42 days of flowering, have video, need advice pls!! Thanks!! First Grow


Active Member
ok, these are cheap kc brains sweet dreams and crystal limit seeds, next time i will buy all female seeds, better strains, and improve!!! And the reason it is slow,(i think you guys are all right), it was from in sufficient lighting during the veggin, i vegged for 6 weeks, but at first my lights were shitty, so they prolly didnt go till potential, and they started showing the sex like a week n half into flowering. I know everything is working, but my next grow is going to be way bigger, and id rather improve and get better results!! your plant at 43 days into flowerng looks way more budded, how long did u veg for?


Active Member
I ordered them from everyone does it, this is the link to the two i ordered. I didnt wanna go top dollar on my first, I ripped a few out not being sure, i should of let them go alittle longer, just incase they were female. I was really worried about that, expecially being away in the week,and only being home on the weekeneds. But it was actaully really easy to tell the sex, im just in a rush against time!


Active Member
way nice buds my friend...have to ask though. what size light? how close? and PH? actually i just need to know if you have one...
The light 1-2 feeet away from most of the plants. Others alittle closer, but not to hot, 400 wattter with 10 cfls, no ph tester, but i add nutes and water

**also can some explain "super cropping" for me please


I mean, you just have to follow all steps of growing and youll be fine. Dont seem like you have read so mucht before starting. Start from bottum and read every week, then youll be fine. There is alot you have to know, and when you do, you have nice buds;)

Good luck


Active Member
I mean, you just have to follow all steps of growing and youll be fine. Dont seem like you have read so mucht before starting. Start from bottum and read every week, then youll be fine. There is alot you have to know, and when you do, you have nice buds;)

Good luck
I read alot, trust me i pretttyt much got the concept down and majority things to know. And if you say u know it all u gottta be wrong, you can always learn more!! I just dont know all the lingo sometimes, i prolly already know what super cropping is just not that term. i already new to bend my plants and tie them, i just didnt know it was called " training", but thanks! i come on here and read alot


Where in my text do you find anything that says that I know it all? I say you must follow all the steps, thats it. Fex, not more then 29 celcius, then the plant will overgrow. You have to pot it right, have enough light, the right fertilizer, the right mix of soil. Do you know its female? It seams that you had it growing a long time before you switch the light into12/12. Remember the plant will be twice or 2/3 times as big after 2-3 weeks of flowering. So dont let it grow to much before you put it into flowering. It seems like you had a weak light source under the growingstages? You do only give them 12 hours light right? And you kknow that when no light it really have to be compleatly dark. ZERO light, or els the plant will keep on growing.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I give direct fan in flowers, but on lower portion of plant gotta keep the airflow.. so a slight breeze is good.


Active Member
i thought if you have a fan growing on it, you dont haveto worry about mold?.... so later when lights are on, im going tie plants , lower light, and move fans


Well-Known Member
You are correct, but mold wont just Pop up for no reason overnight, you want a steady airflow.. nothing that shakes your plants too much but that if you lets say Spilt some water on the leaves while watering.. or have to spray the plants with neem.. Some nice air flowing around will dry it fast instead of letting it sit and thats were issues come in.
i thought if you have a fan growing on it, you dont haveto worry about mold?.... so later when lights are on, im going tie plants , lower light, and move fans


Active Member
wat r the nutes i should use, does anyone know anything at like home depot i can get, do i want to cut down on the nitrogen in flowering, and higher potassium and something else?


Active Member
off ebay? what should i get, but it will be a week by the time i get it and use it.. is it a waste so far down the line..The flowertone someone bought me was like soilish stuff, not a liquid mixture.


Active Member
immmma put in mad work tonight!! and make my room better for circulation , and make lighting situation more sufficient!!!!!!!!!! Will upload a video later, thanks alll!!! will need new advice later for the different setup


Active Member
well i was worried because its in a basement(MOLD), dont see any or anything, im good now, but i was growin mushrooms atr one point and i got mold after lke the 5th flush so i just hope theres no mold in my place lol


Active Member
i water them with a watering can, the water runs out the pots and onto the floor if i water it a shit load..its concrete floor...... i was thinkin since im not around in the week to take care of as much as i want, maybe i can just buy a humidifier cool mist, and put it on a timer, and put nutrients in the water?? has anyone ever heard of such a thing or is that crazy? just put it around the stems