bob harris

Well-Known Member
Well there is a ton of info on this site and several other for that particular strain. If you go to dispensaries or know of other means of selection you may want to put that on your radar and try it.
I've looked at it..and some other strains...guess I really just don't feel like popping seeds..sexing..cloning..that whole takes awhile to know what you got thing with growing. I've sampled some strains, back when the dispensaries were open..but never found anything as "clean" at least for me, as what I'm growing.

Tried to grow some DJ Shoot "flo" from seed..supposed to have the potential for very sativa like effects, with a quicker grow time...which would sure make timing easier. Damn..took 8 months to get a real sample. Seed plants were all fucked up..mostly because I sexed them, then re vegged them, took clones, then flowered the "re vegged" seed plants..They grew all squirrley and weird, So I had to grow the clones up a bit, so I could take cuttings and have something "used to captivity" to flower.


Active Member
Politicians aren't treating patients like criminals. The are simply separating patients and criminals.
Actually is the politicians taking away liberty and therefore making people into criminals. A politician passes a law that dogs are illegal and you have a dog, you are now a criminal. But they really are just "simply separating patients and criminals" according to your logic.

People who have other people incarcerated over a plant should be incarcerated for being liberty thieves. Store your politician in a locked trunk at all times for everyone's safety.

Remember, politicians are responsible for way more deaths then cannabis.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
GODDAMNIT where is my like button?!?!?!?! I want to like the shit out of the politicians in the trunk comment, fucking GOLD man. it's gold Jerry...it's GOLD! Bob thinks like a criminal trying to look legit, I think like a legit dude who is being treated like a crook-there is the fundimental difference in about everything old bob says and what I believe. I put a seed in the ground and nurture it and see it through to harvest and then I dry it an cure it and get it jsut the way I like it and smoke it up. ought not be any crime in that be it a turnip or a coca plant. yeah, I said that free the coke too! JK, unless you really want to put the time in to grow your own coke stash-then I support it! but medical coke only, like for numbing skin and shit.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bob harrisPoliticians aren't treating patients like criminals. The are simply separating patients and criminals.
Actually is the politicians taking away liberty and therefore making people into criminals. A politician passes a law that dogs are illegal and you have a dog, you are now a criminal. But they really are just "simply separating patients and criminals" according to your logic.

People who have other people incarcerated over a plant should be incarcerated for being liberty thieves. Store your politician in a locked trunk at all times for everyone's safety.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Because he agrees that we should have NO rights that HAVE BEEN AFFORDED IN THIS LAW ALREADY. Read his post almost all of them are about how we should be popped for this or that.

No..I think we should be thankful for the rights afforded us in this law...and not take advanatge of them


Well-Known Member
HB4851 Also changes drug related felony to all felonies for caregiver disqualifications.

My buddy made a mistake when he was a teenager and was convicted of a felony. He's been good ever since, no probation violations and no criminal activity since. It has been nearly 10 years since his conviction(He will be 30 in just over a year).

He is the primary caregiver of his father(who has stage 4 rectal cancer). I've seen his setup and observed his caregiving practices...he bends over backwards to stay legal. Why should he prevented from caring for his father?

I understand that our legislature is trying to clear up the law, but the law is crystal clear on this. This is a piece of Rick Jone's SB505...always a big fan of this jackass.

My friends father asked his oncologist about medical marijuana. His doctor said he was could not sign a recommendation do to hospital policy. ...just something to chew on when considering all this bonafide doctor-patient relationship what not.

These changes seem fine to those that won't be affected, but maybe these unaffected individuals should actually meet some of these affected people before coming to conclusions.


Well-Known Member
TY Beagle. These bills WILL effect EVERYBODY at some point, of that you can be assured. Why wait until its to late.
the best offense is a good defense, and we NEED to Defend the Act As We the People Viewed, singed Petitions, Voted For and Passed, First and Foremost.

Implement the Act fully. Once that is done, we can actually see any issues, and we wont see to many really. the act is very well written and very clear and concise on what IS and what IS NOT authorized, and how and when it can be used as a Defense.


Well-Known Member
HB4851 Also changes drug related felony to all felonies for caregiver disqualifications.

My buddy made a mistake when he was a teenager and was convicted of a felony. He's been good ever since, no probation violations and no criminal activity since. It has been nearly 10 years since his conviction(He will be 30 in just over a year).

He is the primary caregiver of his father(who has stage 4 rectal cancer). I've seen his setup and observed his caregiving practices...he bends over backwards to stay legal. Why should he prevented from caring for his father?

I understand that our legislature is trying to clear up the law, but the law is crystal clear on this. This is a piece of Rick Jone's SB505...always a big fan of this jackass.

My friends father asked his oncologist about medical marijuana. His doctor said he was could not sign a recommendation do to hospital policy. ...just something to chew on when considering all this bonafide doctor-patient relationship what not.

These changes seem fine to those that won't be affected, but maybe these unaffected individuals should actually meet some of these affected people before coming to conclusions.

Thats the problem. Some people only care if it effects them. Shamefull.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
HB4851 Also changes drug related felony to all felonies for caregiver disqualifications.

My buddy made a mistake when he was a teenager and was convicted of a felony. He's been good ever since, no probation violations and no criminal activity since. It has been nearly 10 years since his conviction(He will be 30 in just over a year).

He is the primary caregiver of his father(who has stage 4 rectal cancer). I've seen his setup and observed his caregiving practices...he bends over backwards to stay legal. Why should he prevented from caring for his father?

I understand that our legislature is trying to clear up the law, but the law is crystal clear on this. This is a piece of Rick Jone's SB505...always a big fan of this jackass.

