much estimate could i pull from her at the end im tryin to get her done for xmas !!!

beaves IOW

Active Member
The man to ask about topping is tekdc911 he knows his shit about that, as for the lifespan of the plant if the packet says 70 days then you need to add about 2-3 week's on top of that estimate, at the end of the day it's just the breeders best guess, it could be 60 days or could be 100 it's basically done when it's done.

What light are you usin? What medium? What nutes?

If you germinate now for example you might jusr make a rushed harvest by Xmas....my Xmas harvest will be ready in middle of Nov


New Member
The man to ask about topping is tekdc911 he knows his shit about that, as for the lifespan of the plant if the packet says 70 days then you need to add about 2-3 week's on top of that estimate, at the end of the day it's just the breeders best guess, it could be 60 days or could be 100 it's basically done when it's done.

What light are you usin? What medium? What nutes?

If you germinate now for example you might jusr make a rushed harvest by Xmas....my Xmas harvest will be ready in middle of Nov

thanks for the reply nutes will be gh with coco 24 litre airpots 400w in veg and 600w in flower hps inside a 1mtr or 1.2 mtr grow tent i put it to germ last nite so hope fully will be ready as if i add 2 wks then should be ready for the middle of dec but that dont give me time to dry n cure really i should of started few weeks ago thanks again for the reply and will ask tekdc911 abwt the topping

beaves IOW

Active Member
Your welcome mate, topping as I understand it is fine but you need to do it in the right time frame or you Will end up stressing her out and losing valuable time! Personally I do 600w hps the whole way through and I get good results, today they look like they have grow another 4 inches in height from the pics above n 5 inches wider! GL mate


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply nutes will be gh with coco 24 litre airpots 400w in veg and 600w in flower hps inside a 1mtr or 1.2 mtr grow tent i put it to germ last nite so hope fully will be ready as if i add 2 wks then should be ready for the middle of dec but that dont give me time to dry n cure really i should of started few weeks ago thanks again for the reply and will ask tekdc911 abwt the topping
it would be a tight fit with 6 plants in the 1.2 meter tent
don't know how many plants you're planning on running but that strain gets rather large if its taken care of

beaves IOW

Active Member
I must say mine have gone massively wide in this last week, of this strain I should only have had 4 or 5 max! Looking down on the canopy reminds me of looking down in the Amazon rainforest from above lol is it a bad thing to take some fan leaves off or is it best to leave them be??

More pics later


Well-Known Member
So they are on week 4? TD is an awesome strain and taviddude killed it with them in his grows! Good luck man ill be following this one!;-)

beaves IOW

Active Member
week 4 and 3 days....still no problems and i cant believe my luck! i think this grow has gone very well so far considering my inexperience lol anyone have any comments, good or bad, are welcome!

week4,3 days.jpgweek4,3 days (2).jpgweek4,3 days (3).jpgweek4,3 days (4).jpgweek4,3 days (5).jpgweek4,3 days (6).jpgweek4,3 days (7).jpgweek4,3 days (8).jpgweek4,3 days (10).jpgweek4,3 days (11).jpgweek4,3 days (12).jpgweek4,3 days (16).jpgweek4,3 days (18).jpg


Well-Known Member
yes there doing good. it looks like they will need more room and if you can get enough room hit them up with 5gallon pals.