3 X White Widow


Active Member
Im growing 3 white widow plants in a 75 X 75 X 160 grow tent.

I have a 250 watt CFL with reflector held on those roller hanger things. Anyway, its about 4 weeks in so a bit late to start a grow diary but ill post all the pics from when we started just to keep you up to date!

As you can see from the photo's I had a problem with one of the plants with the leaves curling up and seeming dry, I since moved the light higher up and also put a fan in to blow the air about. The humidity was raised and it seems all good at the moment.

I water them around every 2/3 days depending on how dry the soil is and then I water them well (at the moment adding a healthy drop of Biogrow into the water)

Let us know of your thoughts and any feedback would be great!



Well-Known Member
Those are some beauties you got there. Great job at managing them. Subscribed + rep, I'm watching excitingly :P

Btw, check out my grow.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback, does anybody know whether I should be adding C02 to the plants ? At the moment I just have an oscillating fan in there to blow the air about, the plants seem fine but Im not sure if I need to add C02 or not. Also not sure on how many nutrients I should be adding, at the moment im mixing in Biogrow when im watering (about every 2/3 days)


Active Member
Hey, yep its a sealed tent, there are holes that are sealed by elasticated string but I have the top one open fully to let air get out and in, the fan is just to blow stuff about, you think I should get an exhaust fan to suck air out? I was looking at squirrel cage but heard they are also quite noisy.


Hey, yep its a sealed tent, there are holes that are sealed by elasticated string but I have the top one open fully to let air get out and in, the fan is just to blow stuff about, you think I should get an exhaust fan to suck air out? I was looking at squirrel cage but heard they are also quite noisy.
What are the temps in there and do you have a seperate room to blow the exhaust to?


Active Member
The temp is around 30 degrees celcius and its at around 70% humidity. Your saying i need to blow the air into another room? Its right next to a window which leads to my yard (which cant be seen) so would that be alright?

At the moment its in my mates room hahaha


30 is a little warm (86f). You want the temps to be below 80f. Venting it out the window will work great as long as security is not an issue.


Active Member
Hey Buckz, nice one for the quick reply!

Yeh ok I will bear that in mind, Ive opened a couple more of the wholes to let air in and out. Will put some pics up soon. Im going to amsterdam on wednesday and leaving the plants to my housemate! hopefully he doesn't screw it up!


Hey Buckz, nice one for the quick reply!

Yeh ok I will bear that in mind, Ive opened a couple more of the wholes to let air in and out. Will put some pics up soon. Im going to amsterdam on wednesday and leaving the plants to my housemate! hopefully he doesn't screw it up!
That sounds like a fun trip, enjoy! Tell your housemate to post in this thread if needed so we can help you out while you are gone.


Active Member
Back from Amsterdam!

Fucking amazing place, was first time but wont be the last. Found out some useful info too, that femanized seeds are just bullshit for them to make money off. A lot of people probably already knew that but I didnt! Anyway my mate looked after the plants while i was gone and ive come back to find them much bigger!

I think that one might be a male, can anyone help confirm this ?

A few of the bottom leaves were turning yellow so i cut them just above the base with steralised scissors. It seems like theres lots of smaller and much greener leaves are coming through and are pushing through the bigger leaves in parts. Is that normal ?

Any comments would be cool. Check the pics:



Hey there Scudberry. Grow looks great, I've got 4xWW going just a little behind yours. So, what did you hear about feminized seeds? I'd like to know what they said about it in Amsterdam. Thanks.


Active Member
Ahh Basically the woman in sensi seeds told us that feminized seeds were a way for the seed companies to make more money, she said that to make the feminized seeds you have to have a strong mother plant then mate it with a distressed plant so making seeds with half a distressed plants genetics and a healthy plant this means reducing potency and yield! This is what she said and she also had grown some of the largest plants i have ever seen so going to believe her haha


Active Member
yea pretty sure pic 10's a male or mayb a hemmie.. on a 2nd look it appears it has both? or is that just me


Active Member
It could be a male but im not sure totally either. Should I remove it now ? Ill get some more pics up later today of each plant and make it clear which is which.


Active Member
So I threw one of the plants out :( It was clearly a male, and I think I have a hermi but im not sure if you can stil flower them ?

Ive removed it from the one remaining female while i decide what to do with it. PLEASE HELP.



Active Member
Decided to risk it and just started to induce flowering. 36 hours of darkness to come and then its 12 / 12 lighting. Also getting new CFL for the flowering period and switched up nutes. I also went to town to get new batteries for our dodgy PH reader. It says its 4.5 so I just mixed some PH up in with the next water / nute mixture.