My friends father asked his oncologist about medical marijuana. His doctor said he was could not sign a recommendation do to hospital policy. ...just something to chew on when considering all this bonafide doctor-patient relationship what not.

These changes seem fine to those that won't be affected, but maybe these unaffected individuals should actually meet some of these affected people before coming to conclusions.

Unfortunately, a felony conviction, regardless of how good the person is after serving their time, carries lots of penalties for life. Can't have a gun..rules out security guard as a career. But the felon clause being added to the med law, doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Now, if you wanted to argue that felon's get a bad deal from the government, yes I'd agree with that. But it's a fight in a different battle.

I experienced having my PD doctor be unable to sign my recommendation. He is all for cannabis as a PD med, but works for a major hospital, and can't sign a recommendation. So yes, I had to jump thorough hoops to get my cert too. Point is...If you have a qualifying condition..you'll still be able to find a Dr. to sign your cert application.

Don't you see? You guys always want to point to "the true patients being abused by the government" You hold up a picture of a guy In a wheel chair and say "What about him"? to justify your ranting.

But you see..to a degree..I'm the guy you want to hold up and use as an example. I have a real condition, Parkinson's. Kind of a big un. Wouldn't you agree? And My primary wouldn't sign..so yes, I had to negotiate my way around that, even though he was all for it. And yes, being disabled, I'm on a fixed income. And yes, I'll have to comply with the changes that are coming.

But I'm not complaining. I'm thrilled with the med law.


Well-Known Member
wow bob, is ok for a felon to continue to set on a bench and be called a judge, or in a clinic and be called a Dr, or in a company and be called a CEO, but let one want to help family and fuck em. Your some piece of work bob. things like you are NORMALLY Scrapped off the bottom of shoes after leaving the dog park.
Your thrilled so long as they are not kicking in YOUR door. dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Where is it changed to all felonies?

HB4851 Also changes drug related felony to all felonies for caregiver disqualifications.

My buddy made a mistake when he was a teenager and was convicted of a felony. He's been good ever since, no probation violations and no criminal activity since. It has been nearly 10 years since his conviction(He will be 30 in just over a year).

He is the primary caregiver of his father(who has stage 4 rectal cancer). I've seen his setup and observed his caregiving practices...he bends over backwards to stay legal. Why should he prevented from caring for his father?

I understand that our legislature is trying to clear up the law, but the law is crystal clear on this. This is a piece of Rick Jone's SB505...always a big fan of this jackass.

My friends father asked his oncologist about medical marijuana. His doctor said he was could not sign a recommendation do to hospital policy. ...just something to chew on when considering all this bonafide doctor-patient relationship what not.

These changes seem fine to those that won't be affected, but maybe these unaffected individuals should actually meet some of these affected people before coming to conclusions.


Well-Known Member
its an amendment not shown on the standard bill. It was available for pickup to those attending the hearings, and has been posted on in multiple forums, except this one for the most part.

That is why i started to post here again, No one is aware of the coming assfucking, and I thought SOME of you may be interested so you can put in your chastity buttplug before bob, err, Senate and Legislation gives up your rights to bill schuette and the prosecution crews.

the exclusion for all felons to the CG ability is an Amendment, ie a sub law slipped into a main law, and is the dirty little secret you almost never hear about until its too late.


Well-Known Member
Personally, if the state FORCED all felons to grow medical marijuana, the state would be much better off.

Who the fuck are they to make me prove myself! I have a better idea. Why don't those cock suckers prove to us that they can run something correctly before they put their dick beaters all over my marijuana law. They took one of the best states in the country and ran in into the ground like it was their dad's concrete company or some shit.


Well-Known Member
That is why i started to post here again.
Are you kidding me? That is the reason why you started posting here again, but yet you never posted it?!

Does that mean you will post it and leave?

....hold on, I have about ten responses to this comment. j/k


Well-Known Member
you need to go look through my posts Glad, My first post back this year was basically on all 4 of these bills. The fact i have had to defend the fact im a 3MA mod was not my doing, but I have had to defend it non the less, from those that would rather you NOT CARE about these silly little liberty stealing bills. Guys like Bill Schuette and bob harris and GG have it all under control for you......


Well-Known Member
you need to go look through my posts Glad, My first post back this year was basically on all 4 of these bills. The fact i have had to defend the fact im a 3MA mod was not my doing, but I have had to defend it non the less, from those that would rather you NOT CARE about these silly little liberty stealing bills. Guys like Bill Schuette and bob harris and GG have it all under control for you......
I never had a problem with it and supported you. Then came the questionable tactics and motives of the 3MA. I don't for one minute think all the people that gave their 3MA/Joe Cain horror stories were lying or wrong.

Fighting for our rights is one thing, fighting with everyone on your side is another. I do a lot of good for OUR side, I am not the motherfucker that everyone wants negotiating with these terrorist fucks. With your temper I question you (but others have said you do fine). The fighting, name calling, bashing, and straight up attacking people is bullshit. How many have PLEADED that Joe Cain shouldn't be up there either.
I am much more concerned with my health and my family, then I am making Lansing happy. Our government is like the girl you used to know that would be the perfect wife, she was capable of so much - a gal with great potential, let's say, but the only problem is that she is a complete total whore. You let it slip a few times, but after awhile you realize you cannot turn a ho into a housewife. Lansing is our ho. I do not think for one second that I can talk our state into doing the right thing on any subject.
I changed shit up Timmahh. I am off all parole and probation. Now it's my turn. I put Michigan on probation. Is that some crazy shit or what? Michigan is on probation with me and if they pass a bunch of bullshit and fuck with my weed law, then my house is going up for sale immediately and I am looking for a new state that isn't like a bi-polar ex that has a pill problem.