4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck


Well-Known Member
Missed the last race but seen them wins bro Congrates!

What are the chances you did mix the seeds lol?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
From what i saw you guys did good!!!! i missed a few though.... I saw a 1st a sencond and a third.... i missed the others..... It looked like your dog got tangled up and fell at the end of the last race.... he is okay?
yeah, 2 wins,2,3,4, that dam 5 dog just mowed her right over, but yes, she's ok.

Missed the last race but seen them wins bro Congrates!
What are the chances you did mix the seeds lol?
man, im just not sure, the seeds were so different, i thought i kept pretty good track of which was which, but i have been known to screw up before, LoL. goota go pick up a couple dogs in the matinee, we have a hauler bringing us 6 new dogs and my buddy needs a hand and hes doing afternoon turnout, be back in a bit.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Your girls are looking great!
thanks p7!!
Well we'll find out when ya flower won't we lol. My guess is you didn't mix up the seeds though.
yeah, i guess we'll find out soon, the rocklock should be done a couple weeks before the KK.

day 53 and the girls are looking happy, they got another dose of molasses in their water today, i do that once a week. the clone looks like it getting just a little new growth out of the top today, i think its gonna make it.

i tried to watch the dogs today, but the player wouldnt work, LoL. not even replays, i think there having problems with it, i hope it works for tonight!!

Dog Races


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey, thanks kush, yeah i dont know, im not real worried about it as long as they both turn out good, LoL.

off to the dogs!!


Well-Known Member
I have a clone growing and I'm not sure what kind it is either....... It's all good smoke, I don't mind!!

I was in NYC all afternoon and i missed your first 7 races.... i caught 8-10-14... so i saw the two 4th place finishes.... how did your earlier races go?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
I have a clone growing and I'm not sure what kind it is either....... It's all good smoke, I don't mind!!
I was in NYC all afternoon and i missed your first 7 races.... i caught 8-10-14... so i saw the two 4th place finishes.... how did your earlier races go?
cool, post a pic!! won the 5th and the 6th, 2 4ths and a 3rd

Grow looks good CD....
Dogs? as in races? Love them if so.
thanks, yes, greyhound racing, i work every night picking up the dogs after they race, take them back to the kennel, feed them and then put to them bed, its great!! you can watch it live every night with WMP. thats the link i always post.

i didnt have this race, but look at the payout, fucking crazy money!! those are all $2 bets but the super, thats a $1 bet!! sick!!

2 Odd Inspector 20.00 8.40 5.00
7 Hi Noon Harmony 19.80 13.80
5 Rim Shot 4.60
3 Rk's Big Bear

Quin (2-7) $191.00
Perf (2-7) $1,021.00
Super (2-7-5-3) $13,116.70
1st Half Twi(2-7-5) $1,958.80


Well-Known Member
Phaccccckkkk...I miss it. Used to hang out fairly frequently when I lived in PHX. You brought back some memories. I took my daighter when she was younger..she was some kind of witch. That kid could pick races liek nobodies business..lol. I took her down to look at the dogs as they walked them in. Let her do her thing. Was good times.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well heres the girls at day 54, the buds are forming real nice on both. there are some brown spots on just a couple leaves all the way at the top, i dont think there burn marks from when i took them out of the box to clean out the dead gnats, really not sure what it is. and the gnats, a one time deal?? weird!!

the clone seems to be doing fine, i took the grass shoot from the other pot and put it in with the clone, i like the way its looking at the clone, like its saying whoa, where did that come from? LoL. i named her grassy.

well i got my wmp working, weird, i didnt chane any thing and it just wouldnt work, so i did a search and found this thing that said add .bak to the folder name and be dam if it didnt work, LoL. fucking computers, they will be the death of us all!! heres the link to the dogs.

Dog Races



Well-Known Member
Hell yea she is gettin puffy!!!! that clone looks ready to take off soon! I wish you guys the best of luck tonight... i gotta do some running around tonight but if I get home early enough i'll be rooting for ya!!!!! my clones will to.....hahaha get it, rooting... clones..... sorry I'm so wrecked right now off of my wonder woman!!! speaking of my WOWO... here's a pic of that plant that i'm not sure what it is.... it has to be a WOWO, Blueberry, AK47, or bubblelicious... i'm thinking it's either a WOWO or an AK, I understand you don't grow those strains but any idea's on what kind it is? I was thinking of posting on TreeZ thread cause i know he grows the WOWO and a Kush.....


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Oh yea, starting to build up some bud huh cd :)
hell yeah man, i cant wait!!

Hell yea she is gettin puffy!!!! that clone looks ready to take off soon! I wish you guys the best of luck tonight... i gotta do some running around tonight but if I get home early enough i'll be rooting for ya!!!!! my clones will to.....hahaha get it, rooting... clones..... sorry I'm so wrecked right now off of my wonder woman!!! speaking of my WOWO... here's a pic of that plant that i'm not sure what it is.... it has to be a WOWO, Blueberry, AK47, or bubblelicious... i'm thinking it's either a WOWO or an AK, I understand you don't grow those strains but any idea's on what kind it is? I was thinking of posting on TreeZ thread cause i know he grows the WOWO and a Kush.....
LoL, nice man, thanks!! your babies lookin great bro!! yeah, treeZ might know what strain it is. i dont, sorry.


Well-Known Member
damn they got some bud on em! i thought my biggest tree was around the same time as urs but urs looks like a week or 2 ahead! looks real nice! it looks like the clone and gras are lookin at each otha!

edit: btw i thinks its absolutley halarious that ur keepin that grass! lol!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Lots of buds CD..damn. Grassy is a cool name man..that picture with the grass is funny. Its like the grass is sitting there thinking...wtf.
LoL, yeah i know, i cant wait for them to get bigger. grassy seemed good to me, so thats her name now, LoL.

damn they got some bud on em! i thought my biggest tree was around the same time as urs but urs looks like a week or 2 ahead! looks real nice! it looks like the clone and gras are lookin at each otha!
edit: btw i thinks its absolutley halarious that ur keepin that grass! lol!!
i figure its not gonna hurt anything and it looks cool, LoL. and it will keep grassy company. thanks rasta!!