400w HID/HPS Closet Grow (Edelweiss from clone)


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice setup. After I am done with this grow I am going to make some upgrades and see if I can't get better air flow and quit things down a bit more. Was thinking off adding a 4" to 6" connector on the ducting going out to the attic to see if I can increase CFM? Also thinking about a fan muffler or maybe just putting it up in the attic as well. Maybe I can make a fan box or something. Also want to work a little on my passive intake, either make it biigger 6" as well or maybe hook up a little fan to the 4" to bring more fresh air in. I have another closet that sits strait across from this one in this room...I am going to use that area to start some seeds and clone, possibly veg for a little bit and then get them in other closet. I have been starting and growing under the 400 but going to set up T5 for veg I think. I really want to do a DWC type setup this time but wondering how to manage res temps think it might get to hot?

intake is a big part of ventilation even if its only passive alot of people don't realize that especially in a small stealth cab

as far as your plans for dwc goes maintaining proper res temps are fundamental in dwc especially where your prone to root rot and bacteria frozen bottles work for a few degrees at a time but if your temps are over 82 you should look into a chiller because its just going to be a uphill battle my temps sit at 79 which isnt ideal but if i take preventive measures like treat with bennies and run with clorox alternating from week to week i should be good

Take a look at my closet. I have 2' X 3' area with a 400w. Duct goes to attic. I have 4" inline fan and carbon scrubber located up there. It's a very quiet setup.

i saw that a while back in really like your setup


Well-Known Member
Nice that looks super clean. I like it alot....so you are pulling air through your light ducted up to attic then to fan and pushing air out the carbon scrubber instead up pulling it?? I have thought about that as well and wondered how that would work. What kind of temps do you have in your closet? Also is that 6" ducting? Looks bigger to me in the pictures? Also is that normal ducting or is it a more rigid type?
Thanks man. Pushing or pulling your air doesn't matter. It's all about making things work for your space.

The house is 70 degree at intake and the room runs at 78% lights on.

I run 4" non-insulated ducting. The cool tube fixture is a 6". I just reduced it as the duct exits the fixture. Fan runs at 50-75% depending on intake temps.


Well-Known Member
Little note. You don't want to blow through a carbon scrubber, there is no pre-filter on the inside unless designed that way, you'll muck it up and cut it's life in half. You only want to pull through your filter where there is a pre-filter or it collects dust and everything else dramatically cutting it's life span. You can also make your own filter with stuff from e-bay and from pet stores. Activated carbon is used for fish filters and poly what ever it is that they use to stuff pillows makes a great pre-filter, you can find it in rolls and thin sheets folded in little bags at wal mart and such, you just cut a square and wrap it around then brace it with zip-ties or something. When I walk through a store I'm constantly thinking of how I can repurpose items. Saves you a ton of $. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Nah, it's common practice to blow through carbon filters.

Your intake should always have a pre-filter before the fixture to keep the bulb and fan blades from getting any junk on them. That's pretty common too.

We have had many discussions on this forum about pulling or pushing air. 50% do it one way or the other. It all comes down to space requirements and personal preference. The equipment is setup for either way.


Well-Known Member
O.k. I retract my statement as long as it's a closed system with a clean air flow yes you can blow through them, i was just saying that junk gums them up is all.


Well-Known Member
Right on, I agree with you 100% on the intake pre-filters. I get the sheets from Wal-Mart made for window a/c units. Cut 'em down and wrap them on the intake side of the closed light fixture. Works like a charm for cheap, like $1.50. I like saving money too, where I can.


Well-Known Member
I got a little bit of smell leaking when pushing through the filter since I seemed to have a little leakage between the light and the actual exhaust. I since put the filter on my intake(inside the closet) and put a muffler for the sound outside. That eliminated 95% of the smell, although occasionally it will still build up just a little in my garage where the exhaust runs to.

May be less of an issue for others, one of my ducts is not completely sealed for the exhaust as it goes through the wall.


Well-Known Member
When I walk through a store I'm constantly thinking of how I can repurpose items. Saves you a ton of $. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.
I thought i was the only one to do this lol. you have grow fever everytime i enter i room my first thoughts are how i can turn it into a grow op or how that closet would make a nice stealth cab lol