<400 sq ft Ganja Steeple

I've been pondering my Ultimate Ganja Tower in semi-wooded 1/2 ac lot, w/ center 60' cleared for the 60-80' tall PVC Sewer Pipe 1-1.5' diam. Where water absorbing polymer crystals fill each dividing rigid screen-shelf, 10" hi root chamber to next plant above, spiraling upwards 5" tree-hole for each of 60 different strains growin simultaneously. Branchy Sativa's gro out northerly holes, leaving southern facing spots for Indica's. Figuring in full sun it'd be a 10'-17' mega bush. I don't have open plains to enjoy uninhibited sunlight daily but I do have Stealth in my woods. So if I can cheaply build a frame (hex greenhouse?) for6mil plastic, covering all sides, it'd be a MI state legal grow for patients. Pretty sure if it also has vho fl lites supplemental in circumference, brightening all 12hrs it could approach 50lbs per harvest. I'd have to learn repelling for harvest time.