2nd Grow , Aurora Indica 250wHPS, LOTS OF PICS

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fattening up a treat phill maybe you'll surprise me with that elbow sooner than i thought!

purp stems come out in some strains regardless of temp i know the cheese does purple stripy stems!

lookin good phill man


Active Member
well i tried to do a bud photo shoot with the macro on my camcorder instead of my crappy camera and well i got 1 good shot out of 100s , i'll try again in a bit to get a bit more that are a bit better



Active Member
fattening up a treat phill maybe you'll surprise me with that elbow sooner than i thought!

purp stems come out in some strains regardless of temp i know the cheese does purple stripy stems!

lookin good phill man

Much Thx Don Gin and ton , for some reason i feal like i have to impress the shit outta you .

But big things are to come ! i promise that :leaf:


Active Member
im gonna flush the 14th chop the 28th it is now set in stone.

i suck at these kinda pics so bad but im really trying to get sum nice ones and i think i did this time .

All the pics are off the 3 different plants i took way too many to try and figure out which bud goes to which plant haha:weed:
In some of the pictures you can see the head of the trichomes sticking way off the bud/leafs

Hope you all enjoy , and Let me know what you all think of the pics . like just say give up on those kind or keep tryin ur gettin there lol



Well-Known Member
You def been busy Phill. The 600 agro light is giving off some weird colours in those pics, kinda cool. Are you able to get some marco shots of your girls under normal light? Wish I had a macro lens....

Thanks for that, Phill.

Peace, DST


Active Member
You def been busy Phill. The 600 agro light is giving off some weird colours in those pics, kinda cool. Are you able to get some marco shots of your girls under normal light? Wish I had a macro lens....

Thanks for that, Phill.

Peace, DST

HA much thanks DST sir!!
Ya that light is really neat. Funny thing is i took my pictures with a sony camcorder . the models right b4 they went HD. i didnt think i could even do these things with it.

The natural light might be a little bit of a challange since they run 6pm to 6am .... yes DST im still awake when ur gettin out of bed for ur morning toke..

but i have sum of those natural lights in the bathroom have to ask the wife for help to drag them that far ....( lol my wheels make it a bitch to move 7gal pots with 4ft plants in them)



Well-Known Member
Wow, I can imagine, that's like 30litres. I was down the garden centre yesterday and saw nice square pots, 37litre jobs (about 9 gallons) My space is square, and my round pots are annoying me now. I was thinking of growing bigger girls next time round.

Yeh, was just chatting to Dr G who is in Hawaii, quite strange really, but you got some sleep to look forward to. I got a miserable day, but the wife is getting her hair done so I am off to the coffeeshop for a smoke.


Well-Known Member
lookin very good philtubes, they just love that 600, and dst the square pots are much easier they also take up less space thus alwoing more plants or extra room


Active Member
Im loving this grow so much have around 3 weeks left b4 chop and my big lady the oine around 53 inchs is turning purple not her buds but all the larger fan leaves and some smaller ones on the branchs sum pics off all 3 plants will be up in a bit


Active Member

Sum pics . and other such bs

im going to do the WW next im prolly gonna plant the day i chop these down . now can seedlings handle the 600watt if i move it to like 2ft high ? when they sprout outside i know they can in the sun and the sun produces 10,000 lumens a square foot .

but whatever pics still suck from my reg camera need a new one for regular pics , oh well annv is coming this spring me and the wife will have to get a nikon or sumthing...

but you can see the purple coming in on those leaves in pic 8 , its not temps its not a deff. its just from the strain and only on the largest lady.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well fella you've definitely impressed me!

pic doesn't do it justice but i can tell thats an epic cola fella!

how long left phill?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know the A-Indica turned purple towards the end...is it cold or something ive grown this one prolly four times and never have i gotten purple maybe a deep deep deep green but not purple. Right on man