37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.


Well-Known Member
Right, hes not a GOD, but has diffenatly has opened my eyes on a topic that I knew little about. Now at least I know what to look for in a good fert.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Just droped in to listen and learn as I'm getting my first hydro grow started soon. So bottom line if I find a nute that has 9-3-6 thats all I need for the veg cycle and a 3-12-6 is all I need for my flower cycle. All these options for nutes is getting complicated. Than a 7-7-7 from dyna-grow was mentionaed as a great one bottle all you need is that right ? Excuse my ignorence on this subject I'm just a newb with hydro and nutes etc..Thanks

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
.....So now I understand a bit more about the overall picture UB was trying to paint for me. Stay away from what the masses do , think for yourself, get properly informed, and let your plants be your guide.
That's it. Hey, you'll get a kick out of this. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/34046-bud-blood-experiences-6.html

No specs!

Right, hes not a GOD, but has diffenatly has opened my eyes on a topic that I knew little about. Now at least I know what to look for in a good fert.
I'm certainly not God, I'm too down to earth. :D

I just don't like to see people being taken advantage of, and these guys go after noobs who don't know any better, have no to little experience. I have a saying about specialty industries which extends beyond the cannabis biz to stuff like hearing aids, eyeglasses, ski and dive equipment et al - "We are all dreamers, and con men fulfill that dream."

Think smart,

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So bottom line if I find a nute that has 9-3-6 thats all I need for the veg cycle and a 3-12-6 is all I need for my flower cycle. All these options for nutes is getting complicated.
That's right, by design too. They want to make it as confusing as possible. Trust me, too many choices is not a good thing.

Than a 7-7-7 from dyna-grow was mentionaed as a great one bottle all you need is that right ? Excuse my ignorence on this subject I'm just a newb with hydro and nutes etc..Thanks
Yeah, but the "Pro" is packaged in 1 gallon containers, which you could share with all of Los Angeles. I bought a quart each of the Foliage Pro and Blossom Booster about 15 years ago, and am still working on it. Then again, I have many choices and play games with them. For example, different plant material, but I was getting a severe case of chlorosis on the new growth of a citrus rootstock and general yellowing. I'm going to graft certain scion wood to this special dwarfing rootstock. Several applications of an Azalea food 21-7-7, acid forming with micros, did the trick. To further increase the greening affect, I added a couple of pinches each of iron sulfate (copperas) and epsom salts to a gallon of my witches brew. I was almost at the brink of losing something I've worked damn hard and long on. All's good now. ;)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I also till, plant, harvest and maintain over 1800 acres of farmland. I do know abit about growing things.
Cool! I am also a farmer by trade of a large niche crop. Have 11,000' of drip line in, will double that in the future. I also grow veggies, herbs, fruit trees, wine grapes, nut trees, olives trees, and many varieties of shade trees, mainly oaks. My latest passion is exotic gourmet garlic. I just put in 6 varieties and they are coming up. This guy is cool, smart, and fun to talk to and has very good product. He will treat you right. http://www.gourmetgarlicgardens.com/

Check out his link to Paint Rock Pictographs. It is fascinating.

Having said that, it's time for me to hop on the tractor and finish what I began yesterday around sunset, spraying 3336WP and Protect using my new toy, a PTO driven air blaster. :)

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Ya thats funny, I seen those additives in the hydo shop I went to yesterday.I swear it was 60% additives of all brands and 40% nutes of all brands but not one brand carried all the essential elements or the spec's. By the way the selection was not that great to start with and everything was way overpriced. I'll stick to getting all my stuff online were its easier and cheaper to shop.


Well-Known Member
Good things come from everything on ebay. Just ordered 16 oz bottles of dyna grow and bloom for $24. Thats a deal,,,that means I only paid 2 bucks for shipping, I'm stoked about that.


like advice about hobby con marketing, retailers just want to do there job and that is at our expense, and i will also add that there are also alot of people that claim to know and talk it well but thats the total of there exp. and many times thats for sale. i type like shit cause im uneducated and mutalted hand . most of us will fall for this shit! I certainly have and my girls and i battle with it way too fucking more than we should. we need more real farmers advice . you must find alot of humor and sorro witnessing this shit, but i have sick patents and they need meds, so thanx


Well-Known Member
That's it. Hey, you'll get a kick out of this. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/34046-bud-blood-experiences-6.html

No specs!

I'm certainly not God, I'm too down to earth. :D

I just don't like to see people being taken advantage of, and these guys go after noobs who don't know any better, have no to little experience. I have a saying about specialty industries which extends beyond the cannabis biz to stuff like hearing aids, eyeglasses, ski and dive equipment et al - "We are all dreamers, and con men fulfill that dream."

Think smart,
I know your down to earth and know your shit. No doubt about it.
And no doubt there are way too many 'snake oil' salemen out to get into your wallet.
And as far as your farm, sounds way cool! We grow grain crops. Tomatoes, greenbean, spuds ect.... Get 300-400 acres of tomatoes going and it def will keep you on your toes! Probaly our most challenging crop to grow.

Reduce the amount of nutes you are adding for a few days then resume your normal cycle.



if it doesn't

your good

This could be the plant pulling life from the leaves and giving it to the buds.. or it could be nute burn you never know.


Well-Known Member
Just changed the res with fresh nutes after flushing for 3 days. Added 5 gallons of filter water and mixed the nutes for 3 gallons so I have a 2 gallon buffer. This should last for 3-4 days, just in time to mix a new batch of nutes . I feel more confident knowning that this should really change how I have been growing. Dont know if it will make a difference in this grow but I'll keep my eyes on it.


Well-Known Member
OK so now I have recieved my new nutes. going to change my res and make a new batch tonight, I'll report if I see a change in growth, it might be to late but we will see.


Well-Known Member
So I made a new batch of nutes for the last time I hope, but I noticed that I was still getting some nute deficiency as the yellowing of leafs continued as spots. I'm sure that the GH nutes really do not support green growth as it should. I left a 2 gallon buffer so this would not happen but it still did. Now the new nutes are in and I'll let them go until the last 2 gallons or so then I'll begin the final flush for 2 weeks or so. The new nutes left the ph at about 5 so I had to adjust it to about 6 were I normally keep it at. Cant wait to see if the new nutes make a difference( or not being the last time they get nutes) at least help stop the nute deficiency.


Well-Known Member
What did you change it to?
Nothing, I flushed for a few days then made a fresh batch of nutes from what I had feft over of GH nutes. I added 5 gallons and mixed it for 3 so I would have a 2 gallon buffer.That lasted me until I got the dyna-grow. I then made a 10 gallon res change and mixed 2 tsp per gallon and left 1 gallon as a buffer. I just thought since its so close to being done that it was normal foe my leaves to turn yellow and die.


Well-Known Member
Just yellow uniformly no brown spots or cupping/curling? and I like my girls to yellow up while their swelling so I cut nitrogen ppm back alot in the last 2 1/2 weeks....to much nitrogen and you'll get longer flower cycle and light....whispy...leafy buds.....letting them have to little N and they'll eat themselves trying to stay alive and bud production suffers....get it just right for what you are growing and you'll get nice dense buds...size will always be determined by strain..light..ect. It takes me at least 3 crops on a new strain before I really nail down what it likes and does not...so I dont switch strains much. Hope it works out for you this go round they bounce back fast in a hydro set up changes so fast if you go and watch you can almost see the changes taking place...damaged areas stay damaged I let em turn brown and fall off unless there up into the canopy. you need a ppm meter so ya know some numbers so if ya find whats working..you can duplicate it over and over tablespoon mixing may get you in the ball park but what if its not how will you know? have fun :)


Well-Known Member
Well for sure I need a ec meter, that will be my second to next purchase. That's for your input, the Big bangs are the one that look most suffered but also are by far the biggest bud in my grow. One has really swelled up in the last week despite the set back.
I'm going to order some new strains today. I'll be sticking with GHS but will just go with 2 of there mixed packs of indicas. I will have another run at the BB but since I have no ec meter I have no notes to go off of. I just know that this next time will concentrate on producing nice green leaves and keep them through to the end of harvest. Will try the dyna gro 1 part fert for vegg and flowering and instead of using the grow box I made I will move the next grow into a walk-in closet in a different part of the house.


Well-Known Member
I started to flush this week and I noticed that there was a big difference. When I would change my nutes the GH nutes would leave a ring of salt as it was consumed, as opposed to Dynagro did not. As I change the res there was no visable sign of any salt build up. That makes me happy....all nutes are being absorbed equally.
UB had mentioned some thing about a balance of good salts.
Well I would say that this new nute is better and easier to work with than the 3 part GH series. Most importantly more nutritious to the ladies:bigjoint::bigjoint: